Jacob knew Kace in passing. They didn't really run in the same circles so he didn't really have an opinion on him either way. The teen did always seem to spot him around here so he began his search for Kace by the lake. It was more muddy than usual today so Jacob was not going as far down by...
Selene was making her way out into the grounds to deliver one of her roses. This person was harder for her to track down as the first year wasn’t in the yearbook but she had a vague idea that they had won a prize at the Halloween feast. Not that that helped, they had been wearing full shark...
Selene was getting through her roses. It was weird how fast she was able to find people. On days when she had seen people running all over the castle she found Everyone in the first place she had looked for them. This next delivery she wandered outside not sure why but her instincts had worked...
Majora was trying to get Nox to help him with the rose delivering. If owls were good at figuring out who people were, why weren't cats too? He had asked his feline to find one of the Hufflepuff boys, and watched quietly as his birthday present pranced across the lawn. Following behind, half...
Elio didn't really know who the last person on his list was, so much as that he was a Slytherin. Eager to get his last rose delivered, the Gryffindor had legged it down to the dungeons, running through the dark corridors and bounding round the corners as though he was being chased by a werewolf...
Elio was glad to have found a friend in the Ravenclaw. It was a bittersweet given that she would soon be graduating, but Elio was still glad they'd met and shared their love for music before it was too late. Hoping that he knew where he'd be able to find the older girl, he was searching the...
Leda had never been one of those "popular" students, not by a long shot. So many things she only had because she was lucky, and it was only recently that she'd realised that. Hogwarts Monthly was one of them. She'd originally joined the club on a whim in the hopes of getting her stories out...
Alexis spotted @Ren Lockwood and quickly approached the boy before the Gryffindor could leave the table. "Ren? Ren hi. I've got a rose delivery for you." She held the rose for him to see.
It was lunch time when she finished delivering with Professor Kain's rose. Still wanted to go on without stopping but her hunger was imminent. Alec decided to go back down the Great Hall while checking her basket of roses. Three more to go and one of the people she might spot in the Hall...
(Pink rose, open after @Agnieszka Norgaard )
Poppy was exhausted after a day full of running around the castle delivering roses. It was fun but it didn't mean her feet didn't hurt afterward. But she was finally down to her last rose, a pink one. She started to wonder who it was from and who it...
Pink rose, open after Jasper Michaels
After asking around Iris concluded that the next person was a boy in Lars' year. Lars could help her pinpoint who it was, and now Iris walked up to Jasper Michaels with the pink rose in her hand. She smiled, anticipating a happy reaction. "Hello, you're...
1 red + 1 pink rose, open after Willow Cullen
This next person was someone Emma knew, and she left Lysander's side for a moment to rush up to Willow at the Gryffindor table. She was one of Fleur's friends, and the Gryffindor seeker. "Willow!" She yelled. "You have two roses, red and pink, but...
Pink rose, open after Clifton Ward
Alice had been lucky so far, mostly having deliveries for Hufflepuffs who she was fairly familiar with Clifton Ward was someone she knew vaguely, though she didn't know more about him that the fact that he was in the year below her. Alice spent some time...
1 yellow + 1 pink rose, open after Elio
While Alice always loved the rose delivery event, her heart wasn't entirely in it this year. After the breakup with Blake, Alice was not really in the mood for romance. She also put less effort into her appearance, not wearing the usual flower crown, but...
Ilija had been looking for @Baron Corelli on the list of transfers up on the notice board in the entrance hall, hoping that he could gain some knowledge about where he would find the boy or even what house he was in. It proved useless though as he he couldn’t find a trace of the name anywhere...
((Pink rose for Emilia Manning, open after Daphne))
The last rose didn't have to go anywhere near the same table, but only this time he asked the hufflepuff where Emilia Manning was and when he was pointed at the girl, Thomas walked over to her for a long time. ''Hey, I was told that you're...
((Yellow rose for Lily Lockwood, open after Jessica ))
The fourth rose was no problem either, as he used help to ask a senior member of the tower where to look for Lily Lockwood in the tower when she got a response at the Hufflepuff table. He held the rose in his hand behind his back. Also...
((Yellow rose for Gabriel Rosenberg, open after Jamie))
It was quite easy here as the third rose came to his tower member and he had seen him in the common room. Therefore, it is perhaps fortunate that he met Gabriel Rosenberg at the Gryffindor table. Only this time, the pink rose was unknown...
Jacob had seen Abian a few times already in passing, and he could have easily stopped him to make his rose delivery but he didn't. Because it was pink, and every time he looked at the thing, it caused this weird feeling in his chest especially after he'd read it. It was unsigned. Of course...
Jacob didn't even need to finish looking at his list of roses to deliver to know which one he was doing first. He had a professor on his list... who was receiving a pink rose. Jacob was burning with curiosity for this one, so he rushed to the professor's office, taking the steps two at a time...
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