Anonymous Compliments 2025! šŸ’

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It's that time of year again, the time of year where we send Anonymous Compliments! :frantics:

This is an event that has been running for over a decade now (!) and shows no signs of slowing. Begun by MESSI and continued by the site staff, Anonymous Compliments is a chance to spread some love across the site. šŸ’Œ Using the pre-made templates, we invite you to use whatever software you prefer - photoshop, affinity, paint, gimp, or even an online uploader (directions below) to add some compliments to a site member. *
*If you continue to experience difficulties, even with the options provided, please reach out to any member of site staff to discuss receiving additional assistance.

There's no sign up list - anyone and everyone is encouraged to send in compliments. From now through February 13th EOD EST, we will be accepting compliments to the upload album entitled 'Anonymous Compliments '25.' Then, at some point during Valentine's Day weekend, the compliments will be made live for you to view. The banners can be found in the album! A big thank you to Kiersten for working on it! ^_^

1. Board Rules apply to all compliments.
2. Multiple compliments may be submitted but please make sure it is clear who the compliments are intended for and use the recipients name in the title of the image.
3. Be mindful of font size and colors; compliments must fit onto the banners provided.
4. You must use the banner(s) provided to send in these compliments without making any changes apart from adding in the compliment.
5. To receive compliments in this topic, you must submit at least one compliment for another site member.

Please upload your compliments to the folder marked Anonymous Compliments '25 (within the ooc uploads folder).
Once you have uploaded your image, you will see this message 'Awaiting approval before being displayed publicly.' This is correct! Your image will only be visible to you (and site staff) until they are made public.

Please note: If you upload to a personal folder and then move to the anonymous compliments folder there will be a time that they are visible to all members and may not be anonymous if your recipient sees it.

We look forward to seeing all the compliments roll in! :D

(on behalf of the site staff)

If you're a mobile user or would simply prefer to create your cards online, you can use LunaPic!

Step 1: Copy one of the image URLs below:


Step 2: Select 'Upload Options', enter the URL into the first field on the next page, and hit 'Go'.



(Note: PC users will see the URL field on the front page.)

Step 3; Select 'Add Text'


Step 4: Add your text and edit to your heart's content! You can drag the text around to move it into position.


Step 5: When you're happy with your card, save the image under the sharing options (you may have to scroll down to find them)


(note this picture was taken before Imgur had its issues)

Step 6: Upload an image to the appropriate anonymous compliments folder. You're done!

A thank you to Claire who worked on the tutorial and created the original instructions.
Last edited:
Last call. We'll close off the ability to upload to the area today.
Happy Valentineā€™s Day everyone! šŸ’“

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day. Before we jump to the compliments, I want to take a moment to thank everyone who participated in sending in compliments this year. Events like these only work when people participate, and it's always so heartwarming to see the messages that you send to each other. I hope those of you who wish you'd RP with someone more or chat with them a bit more take the chance and reach out to do so! ^_^ I also love seeing the wonderful friendships that have grown across the site. :wub:

Without further ado, enjoy some compliments! :frantics: :party:
As a reminder, the below is just a sampling of the compliments that were sent in. Everyone who participated will also get a PM from me over the course of the weekend with any additional compliments they received. All compliments will be available for viewing in the anonymous compliments '25 album as well.























Best wishes for continued love and kindness towards each other throughout the rest of this month and year! :wub:

(on behalf of the site staff)

P.S. A big thank you to those of you who sent in compliments for me! :)
Aaaaaaah, my favourite time of year! Thanks everyone who sent me a compliment, I love all the love in this community fr :wub:
Awww you guys! I absolutely love HNZ and everyone on it, and this right here is a perfect example of why! Happy Valentine's everyone! :wub:
All of the additional compliments have been PMed to people who participated! Everyone else, I encourage you to check out the album and see the compliments that were sent in for you.

Happy Saturday!

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