Another PD?? Mayyybeeee (S2 Plots)

Hellloooo!!! Coming in with another PD for the upcoming semester!!! There may have been plots and threads we spoke of last ic semester that may have been forgotten by me or haven't been started or anything, so please don't be afraid to reach out to me if there are any threads or any plots you'd like to revisit with me!! There are some threads that have been started and i may have completely forgotten to reply to so please lemme know if you'd like for me to reply to them (My muse for those characters may have vanished but still please reach out about those unfinished threads hehe!)

Other than that, let's get to plotting!!!


Joshua Lynch
Gryffindor • 7th year • Muggleborn

Conan Burke
Ravenclaw • 6th Year • Mixed Blood
Joshua is in his final year at Hogwarts. Now that he's in the second semester, the first semester of his final year at Hogwarts had been interesting, while he is disappointed they hadn't won their quidditch match, he had finally kissed the girl he had liked for a while, his best friend to be exact.

He's having a mixture of feelings being at Hogwarts. He's still having a wee bit of a struggle with having that balance of the muggle world and the magical world. Josh is now in that stage with his muggle friends where he isn't longer close to them. They feel like strangers at this point.

Josh also is really into anything sports-related and can be soft-headed at times. Josh doesn't know what he wants to do once he leaves Hogwarts if he' being honest, and is slightly lost in that area. He doesn't have many friends at Hogwarts, so I would like for him to have a few friends. Him being a sort of mentor would be funny to see.

No romantic plots are needed! Would love for him to have some threads with friends or him trying (terribly) being some sorta mentor to the youngsters would be interesting! Quidditch related threads would be great too!
Conan has entered his sixth year at Hogwarts, which he honestly is surprised by. His first semester had been steady, though he is terribly worried about one of his friends if he is being honest. He had an interesting break to say the least, his family actually being together for the break which had been nice while also finding out some stuff about his parents divorce.

The boy is still in his shell collection. Conan would be seen on the lake's shore practically all the time trying to find new shells that need to be added into his shell collection. He is always happy to do some sort of show and tell with his shells. Always happy to answer questions about the shells as well.

He doesn't have many friends, so I'd love for him to make some sort of friends or have more threads with friends he already has. Would like to start some romance plots or ideas for him! No finals at this stage as i'd like to see where things would go for him! Open to anything for this lad!

Eliza Reynolds
Gryffindor • 5th Year • Half-Blood

Marley Owens-Lee
Hufflepuff • 4th Year • Unknown
Eliza is a fifth year and I've barely done anything with her (Mostly because my muse for her isn't the best but I'm always up to try something) Her first semester had been alright (Only because the roleplayer had barely done anything for her omg)

Eliza is very much into anything that's sci-fi or comic book-related. She's very geeky and loves superheroes as well. I would love for her to have some friends since she barely has any. She's grown up mostly in the muggle world with her muggle father, though since her maternal grandmother is a witch and lives with them, Eliza had a sense of the magical world before she went to Hogwarts, though she much prefers the muggle world.

Open for any sort of romantic plots! Whether it be crushes, short term or flings, im pretty open to anything!! Not looking for any finals though as i'd like to see where things go! Would really love for her to have some more friends!!! She doesn't have many or barely any friends at Hogwarts!
Marley is in her fourth year at Hogwarts and is enjoying every minute of it. She is in the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as a beater. Marley is very artsy and loves to create and paint things. I would love for her to do more threads with her current friends as well as make some new friends. Quidditch or art-related threads would be fun! But I'm pretty open to pretty much anything for her.

Troublesome and adventure-like pranks would be fun too hehe!
Marley is now at that age where she has become interested in knowing her birth parents and where they come from and what not. To be honest I don't have ideas for this part of her life but I am open and interested to see if there would be willing to be part of this journey whether it be someone who'd be happy to play as her birth parents or a friend who guides her to finding her birth parents, I'd be happy to sort of open this aspect of her life! Pretty much open!

Open to any sort of romantic threads! Would like for her to explore crushes and whatnot hehe! Pretty much open to anything for Marley!

Fiona Burke
Gryffindor • 3rd Year • Mixed Blood

Thomas Fitzgerald
Hufflepuff • 2nd Year • Half Blood
Fiona Burke is the youngest Burke and is coming up into her third year at Hogwarts. So far she is enjoying it but doesn't have many friends at the moment, so I'd love for her to make more friends.

With now entering the second semester, Fiona has mixed emotions as she has found out more about why her parents had divorced and is honestly devasted and upset about it. So that may be something she'd want talk about maybe??

Fiona is very imaginative and loves to go on any sort of adventure. Fiona also likes Quidditch but was disappointed that she hadn't made it on the team last year. She will definitely try out again this year. I'm pretty much open to anything for Fiona!

Romantic plots aren't necessary for her at the moment but a small silly crush thing would be funny hehe! Quidditch and adventure threads would be fun!! She maybe up for some adventures that may require to bend the school rules a bit as well! So threads like that would be great!
Thomas Fitzgerald is in his second year at Hogwarts and is still having some trouble fitting in and finding his place at school. He hardly has any friends, which bothers him a little. Thomas is really into anything plant and animal-related. He keeps to himself a lot so someone has to come to him in order for him to talk. Thomas is always to be found in the outdoors somewhere, though his happy place at school is the school gardens.

I'm pretty much open to anything for Thomas, as I haven't really done anything much for him at the moment. No romantic plots are needed! Some more friends would be nice for him!! Would like to see some negative impacted threads happen for him as well! People who may not be really nice to him, etc, could be interesting!

Sophie Shepherd
Ravenclaw • 1st Year • Muggleborn
Sophie is new to my clan of hnz students! She's very social and loves sports! She loves anything sports-related and is always up for some troublesome fun! She loves to do pranks! Would love for her to have some sort of group of friends that would like to prank maybe. She is a muggleborn so she is very new to the muggle world. However, she is glad to experience the magical world with her twin brother, Theodore (roleplayed by Jess S) so she's happy to have her brother with her. She's very into sports, so she'll definitely tryout for the quidditch team when she can. Sophie has a good relationship with her brother and dad, but not so much with her mum. But Sophie will try her best academically to make her mum proud. I'm pretty open to anything for Sophie here!


Theodore Harper
Unsorted • Y48 Firstie • Mixed Blood

Declan Burke
Unsorted • Y49 Firstie • Mixed Blood
You may have seen this kid around the site recently! He's one of my new kids that have been added to the scene! Theo is still a little new so im still figuring this kid out! Theo is the eldest of three kids and while he has a laidback nature to him, he is protective of those he loves and cares about, especially his two younger siblings. All three siblings had grown up in an environment where the three of them were forced to learn an instrument but the instrument was their choice. There is more lore to this kid but I won't really bore you on the deets about him! All of that will be in his bio hehe!

Theo is a friendly guy, however! He does have an interest in sports but much prefers the art side of things! Theo is also in the daycare since his parents work for the ministry, so threads with him can be there too! Other than that pretty much open to anything for him as I'd like to develop him more!
Declan! Declan is one of the characters I have recently added to my character bunch! He's the cousin of Nolan and Molly Burke! He's pretty much the youngest out of the Burke bunch!

This lad has recently moved to New Zealand as his father had recently taken a job in the New Zealand ministry. Declan is pretty much a lost puppy and is in a whole new continent and country that he is pretty much unfamiliar with. Since his dad is in the ministry, he too is also in the daycare. I'm pretty much open for anything for Declan as he is a whole new character to this site! Though I would love for him to make some friends before going to Hogwarts!

Declan may not seem like it but he can be quite troublesome and quite the troublemaker! So would be interested to do threads like those hehe!

Oliver Harper - Currently 8 years old, sorted in Y50
Riley Harper - Currently 5, years old, sorted in Y53

I also have other characters, specifically adult characters if any of you are interested to roleplay with them as well!! But the ones displayed are those who are mainly want to focus on!!

That's pretty much the characters I'd like to offer! As mentioned before, I'm happy to roleplay with characters that aren't mentioned here if you prefer that! Just hit me up and lemme know and we can totally sort something out!! My offer of me making a character if you need a family member, whether it be for an existing family or a family in the making is always there too! I'm always happy to do that!

Otherwise, happy plotting and I can't wait for out plots together hehehe! If you ever want to go more in details with any sort of plots as well, please don't be afraid to either pm me here on this account or to reach out to me on discord!!​
I have a couple of suggestions.
for Eliza i can offer hugo. he is also slightly geeky, liking comic books and fantasy mostly. we can throw them as friends and see how they get along.

for Fiona i have Ivy Cullen. I am sure they were friends before school and i am sure they will be good firneds at school I am up for any kind of thread with them. practising quidditch, going on an adventure or having a heart-to-heart. Whatever you want.

for Thomas i can also offer ivy. as a friend and see how they go.
Hii okay so I have a few people to throw at you!

First for Sophie I have Lilith obvi, they are roomie already so it could be nice to get them some plot going maybe see if they can find a common interest or just friendship? Lili also grew up mostly in the muggle world so she is familiar with the feeling of most things feeling new and interesting so I think they could perhaps bond over that?

For Theodore and Declan I do have my Y48 upcoming firstie Mania! Shes been touring NZ with her parents recently who are keen on moving closer to the school once she starts, but knowing them this plan probably won't stick. So she would definitely love to make as many connections as she possibly can before school! Mania is a second born do first think later kind of a girl. She has a chaotic nature true to her name, she's also kinda new to me so I am still figuring her out as I go but so far she's just a bit of a talkative little miss thing. She'll act on pure emotion and thus she might find herself up to a lot of trouble. Could be interesting to throw her into some plots with your newbies and see what might come out of it?
Hey Maria,

Last time we talked about Eliza and my transfer Alicia, do you think we could try that again? I think they could be friends. Alicia is a very sporty and cive girl but she would be curious about Eliza's geeky interests.

I also have a plot idea for Declan. Me and Rowan have twins that are his age and are also in the daycare, they have a thread here. My girl Arachne is curious about making new friends, but her sister definitely isn't. Maybe we can say Nessie is home sick one day at Daycare and have Arachne and Declan meet and have her (attempt to ) socialize?
Ooooo!!! Yay!! Some repliessss hehe!

I have a couple of suggestions.
for Eliza i can offer hugo. he is also slightly geeky, liking comic books and fantasy mostly. we can throw them as friends and see how they get along.

for Fiona i have Ivy Cullen. I am sure they were friends before school and i am sure they will be good firneds at school I am up for any kind of thread with them. practising quidditch, going on an adventure or having a heart-to-heart. Whatever you want.

for Thomas i can also offer ivy. as a friend and see how they go.
Hiya Mia!!

Eliza + Hugo - I think they'd be great friends! Them having similar interest I reckon would help build that for sure! Maybe they can talk about comics or the similar interest I guess? Unless you may have any other ideas of ur own?

Fiona + Ivy - Yessss I think i remember them having a thread together and quite enjoyed that thread for sure! Either of those could work! I don't mind hehe! I reckon Quidditch-related or maybe even an adventure thread could be quite fun! Fiona probably wants a disraction with what has happened at home and such hehe!!

Ivy + Thomas - This could be interesting! Thomas is a shy little kid, so he wouldn't really be the one initiating the conversation or anything, Ivy would most likely have to come to him ahahaa

Hii okay so I have a few people to throw at you!

First for Sophie I have Lilith obvi, they are roomie already so it could be nice to get them some plot going maybe see if they can find a common interest or just friendship? Lili also grew up mostly in the muggle world so she is familiar with the feeling of most things feeling new and interesting so I think they could perhaps bond over that?

For Theodore and Declan I do have my Y48 upcoming firstie Mania! Shes been touring NZ with her parents recently who are keen on moving closer to the school once she starts, but knowing them this plan probably won't stick. So she would definitely love to make as many connections as she possibly can before school! Mania is a second born do first think later kind of a girl. She has a chaotic nature true to her name, she's also kinda new to me so I am still figuring her out as I go but so far she's just a bit of a talkative little miss thing. She'll act on pure emotion and thus she might find herself up to a lot of trouble. Could be interesting to throw her into some plots with your newbies and see what might come out of it?
Hi Faye!

Sophie + Lillth - Yes!!! I reckon this would be cool! I don't think we've had them roleplayed together yet, so I'm quite keen to put them together and see what happens. I reckon them growing up with the muggle community and such, I think that will help their bond as that's something the both of them can relate to! But yesss I'd be totally keen to put those two together and see what happens!!

Theo/Declan + Mania - Ooo either one of them could work! Declan sorta relates to her with the moving aspect of her life as Declan has recently moved to a whole new country. A country he isn't familiar with. Her and Theo will be sorted in the same year, so it would be nice for him to have a few friends before they start school. Either or both would be fine with me!

Hey Maria,

Last time we talked about Eliza and my transfer Alicia, do you think we could try that again? I think they could be friends. Alicia is a very sporty and cive girl but she would be curious about Eliza's geeky interests.

I also have a plot idea for Declan. Me and Rowan have twins that are his age and are also in the daycare, they have a thread here. My girl Arachne is curious about making new friends, but her sister definitely isn't. Maybe we can say Nessie is home sick one day at Daycare and have Arachne and Declan meet and have her (attempt to ) socialize?
Hiya Daphne!

Alicia + Eliza - Yessss we did talk about these two!! Apologies for not replying to that thread for semester 1, i had completely forgotten and it had totally slipped my mind. But yesss I'm still keen on doing these two! Eliza would love to talk about that, but she'd also be curious about Alicia's sporty interests too!

Arachne + Declan - Oooo! I like this idea very much! I would be keen to see what these two are like! Will defs help me figure out how Declan is like as a character as well I reckon!
Ooooo!!! Yay!! Some repliessss hehe!

Hiya Mia!!

Eliza + Hugo - I think they'd be great friends! Them having similar interest I reckon would help build that for sure! Maybe they can talk about comics or the similar interest I guess? Unless you may have any other ideas of ur own?

Fiona + Ivy - Yessss I think i remember them having a thread together and quite enjoyed that thread for sure! Either of those could work! I don't mind hehe! I reckon Quidditch-related or maybe even an adventure thread could be quite fun! Fiona probably wants a disraction with what has happened at home and such hehe!!

Ivy + Thomas - This could be interesting! Thomas is a shy little kid, so he wouldn't really be the one initiating the conversation or anything, Ivy would most likely have to come to him ahahaa

Hi Faye!

Sophie + Lillth - Yes!!! I reckon this would be cool! I don't think we've had them roleplayed together yet, so I'm quite keen to put them together and see what happens. I reckon them growing up with the muggle community and such, I think that will help their bond as that's something the both of them can relate to! But yesss I'd be totally keen to put those two together and see what happens!!

Theo/Declan + Mania - Ooo either one of them could work! Declan sorta relates to her with the moving aspect of her life as Declan has recently moved to a whole new country. A country he isn't familiar with. Her and Theo will be sorted in the same year, so it would be nice for him to have a few friends before they start school. Either or both would be fine with me!

Hiya Daphne!

Alicia + Eliza - Yessss we did talk about these two!! Apologies for not replying to that thread for semester 1, i had completely forgotten and it had totally slipped my mind. But yesss I'm still keen on doing these two! Eliza would love to talk about that, but she'd also be curious about Alicia's sporty interests too!

Arachne + Declan - Oooo! I like this idea very much! I would be keen to see what these two are like! Will defs help me figure out how Declan is like as a character as well I reckon!
Okay yeah Lilith + Sophie Definitely happening then! We could do either in the dorms or common room when they get back something. I could definitely start a thread for them on one of those and Lilith can just either approach Sophie or if you'd prefer could do something else too, but I think that could be very natural way to go about it?

Theo/Declan + Mania yes definitely would also love something for either of them or even both, idk what other ways there are but I have done a few in the park? But like if you have any idea for anything feel free to bring up, but definitely would love for her to meet more people! c:
Okay yeah Lilith + Sophie Definitely happening then! We could do either in the dorms or common room when they get back something. I could definitely start a thread for them on one of those and Lilith can just either approach Sophie or if you'd prefer could do something else too, but I think that could be very natural way to go about it?

Theo/Declan + Mania yes definitely would also love something for either of them or even both, idk what other ways there are but I have done a few in the park? But like if you have any idea for anything feel free to bring up, but definitely would love for her to meet more people! c:
Sweet! Yeah either in the common room or in the dorm room should be good! If you're able to start something that would be great!!

I can try and start something with both if you'd like for me to? Unless there might be a pairing ur more happy to focus on? Is there anywhere else where Mania could be found hanging around? Or is the park her main place to be? :)
Sweet! Yeah either in the common room or in the dorm room should be good! If you're able to start something that would be great!!

I can try and start something with both if you'd like for me to? Unless there might be a pairing ur more happy to focus on? Is there anywhere else where Mania could be found hanging around? Or is the park her main place to be? :)
Perfect! I'll start something for them later when I get home today and let you know! :wub:

I am definitely fine with her meeting both so go for it! I think she has had a lot in the park so perhaps she could accidentally wander off to somewhere else too :r I'm still figuring most of the site places out so whatever you fancy I can work with! She probably is very likely to wander around a lot these days either way!
Perfect! I'll start something for them later when I get home today and let you know! :wub:

I am definitely fine with her meeting both so go for it! I think she has had a lot in the park so perhaps she could accidentally wander off to somewhere else too :r I'm still figuring most of the site places out so whatever you fancy I can work with! She probably is very likely to wander around a lot these days either way!
Awesome! All of that sounds perfect hehe! No rush, take all the time you need hehe! I'll try and get something started with both pairings later today and ill send it your way hehe!
@Lilith Ilves - Here are the threads! I've kept them both open! Lemme know if you'd like me to change either or both to close!
Theo x Mania -
Declan x Mania -

@Professor Elvera Le Fey - Forgot to ask! But did you wanna start all three or did you wanna start a couple and do one later? And what ones did you wanna start? I can start whatever is left over!

@Amber Chou Wilson - Apologies! Forgot to also ask in the original post of my reply, did you want me to start one and you can start the other? Or would you prefer to focus on one for now and do the other later? I don't mind, either works for me hehe!
Ooooo!!! Yay!! Some repliessss hehe!

Hiya Mia!!

Eliza + Hugo - I think they'd be great friends! Them having similar interest I reckon would help build that for sure! Maybe they can talk about comics or the similar interest I guess? Unless you may have any other ideas of ur own?

Fiona + Ivy - Yessss I think i remember them having a thread together and quite enjoyed that thread for sure! Either of those could work! I don't mind hehe! I reckon Quidditch-related or maybe even an adventure thread could be quite fun! Fiona probably wants a disraction with what has happened at home and such hehe!!

Ivy + Thomas - This could be interesting! Thomas is a shy little kid, so he wouldn't really be the one initiating the conversation or anything, Ivy would most likely have to come to him ahahaa

@Professor Elvera Le Fey - Forgot to ask! But did you wanna start all three or did you wanna start a couple and do one later? And what ones did you wanna start? I can start whatever is left over!
Eliza and hugo. sounds good.
Fiona and Ivy also sounds great.
Ivy and thomas also would work. ivy isn't shy about talking to strangers especially people who are shy and on their own.

maybe start one each to begin with and then add the other in in a little while.

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