Autumn had arrived rather late to the play and had spotted Arisa doing somethign rather sneaky looking. She decided to ignore it, not knwoing the girl well enough to be caught up in her acts and took a seat near thje front. As soon as she sat, a rocket went whizzing over where her head had been moments before, and struck a blonde haired lad.
She recognized him to be the 'boyfriend' of her best friend Luna's older sister Kailey, who she didn't notice on stage. Then again, Kaiely was a metamorphagus and that leggy blonde didn't look too familiar. She saw everyone rushing towards the boy as he fell silently to the wooden planks of the stage and Autumn raised a hand to her mouth in horror.
"No." she whispered as everything seemed to slow down. Lily Potter, the head of the sorority she hoped to join, and an older boy that she thought was named Mike had reached him first. Then came the Ancinet Runes professor-Njord's mother- and Professor Rambolt, whos he knew as the deputy-headmistress and recognized from DADA class the other day.
These were the thoughts running through her mind as she struggled to remain calm. Poor, poor Kailey. at once sprang to her mind, followed quickly by a flooding image of Thomas's dear face. And then she thought back to seeing Arisa in one of the balconies.
Feelign ill she rose and decided it was bets to take her leave. She would see Kailey later in the dorms, and Luna and herself would try their best to comfort the poor girl. But for now, she absolutely had to be with her best friend in the whole world. Thomas Smith.
It's said that witnessing a tragedy makes you feel fragile, exposed, weak. Your body shuts down and you're on auto-pilot. That's how the petite rbunette first year Ravenclaw was as shedrifted like a ghost through the corridors, trying to find her lighthouse in all the turmoil that was unfolding around her.
To cling to him and know that he was alright. That one of the rockets hadn't caught him as it had her dear friend's love.... Is that what this was? Love....
And with the final thoughts running through her head, the screams echoed through the girl's now absent mind as she exited through the great oak doors and wennt upstairs, to collapse in an armchair and stair into the fire, silent tears streaming down her face at the awful tragedy that had befallen her beloved school.
What a pain to be known as the class of murderers. What a shame it was that those imbecels were in her year, and had offhandedly killed someone near and dear to one of her best friends, and the entire school at that. And poor Professor Aesir, oh what she must be enduring right now. The tower was silent, but downstairs the cries of agony and anguish could be heard throughout the entire stone castle.
She recognized him to be the 'boyfriend' of her best friend Luna's older sister Kailey, who she didn't notice on stage. Then again, Kaiely was a metamorphagus and that leggy blonde didn't look too familiar. She saw everyone rushing towards the boy as he fell silently to the wooden planks of the stage and Autumn raised a hand to her mouth in horror.
"No." she whispered as everything seemed to slow down. Lily Potter, the head of the sorority she hoped to join, and an older boy that she thought was named Mike had reached him first. Then came the Ancinet Runes professor-Njord's mother- and Professor Rambolt, whos he knew as the deputy-headmistress and recognized from DADA class the other day.
These were the thoughts running through her mind as she struggled to remain calm. Poor, poor Kailey. at once sprang to her mind, followed quickly by a flooding image of Thomas's dear face. And then she thought back to seeing Arisa in one of the balconies.
Feelign ill she rose and decided it was bets to take her leave. She would see Kailey later in the dorms, and Luna and herself would try their best to comfort the poor girl. But for now, she absolutely had to be with her best friend in the whole world. Thomas Smith.
It's said that witnessing a tragedy makes you feel fragile, exposed, weak. Your body shuts down and you're on auto-pilot. That's how the petite rbunette first year Ravenclaw was as shedrifted like a ghost through the corridors, trying to find her lighthouse in all the turmoil that was unfolding around her.
To cling to him and know that he was alright. That one of the rockets hadn't caught him as it had her dear friend's love.... Is that what this was? Love....
And with the final thoughts running through her head, the screams echoed through the girl's now absent mind as she exited through the great oak doors and wennt upstairs, to collapse in an armchair and stair into the fire, silent tears streaming down her face at the awful tragedy that had befallen her beloved school.
What a pain to be known as the class of murderers. What a shame it was that those imbecels were in her year, and had offhandedly killed someone near and dear to one of her best friends, and the entire school at that. And poor Professor Aesir, oh what she must be enduring right now. The tower was silent, but downstairs the cries of agony and anguish could be heard throughout the entire stone castle.