Aine Thompson

Aine Thompson

Going My Own Way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
20 (21/9/2043)
Aine Evelyn Thompson

Name: Out of a sense of obligation, she has an Irish name despite being decidedly Australian (although further anglicized by the lack of appropriate accent on the a). But since her mother is determined to maintain a historical connection to her Irish heritage (she's about third generation Australian but her hometown of Koroit has a huge Irish connection so here we are). Aine (pronounced AHN-ye) is a name meaning 'brightness' or 'radiance', named for the Celtic goddess of summer. Evelyn was her great-grandmother's name, meaning 'desired child'. Aine deeply feels the irony of that one.

Birthdate: September 21, 2043. Somehow, being born on a Monday feels appropriate.

Zodiac Sign: Virgo (just). She is analytical, can be a bit of a perfectionist. She is reliable if a little scatterbrained at times but she can be a bit difficult and set in her ways. She is an idealist, though, even if she gets caught up in considering the details and pondering the big questions that the ability to cast magic brings forward.

Hometown: Hamilton, Victoria, Australia.

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Wand: Curly 13 Inch Rigid Pine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
While unlikely the wand Aine will carry for the rest of her life, it's certainly an investment for her school life. Elegantly crafted but in danger of breaking under too much pressure (appropriately), pine wands are suitable for loner types with a penchant for new and creative uses of magic and non-verbal spells. Meteorite dust is adaptable while maintaining its own personality. It is hoped that it will be a good reminder to Aine to stay true to herself - knowing that perhaps should she be swayed from who she is, the wand will likely disobey her commands until she re-evaluates her priorities. 13 inches is naturally unfortunate, but time will tell whether she can defy an unfavourable fate.

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Aine was a little surprised to be sorted in to Hufflepuff - she'd been described as polite and well mannered by teachers, but never exactly warm and friendly. It wasn't as though she often had friends over to visit or was even invited to parties, as she'd tend to rub people the wrong way if she actually started talking about her interests. Indeed, there's a good chance she would have fit in in Ravenclaw or even Slytherin. However, considering that her main dream when she was sorted was to be able to bridge the gap between the magical and muggle worlds (mostly to not have to choose between one or the other) that's an ambition that makes her an ideal Hufflepuff.


Hair: It was strawberry blonde, but it's grown darker and more red over time. For fifth year, she cut it and dyed it a darker red in the hopes of refreshing her mood and her appearance in one.

Eyes: Pale blue.

Height: 5'8", fairly average height for her age. At least for Australia.

Style: Still working out the answer to that one.

Other Distinguishing Features: None in particular.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Aine had been a quiet kid growing up, but that was more due to being the baby of her family and instead of doted on, primarily ignored. She has a lot of opinions and thoughts and worries her brain doesn't work in quite the same way as everyone else's, so she tries to keep herself in check. Of course, in her awkward teen years she became far more inclined to awkwardly blurt things out when feeling overwhelmed. She's not an unpleasant person, just a little caustic and difficult. Kind of just...terrible at expressing herself. Especially anything affectionate.

You wouldn't know from an initial look at her, though, but she is quite idealistic. She can get bogged down in overthinking things but at her core she just wants to belong somewhere and if she has to change the world to make a place to fit in then she'll just have to do that. She's disarmingly honest - but in such a way that hides her true feelings behind a veneer of apparent honesty. It's as though she's trying to be open without actually being open in the slightest. She's also developed a dry sense of humour over time that's self-effacing on the surface. She's caught in between pride and self-loathing, a desire to connect with others and yet also an aversion to opening herself up. She's a walking contradiction, in essence.

Strengths: Cleverness and wit, idealistic, analytically minded. Loyal and likes to stick up for the little guy. Not a very good liar - will usually lie by omission as opposed to making something up.

Weaknesses: Bad at dealing with confrontation, overthinks, sharp tongued, jumps between interests, can be narrow-minded, will often procrastinate if given the chance. Overdoes everything because she fears if she'll stop she won't be able to start again. Struggles to get her head around aspects of magic that don't seem to have reason - i.e. not understanding the purpose of some types of Transfiguration.

Likes: Reading, especially classic novels but has a secret shameful enjoyment of trashy romances, cats, writing, hot chocolate on a rainy day, warm blankets, city lights, ocean breeze.

Dislikes: A majority of magic spells, failure, heights, strenuous exercise, loud noises, sunburn, not being in control of her emotions, herself.

Patronus: tba

Patronus Memory: tba

Boggart: Herself. Specifically, the versions of herself she keeps hidden for fear of alienating people even further than she already does. Ironically, if she accepted these parts of herself she'd probably be far more stable. But she fears lashing out and hurting people by sharing true feelings and darker impulses.

Mirror of Erised: Probably just the ability to actually face herself in a mirror and not despise what she sees. Doesn't even need to be a magical mirror, just a regular one.

Amortentia: petrichor, freshly baked blueberry muffins & the smell of a thunderstorm.

Special Abilities: She has (as of fifth year) commenced training to be an Occlumens.

History: There's...not an awful lot to tell. Aine was born to a fairly ordinary family in western Victoria. Her grandfather had married in to a wealthy, landowning family, allowing her family to appear as old money. Somehow, this is still important in sheep country to this day. Aine's the youngest of four children, with a large gap between her and her siblings. Rather than being coddled, there was something of a sense that she was born in order to fill some sort of void in her mother's life without any small children around. Unfortunate, really. Of course, even at the tender age of 11 she had the sense she didn't fill expectations, being an altogether introverted child who never really stood out from the crowd. She didn't have the interest or physicality to be anything more than a liability in farm work, she didn't participate in team sports actively, she didn't befriend the right kinds of people (i.e. those from the right families), and to top it all off, inexplicable things often seemed to happen around her.

Luckily for her, an antiques store run by a rather eccentric middle-aged lady opened recently - and when Aine got her Hogwarts letter, the owner, an alleged Ms Victoria Bennett (a very poor psuedonym, as Aine eventually found out), took her under her wing, revealing that she, too, was a witch. Indeed, she had taken a few young muggleborns as proteges, mostly ones who had a deep connection to their home or loved ones that they weren't willing to completely give up to join the magical world. Violet also fell in to the trap with Aine of treating her as a small adult, and not an 11 year old girl, but Aine didn't seem to mind as much when she was at least listened to and didn't feel discouraged from talking about her interests.

Family: Aine's the youngest of four - none of her elder siblings have any magical ability. Her parents, Stephen and Aoife, are a stock agent and real estate agent respectively. Status is everything to her parents (which is ironic - Aine's status is nothing in the wizarding world). Have the right cars, send your children to the right school, associate with the right families, etc etc.

Aine's eldest sibling, Siobhan, is in her early 30s, recently divorced, and lives in Melbourne with her young daughter. She's a physiotherapist. In recent years, she's become somewhat of a confidant for Aine, mostly now Aine is actually old enough to have decent conversation with her. Siobhan being somewhat bitter about her divorce is probably going to rub off on Aine, though...

Next is Conor, who is a VFL player - a source of great pride for the family, naturally. Even if he didn't manage to break in to the national league, it's still a talking point in the sport's heartland and something for the family to hold their head up high over. He had to step back due to injuries and mostly coaches teens now, he's been sneakily teaching Aine to drive (mostly because he hurt his leg and couldn't) although he has a bit less in common with her.

Finally there's Ailish, who's 9 years older than Aine. She's currently trying to "find herself". Aine would always roll her eyes at this (behind her mother's back). Even with only 9 years between them, there always seemed to be a distance. She moved overseas and usually sends kitsch postcards from Europe.

At the very least, she does have her black cat, Ollie, who she bought before the start of second year. Aine is not at all affectionate (can you blame her) but Ollie brings out the softer side of her. She likes to curl up with a good book and Ollie sat on her lap - even if he can act up a bit and scratch and bite when he gets bored. Aine's the last person who can judge for that.
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Aine didn't have the faintest idea that she was a witch. Sure, maybe she was a little different to her older siblings, but she figured it was just because she was an introvert in a family of extraverts. Sure, maybe she had a greater tendency to have static electricity buildup and get shocked than anyone else she knew and maybe sometimes strange things happened that made absolutely no sense like the time a football was about to hit her and seemed to repel completely away from her out of nowhere...but that's just freaky coincidence, right? Right?

Stubborn Forces Collidew/ Emmett Lancaster
Magic? Surely You're Mistakenw/ Violet Bellamy

First Year

Aine did not take to Hogwarts easily. It probably didn't help that she'd been guided by someone who had a bit of emotional baggage when it came to Hogwarts, but Aine didn't really get that part. Magic just didn't make sense to her and she was completely convinced that there was some kind of a mistake, that she'd been put into Hogwarts as a really elaborate practical joke. Despite all of that, her dedication to at least trying to get the theory part down if she couldn't get the practical part down meant that her grades were actually pretty good. Except Flying. We don't talk about Flying. She did manage to talk to a lot more people than she ever had before, though, even making a couple of friends. Eventually.

Oh, no privacy?w/ Iman El-Halaby
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y40w/ various Hufflepuffs
...where do I even begin?w/ Professor Landon Carter
Y40 Muggleborn (and Raised) Support Groupw/ various
Extra Studiesw/ Giulia Alcott
Hiding Away (OSW)w/ Augustus Westwick, Cameron Roswell
Windy Afternoon (OSW)w/ Connor Holland
The Right Terminology (OSW)w/ Kasim Safir
From The Outside Inw/ Ngawaiata Martin
A Little Extra Helpw/ Professor Mallory Corrins
Yellow Petals For A Firstie (Rose Giving)w/ Molly Burke
Bored Gamesw/ Rhys Garner
Artistic Adventuresw/ Abigail Payne
I'm Just Here For The Foodw/ Margo Fox
Pretend Knights On A Pretend Questw/ Rosie Archer
Stunnedw/ Valerius Bianchi
No Magic Neededw/ Amelia Middlebrooke
Debatingw/ various
Y40 End Of Year Feastw/ various

Second Year

Accepting the fact that she was, in fact, a witch, and did have to continue her magical education, Aine decided it was better to just make the most of it, doing things like joining the Hogwarts Monthly. It helped she was probably starting to become a little more confident with the wizarding world - ethical quandaries posed by Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts notwithstanding. What didn't help was turning thirteen and starting to become more emotional and change a little - becoming marginally less reserved and a little more outspoken, for better and more so for worse.

Witches Need Black Cats, Right?w/ Aeon Summers
I'd Rather Read A Novelw/ Ryan Fisk
Intro To Magic: Unofficial Workshop #1 (of 1)w/ regrets, various
New Year New Challengesw/ Professor Mallory Corrins
Politics of Aligned Worldsw/ Harper Alston
Y41 Club Fairw/ various
Story Writing | HM Meeting Y41/S1w/ various
At Oddsw/ Cameron Roswell
Inkstained Disasterw/ Jordan Harris
Learning The Ropesw/ Abigail Payne
First Time For Everythingw/ Valerius Bianchi
Answering Student Questions - Campaigning Continuesw/ Victoire Fontaine
Not Thinking Things Throughw/ Valerius Bianchi
Drowning Things Outw/ Rosie Archer, The Golden Eel
Easy Breezyw/ Zagreus Kohler
Bitter Truthsw/ Cameron Roswell, Valerius Bianchi
This Is A Sneaking Missionw/ Van Voclain
History Clubw/ Emmanuel Okoye, Professor Matt Alcott-Ward
Y41 Electives Fairw/ various
Y41 Duelling Match #1vs Cameron Roswell
Y41 Duelling Match #15vs Ngawaiata Martin
The Ugly Taste Of Karmaw/ Cameron Roswell
Communication Breakdownw/ Valerius Bianchi
Third Year

As with second year, Aine entered her third year with grand intentions, although mildly humbled by the end of her second year. This year, though, the grand intentions were to study every single subject, which was most likely an utterly terrible idea she would absolutely regret. Or it would make her earn an embarrassingly high amount of house points. Either or. Most likely both. (Reader, it was both). She also faced her boggart, which was quite the personal journey.

Prelude To Mistakesw/ Branson Archer
Shopping Strugglesw/ Cameron Roswell, Lily Cliffeton
A Sad Knight Made Sadderw/ Rosie Archer
Historical Promotionsw/ Emmanuel Okoye
Unstoppablew/ Isadora Novak
Awkwardness of Conversationsw/ Abigail Payne
Cake On The Cliffsidew/ Ruto Vernier-Raison
The Welcoming Committeew/ Monday Weeks
Passionate Debates | HM Meeting Y42w/ various HM staff
Awaken My Mindw/ Harper Alston
No One Knows The Truthw/ Weston Stirling
Uncertaintyw/ Zagreus Kohler
Three-Legged Racew/ Seraphiel Fletcher, various
Choking On Apologiesw/ Celia Vuong
History Club Second Ever Meetingw/ Emmanuel Okoye, Kyon Lockwood
A Crack In The Facadew/ Cameron Roswell
Abroad or at Home, I Feel Lostw/ Van Voclain
Not Even Attempting To Dancew/ Silas Broomhead, Margo Fox
Looking in the Wrong Placesw/ Ethan Alexander
Y42 End of Year Feastw/ various, personal regrets

Fourth Year


Not Being A Total Lost Causew/ Margo Fox
Please, Don't Let It Be Sandpaperw/ Celia Vuong
Not So Subtle History Club Sign Upw/ Emmanuel Okoye, various
The Importance of Maintaining Controlw/ Monday Weeks
Expressing Yourselfw/ Cameron Roswell
Haunting the Hallsw/ Marnie Frogg
History Club Y43 S1 Meetingw/ Emmanuel Okoye, various, Aine ruining things
Princess For A Night (OSW)w/ Ngawaiata Martin, Margo Fox
Under Pressure (OSW)w/ Caleb Thorne
So Much For Auld Lang Synen/a
Oft, a Pink One (rose giving)w/ Brevity Boone
Maybe Too Much Yellow (rose giving)w/ Leah Thorne
I never watch the stars, there's so much down here (rose giving)w/ Niamh Eriksen
Sunny Badgers (rose giving)w/ Zerrin Fergusson
Puff Delivery (rose giving)w/ Professor Noelle Maxwell
Rose Patterned Armourw/ Cameron Roswell

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