A room unlike the rest

Makato Scry

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12" Elder wand with Dementor's tear core
Makato was walking down the corridor, thought plagued him so. He was thinking of his nanny and his keeper. Coming to hogwarts was fantastic but he was getting out of shape his mind was not as sharp so he needed a place where he could continue his training. But where Makato did not know. With this thought a door appeared out of nowhere. Makato had never seen the door before, it was different in a way from all the other there was a carving of a shield on the front of it. Makato's curiosity got the better of him. Walking slowly up to the door makato walked in.

Inside was a room like none other. It was a room totally dedicated to the art of defense. One the back shelf was books on defensive spells and muggle self defense. On the right side of the room layed dueling dummies and targets so he could work on the magic he learned so far. On the left side of the room was muggle tools of protection, weightlifting equipments punching bags and a wooden man. On the wall that the door was locate were a variety of books on spells on how to protect one home and dwelling. Most of the spell were to complex to learn but in time Makato will be able to accomplish them.

Makato went to the wall with the protection spell books and grabbed one off the wall. He took the book and sat down and began to read.
Makato had told Bellatrix about this place. She followed his instructions carefully and suddenly a door appeared. She grinned her sly grin and quickly entered to see him sitting there reading a book. "Lovely to see you here..." she said.
Looking up from his book he gave Bella a grin. "I see you decided to come! " Makato said as stood up and reached for his wand.

Makato smiled at Bella.
"Indeed I did..." she said returning the same grin and taking out her wand. "Urm...but I have one slight... caution....my wand is... monitored and restricted. I don't know what I can and can't do."
"That is okay, I cant say that i know many spells but the few I have learned in class and in books." Makato shrugged.
"Well lets see what you've learned first year!" she said in an icy yet meant to be playful tone. However it did not come across that way. She backed away a bit never turning her back. The shouted, "Cr-Cr ehhh Rictusempra!"
A large barn owl swooped into the Room of Requirement and dropped two pieces of parchment on the ground in front of Bellatrix.
Miss Green,

When you were provided with your restricted wand it was under the condition that you would be able to perform any of the spells typically consistent with your level of training at Hogwarts New Zealand and your current year of successful study.  As such, you will note that your wand is not capable of performing Rictumsempra. 

Please find included a list of the spells that are available to you.  Please note that the third year spells that you are capable of performing are only those that you have covered in lessons thus far this year.  I will be monitoring both your attempted spells (your wand has a tracer) and your conduct towards others quite closely this year. Do not disappoint me or disgrace our house.

Professor Manteia

The second parchment read:

Here is a list of spells first years may cast

Lumos - Light Emits from the casters' wand
Nox - Stops the effects of Lumos
Wingardium Leviosa - Makes an object levitate
Accio - Summons an object
Depulso - Used to move/flip/activate magical switches etc.
Marking Charm
Stupefy - Stuns your opponent
Protego - Sheild Charm

--Advanced First Years--
Petrificus Totalus - Totally Petrifies the Victim

Second Year Spells

Scourgify - Cleans things
Alohomora - Unlocking Charm
Reparo - Repairs an object
Repello - Spell that keeps something away from the caster or from a target object that the spell is cast upon.
Homenum Revelio - Reveals human presence in the target area.

--Advanced Second Years--
Serpensortia - Causes a large serpent to burst from the end of the caster's wand.

Third Year Spells

Cheering Charm (Exhilaro)
Engorgio - Enlargens an object
Incendio - Sets the target object on fire
Locomotor - Moves the target object.
Riddikulus - When performed correctly, this forces the boggart to take on an appearance which will inspire the laughter that forms an effective defense against the creature.
Planerio - Makes objects levitate
Bellatrix quickly stopped and cursed when she saw the parchment. She slowly opened them cursing more at the first one. She groaned as she read the second one. "This is so bloody annoying! I can't do really anything!"
Watching the spell fail Makato lowered his wand slightly. Then the owl flew in and deliviered the two letter to bella. Makato walked over to bella and placed a hand on her shoulder so that he could read over her shoulder. Reading the note Makato cursed also. "So unfair I want to have some fun. SO NOT FAIR."

Makato turn adn yelled with all his mind as he sent a spell flying at a dueling dummy. " STUPEFY" . The dummy burst into flames under Makato fury. When Makato saw what he did he rushed to put out the fire.
Bellatrix was glad the Makato was sympathetic. "Yeah I know..." she mittered. Then when she saw him burst the dummy into flames a grin came across her face. "Nice!"
(((How did the dummey light on fire? Srupefy stuns things, so it might fall over. And as this is a magical world perhaps the dummies can move/dodge &c. )))
ooc: Just let Makato have his fun. And who knows the spell could have not come out right plus with all the anger things go awry in the magical world King. I thought you knew that.
(((Okay, so the next time you cast accio it can be the killing curse?

Answer: No. )))
((King, Magic is as unpredictable as the wind. In the Harry potter serious there is no exact science to magic. Harry used simple will power to do underage magic when he reach emotional pikes. SO the same applies. I am not gonna go around and cast one spell and have the effect of another happen. Makato has a storyline that I kinda discussed with alicia I am following that storyline to the T. Also I am having a small amount of fun. I fount the dummy bursting into flame quite hilarous =)) ))
Makato looked at Bella with a sheepish grin as he scratched the back of his head. "I did not mean to do that. It was an accident."
(((In reply; YOU ARE NOT HARRY POTTER. The magic done here will be consistent with the books; meaning that since you aren't the 'chosen one' or the 'boy who lived' you cannot change the properties of any spell you are casting; especially as a first year. Keep RP'ing, but keep in mind also, that you are not Dumbledore or Harry Potter and you are supposed to only be 11. ;-) )))
"We could still duel you know but you cant use your more signature spells." Makato grinned.
"Okay, may I use any means of hitting you that I can think of?" Makato ask with a smile.
"Why not? Nothing stopped me when I was your age, the young need to be taught it proper ways anyway, and what way is better than learning? Do anything but I'm not an easy target!"
As bella began to lecture Makato laughed in his head. Let put her reputation to test. Makato with this thought broke out in a sprint at bella. Closing his eyes for only a second, Makato worked out the lay of the room, also the flood of spells he had learn so far rush to the front of his mind. When he open them he took a quick step right. Barely above a whisper he raised his wand and cast his first spell"Stupefy!" , The spell burst from his wand and shot straight to the victim.
She saw him begin to sprint towards him and found this quite comical. A smirk ran across her face but when she suddenly saw the jet of light from his spell she quickly yelled. "Protego! Nice, very nice...but not good enough!"

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