
  1. Hugo Stark-West

    HM Dec 2063 (Y48 S1)

    WELCOME By Miranda Dawes (Camilla) Well it's been another busy semester here at Hogwarts! As usual we have welcomed an excited (and possibly terrified) group of first years to our hallowed halls and we hope that all you firsties are settling in nicely! Also as usual we have had some staff...
  2. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-weekly Update

    I can't believe we are at the end of August...the month has flown by! But here I am again, back with another BWU. Let's get to it! Week 6! :o Hard to believe, but we at the very last week of new classes for this semester. With it being week 6, we ask that professors begin to catch up on grading...
  3. Stefan Archer

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello all! Happy Monday! It's my turn again and it's a nice and short one today. Week 4 Can you even believe it! I barely can, we're already on week four, where does the time disappear to. In any case, professors should ensure they are posting lessons for week four, ensure that you are caught...
  4. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-weekly Update

    How have two weeks already gone by? But they have, and I'm back with another BWU! We still have a lot to share, so read on! Y47 Semester 1 is underway! We are already heading into week two if you can believe it! :o But let's recap a few things: The start of year feast is underway; sorting is...
  5. Professor Killian Borisyuk

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hey all y'all and welcome to the last BWU of March. It is already March in 2024 which is sort of astounding if I say so myself. We don't have as many things going on as the previous with sorting and all. Anyways. Quidditch We have an upcoming game between Slytherin v Ravenclaw, so we can only...
  6. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-Weekly Update

    It's time for another BWU, so grab a snack and let's goooooo... The new school year is underway! In fact, we are already heading into week 2! :o But with it being the new school we have got a bunch of news to share: Transfers: 1 transfer application was approved this time around. Sorting...
  7. Stefan Archer

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Welcome all, to another BWU by yours truly. We've got a lot to cover and then a lot to look forward to, so let's just jump right in. Exam Week How quick the semester passes! We are in the exam week! This is the final week of the semester, the one to try to complete any outstanding classes and...
  8. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Biweekly update

    Good evening, Good evening Good evening and welcome to another episode of BWU (bonus points if you read that in Steven Fry's voice). I know it hasn't been quite biweekly but the update took a break over the holidays. so now we have a whole month to catch up on. I will give you a second to sit...
  9. Stefan Archer

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello all and welcome to another BWU from myself! We have a number of things to get through, so lets just get into it. Reading Week We are now in the reading week! This is the week break between the semester and the exams. Now is the point to post any classes that had not yet been posted, and...
  10. Stefan Archer

    Bi-Weekly Update!

    Hello and welcome to this BWU. It is a beautiful summers day here, so let's just jump right in. Week 3 We are in week 3! I can't believe it. Already in week three. That means that people should be posting those week 3 lessons. For all those with professors, be sure that you have posted your...
  11. Stefan Archer

    Bi-Weekly Update!

    Folks, it is a little late, but it is here! Reading Week Folks, we are in the reading week! This is the week between the last week of lessons and exams. At this point, professors should have posted all of their classes. If you have not, then the staff will be in touch soon enough. For those...
  12. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello, everyone. Welcome to the next BWU, and it is a good one we have had a lot of things this last two weeks, and there is some very egg-citing stuff on the way. I don't know how it is there, but here the seasons are starting to change here, and it is the perfect time to settle down with a cup...
  13. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-weekly Update!

    Grab your beverage of choice and join me for some updates! Semester two begins! We hope the between semesters break served you well, but it's now time to get back into it. :party: Semester two begins today! Don't forget to sign up for your lessons (if you're a third year or above). With the...
  14. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-Weekly Update

    HAPPY NEW YEAR HNZers! I hope you all are having a great start to the new year. Grab a snack, sit back, and catch up with me on everything that's been going on across the site! Y43 begins tomorrow! Wasn't that a quick break?! But, it's true, Y43 begins tomorrow, so you know what that means...
  15. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Biweekly update

    *insert air hostess voiceover voice* Good day. Everyone and welcome to the next BWU, my name is Mia, and I will be your guide today. We will have a wander through IC and OOC updates before having a look at some highlights for your time here and what you can look forward to in the coming weeks...
  16. Monty Pendleton

    Bi-Weekly Update!

    Hello everyone!!! 'Tis I, Clairey, bringing you today's issue of the bi-weekly update. I'm listening to music as I write this, so hopefully I won't accidentally slip any song lyrics in. Let's gooo!! ^_^ End of Semester One Reaching the end of semester one is always a little bittersweet for...
  17. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-weekly Update

    Hello and welcome to HNZ's first BWU of spring (IC and OOC), and hasn't spring sprung on the site? We have a lot going on for your enjoyment. House Meetings Each of the houses have their house meetings up and running. Come and join your house for the meetings and semesterly updates. You can...
  18. Stefan Archer

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello hello! Welcome to this BWU and the first of this brand new IC year! We've a number of things to get to so let's just get started Semester 1 Begins! As of today we are offically now in the new semester. This is week 1, so the opportunity to try and get on top of things and stay on top. For...
  19. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Life is BUSY! I've seen the posts in shouty and know that this isn't the case just for me. Everyone just seems to be a lot busier these days, so I invite everyone to take this reminder to take a few deep breaths... Ok, now that we've remembered to do that, let's dive in to this almost...
  20. Stefan Archer

    A New Orchid!

    Morning/afternoon/night all! As HNZ continues to develop and grow, we know that you expect the site staff to keep up, and we do too. Being a GM is a lot of responsibility, and we understand the free time it can take away from members' free time to enjoy the site. This is why we always extend an...