Open A Little Reflection

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Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Interested in Somebody
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (25)
Poppy had always looked forward to Halloween and this year was no different. She still wasn't on best of terms with her friends but she was starting to care less and less about that. And she wasn't about to let that stop her from going to the feast and entering the costume contest. She hadn't won last year but she had done well in the past and wanted to keep the streak up as long as she could. After tonight she would only have one more shot and the thought made her sad. She wouldn't think about that tonight and would instead enjoy the sweets she stuffed into her pockets as she walked around the hall. Poppy stopped in front of some fun house mirrors and giggled at distorted image. She swayed back and forth, and was mesmerized by the twinkling starts on her dress. She had worked very hard on her costume and hoped others would appreciated it too.
Kiara was excited about Halloween dances, she knew she could come with Arthur but she decided to join someone else, perfectly from her year. And that perfect opportunity showed up when she saw Poppy and immediately came to her. "Poppy! You look amazing! You look like from Game of Thrones or some royal person!" Kiara had chose some more ironic costume with her being a witch and dressing up like a stereotypical muggle witch. After that she looked at herself in the mirror and started to giggle.
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Augustus was pretty proud of his costume this year, though he knew Edmund and Theodore would think it was a silly one. Augustus just didn't always want to dress up as some terrifying monster, and he knew they would never know anyway. But whenever he enetered the Great Hall for events like this, Augustus wondered what he was even doing here. He didn't know if Addison was going, as she probably had other things on her mind. He didn't know if his roommates were going either. Was he doomed to spend the whole evening by himself again? But then he spotted Poppy and hesitated before heading over to her. She was nice, not scary, and had spent time with him at events before. But as he approached, he noticed another girl had started talking to her. A pretty and energetic blond girl, someone he didn't know. Augustus froze, stopping in his tracks. He had half-raised his hand in greeting and kept it there, wondering if he should turn back.
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Lysander had not been organised for Halloween, and while trying to come up with an outfit idea, ended up simply throwing on the costume he'd worn at the club fair. Any opportunity to wear it and flaunt his floral royalty. The flowers were still, of course, in pristine condition, because magic. The King of Flowers wandered the hall for a bit, searching for some friends until he spotted Poppy and Kiara. He made his way over to them, almost tripping over someone who had come to an abrupt stop in front of him. From the looks of it, he wasn't the only one to have spotted the two Ravenclaw girls, and Lysander gave the boy an encouraging nudge forward on his back. "Come on, then. They don't bite." He said with a grin, and continued on over to the others. "Poppy! Kiara! Cool outfits." He commented. He crouched down in front of the mirror beside the one Poppy had been posing in front of, pulling a face as it elongated his forehead. "You know, people keep telling me I'm going to get a big head. I didn't think they meant it literally." He joked. A terrible one, to be sure.​
Poppy looked up suddenly when she heard Kiara greet her. She hadn’t gotten to know her newest roommate very well and she was happy to see her. “Oh thank you.” she said and blushed a little at the sudden attention. “Your costume looks amazing too.” she added quickly. The other girl’s costume was rather impressive and had a very dramatic look that she appreciated. She was about to look back at the mirrors when she spotted Augustus lingering. “Hi Augustus!” she said and waved him over. “How’s your Halloween been so far?” she asked and Lysander also popped in. She laughed at his comment and went to stand behind him. “I guess it just depends how you look at things.” she teased lightly and pretended to grab his giant head in the reflection.
Kiara excitedly smiled at Poppy and as she got the compliment back, she excitedly giggled before getting distracted by the understandment that sparkles actually moved. "Wait, they are enchanted? It makes everything even prettier! And thank you!" Kia lightly winked at Poppy before noticing that she noticed someone else. She turned to see who she was talking to and she just knew that she had seen him somewhere but didn't know where exactly. However, she anyway excitedly gave a wave to him as it seemed that the other girl knew him pretty well. "Hey, I'm Kiara!" She fastly let him know before getting even more excited to see Sander. This year's feast was totally going to beat her previous experiences. "Here comes the king himself," she enthusiactially called out before he went to Poppy and Kiara turned to Augustus to not leave him out. "Your costume is really cute, the shirt matches with your eye color!" After that she let a thought that maybe she had met him in Vibez, it would only make sense why she didn't exactly remember him. "You are detective, right?" She wanted to make sure to not mess anything up.
Arthur was running a little later than he would have liked, but that was alright. His costume had been a bit finicky. Still, he came down to the feast. He looked around, seeing Kiara with a group of people. Not really wanting to look anywhere else, he slid around the edge of the crowd until he had looped around. He stepped behind Kiara, standing still behind her and looking at the others. Poppy, Lysander. A boy he vaguely recognized.
Augustus jumped when someone nudged him, turning to see Lysander Summers. He hesitated, then nodded and followed him, wondering how he made it look so easy. Everyone seemed better at talking to people than he was, but it was especially obvious around someone like Lysander. "Uh, hi." He said as Poppy greeted him. "It's okay." He added quietly. He glanced nervously at the girl who had been talking to Poppy, as she started speaking to him. He glanced down at his shirt, then back up at her. "I... suppose." He mumbled, he hadn't thought about that. When she asked if he was a detective, Augustus simply nodded. Another boy joined them, and Augustus glanced around nervously. How had he become part of a group of confident older students all of a sudden? He spotted Addison but she was far away and with someone else. He wondered if he could join her, but he knew leaving the group abruptly would probably be rude.
Lysander gave Kiara an exaggerated bow, and chuckled at Poppy's comment once he was in front of the mirror. "Wise words to live by." He said as he bobbed his head about in the mirror to get it to different sizes, or elongate his crown. He saw someone approach in the reflection, and threw a look over his shoulder to where Kiara was standing, with someone else behind her. He couldn't tell who it was, not clad in all that black and wearing a mask. It didn't stop him from pointing a finger and feigning a horrified expression. "Kiara! Look out!" He jokingly warned, in case she'd yet to notice the creepy figure. sneaking up.​
"It is!" Poppy answered Kiara excitedly, happy that someone had noticed. It was more subtle than some other costumes but she had worked hard on it. She shot Augustus and reassuring look, knowing he probably didn't like the attention being on him. She hadn't noticed that another person had joined them until she heard Lysander shout. She jumped at the sudden sound and turned around quickly, and let out a small yelp in surprise as she spotted the masked figure next to Kiara. Poppy put a hand on her chest and tried to calm herself when she realized it was just another student. "Now that's a good costume." she said with a shaky laugh. "You nearly scared me half to death."
Kiara excitedly clapped with her hands about the fact that Poppy's dress was enchanted, it looked totally amazing. And she was just about to actually start conversation with Augustus when she heard Lysander's warning. She was a bit scared to turn immediately around. "I guess, I have to prepare myself for what it behind me," she lightly joked to mostly Augustus, and Poppy and Lysander if they heard her. Kiara was half-aware of who it might be. She slowly turned around and her eyes went wide at the costume but she knew who it was. His height and the fact that he stood behind her immediately gave him. "Arthur! That's an amazing costume," she took a step back to gave a half-hug to him and not turn away from other people. "Oh shoot, you're alright?" She asked Poppy once she noticed that she was actually scared.
Arthur was pleased with the general reaction to his costume, but decided that he could take the mask off for now. He hugged Kiara back, leaving an arm around her waist. He reached up, unclasping the mask in the back and lifting it off his head. He shook his hair out a little and let the hood fall back. He smiled at the others. "Thank you," he spoke quietly, smiling at poppy and looking to the detective and Lysander. "Your majesty," he murmured, putting his mask to his chest and bowing his head slightly.
Augustus kind of admired the older boy's costume, as he had worn something similar last year but hadn't pulled it off like that. He had definitely not scared people nearly as much. It was somewhat of a relief to see the boy's face, though it only made Augustus more aware of how he was in a group of strangers. Cool, older strangers who all knew each other and didn't know him. He hesitated before speaking. "Nice costume." He mumbled to the older boy, though he was looking at his shoes as he said it.
Lysander had to contain his laughter when Poppy ended up being more surprised by the costume than Kiara was. He definitely hadn't recognized his dormmate until the other boy took off his mask. He showed off with a flourish of his flower cloak, and chuckled. Most of the time he forgot that Halloween was about being spooky. None of his own outfits had been all that terrifying. "Man, the amount of people you could terrify dressed like that. I'd vote you for Most Scary for sure." He told Arthurian. Even outside of Halloween, it would be wicked fun to jump out at people from around corridor corners in that costume.​
Poppy laughed awkwardly and felt her face heat up with embarrassment at her over reaction. She shouldn’t have been so surprised about scary costumes but in her defense she hadn’t been expecting to see a dark and looming mask when she turned around. She nodded along as the others complimented his costume but she just smiled sheepishly. “Definitely a contender.” she said in agreement with Lysander. “You signed up for the costume contest right?” she asked curiously, not wanting him to possibly miss out
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