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Hey everyone,

We will be using this thread to highlight when areas open/close, events as they are happening, etc. outside of BWU time.

So here's the first announcement:

Semester two begins tomorrow! First and second years should automatically be enrolled in their courses. Third years and above, don't forget to sign up for your lessons!! Also, make any purchases you need to as the holiday forums will be closing soon-ish.
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We have now moved into Semester 1 - the classes will start on Monday, so take this opportunity to sign up to your classes and get any last supplies that you need.

(If third year and above, 1st & 2nd years are automatically added to classes)
Gang, holiday areas are now closed. But applications have re-opened.
The Halloween feast is now open! 🎃
Brightstone is open (and Makutu mall for 3rd years and up)
Holiday areas are now open!
Yuleball will close tomorrow!
Folks, you can now sign up to semester 2 classes. (those in third year and above)
The valentine's day dance will close this evening (GMT)
Graduation is now open! Head over to celebrate!
We've now moved the board to semester 1, so you are now free to sign up to your classes for those with kids in third year and above.
The Halloween Feast is now up and running! 🎃
Students can now travel to Brightstone (and Makutu Mall for 3rd years and up)!
Folks, Halloween will be closing at 5pmish (GMT) today, do be sure to wrap up any threads as necessary.
Students can now RP in the shops and other forum areas for the holidays!
With apologies for the disruption today - after some automated updates it seems like our main disk space was filled which caused plenteous problems.

I have resolved things well enough for now and have reached out to the appropriate support team as most of the disk space on our server is being used by the server management software and not HNZ itself (obviously something is awry)!

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We've now moved to S2 on the site - so third years and above should sign up for their classes.
The valentines dance will close tomorrow GMT.
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