A Preemptive Absence Note

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
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Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Hi! I'm kind of hoping this absence note won't be needed, but based on the past few weeks, I have a feeling I'll be pretty slow for the next month or so.

I've got some work deadlines and other life things I need to take care of over the next week. And then from Oct 25 to Nov 6, I'll be traveling with limited access to internet. Afterward, there's a good chance I'll still be slow until Nov 19.

I'm hoping I'll find some time to plot and post outside of my trip but wanted to get this absence note up just in case. (Also, apologies to anyone I had a thread with over the last few weeks.)
Take care of yourself! Hopefully life and work things aren't too painful and you have a great time travelling. We'll be here when you get back! :wub:
Take care of yourself!
Best of luck getting through all of the things!
Take care of yourself Ana, that's the most important thing. We will not run away. :wub:
The good news: I got to visit Rapa Nui, so if one of my characters ever decides to run away on that particular History of Magic field trip, I can write about it accurately :p

The bad news: I realized just how much I missed traveling, and I may have booked another trip for the end of November oops

I will hopefully be active again by the start of December!

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