A few days

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Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
So, a couple of things are happening right now.

1: Finals
2: Moving
:cry: Recovering from a car wreck.

Needless to say, I will not be online until at least the third. xD Internet should be back up then. You know, transfers and whatnot. By then my finals will be done. Talk about timing. The wreck got me out of work for today and tomorrow, to help me study.

Welp. See you guys on the flip side!
~ Kaitlyn
Take care and good luck with those finals!
Good luck with everything! :hug:
Really bad pun, I know.
Well, my internet gets connected tomorrow, so I am leeching off of the school's right now seeing as I am getting a ride everywhere I need to go. xD
I hope you're doing okay dear! Can't wait for you to be back to your full evil self.
what Cole said
It took the internet a little while to get back up and working, but now I am back! Finals are over, and summer has begun! Sure, I got some classes in the summer, but still.
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