
  1. Vader Hume

    Closed There's No Time

    Vader’s birthday was the day before halloween, but this year, his birthday was passing quietly, he had other things to worry about. Accio’s halloween celebrations were the next day, and would be his first real show as to whether or not he could actually lead the accio team. To say that Vader was...
  2. Elliot Briar

    Odd One Out

    It was strange being back in the castle after the long break. The year had ended just as Elliot was starting to get used to the school, and now they were back and it was filled with all the unfamiliar faces of the new first years. He'd done his best to be as friendly as he could to them...
  3. Theodore Westwick

    Closed Put My Walls Up High

    It was hard to believe that Theodore's fifth year had begun, and that his brother still wasn't talking to him. He hated the silence and the loneliness, and hated that he didn't know how to fix it. It seemed he had hurt Edmund more than he had ever imagined, and sometimes he wished he could go...
  4. Marcos Morales

    Catching Up

    Marcos was very pleased with his new position, being co-captain was amazing. He was happy to have a co-captain but the boy couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated by the fact it was a boy two years younger than him, and was someone whom he knew was friends or friendly with the last captain...
  5. Isabelle Walden

    Closed Two Bookworms

    Isabelle was glad to be back at school. But she started to think books where the only friends she got right now. And she saw her books as something really special, that was no lie. And also today the brunette found a place in the library where she could read her storybooks. Fairytales where her...
  6. Alice Holland

    Closed What Friends Are For

    Alice was happy about her second year, and a little sad it was coming to an end. She thought choosing electives would be cool, but she also liked things the way they were. One thing that was exciting about her upcoming third year, was that they would be sharing classes with all the houses. She...
  7. Vader Hume

    Open Sly Rose

    Vader was always a little tentative when it came to the roses, he didn't like interrupting people and he didn't particular enjoy having to find people who were not in easily findable areas. He had two slytherins on his list, one he knew from accio and the other whom he didn't know at all. He...
  8. Signy Forstrom

    Open Sapphire Rose

    After the library, Signy had upon the instruction of one of the other students in the library headed into the student lounge, where she'd been told someone else she needed to find was. There were quite a few people in the room, and Signy didn't really know who this girl was, the name seemed...
  9. Teagan Riley

    Closed Never I had ever ...

    It was a slow day at the Ministry that day that the Magical Office of Law had an early lunch break. Thankfully, Teagan was invited to go out by her mum. The blonde woman grabbed her coat and bag and off she went into one of the fireplaces that leads up to the Leaky Cauldron and then she would...
  10. Aisa Hunter

    Closed On the Threshold

    Aisa didn't like being impressed, but she was. This place was the first magical place she had seen after hearing Abian talk about it all the time, and she had to admit he hadn't exaggerated. Abian tended to be more enthusiastic about things than Aisa, so it hadn't been hard for her to imagine...
  11. Timothy De Luca

    Closed Above and Beyond

    Timothy De Luca was travelling around Paris, France taking pictures for a commission that he was doing. It had been taking up a lot of his time, and when he finally got time to relax he went to a small cafe and ordered an espresso. He had made sure to keep his digital camera in its case and...
  12. Diana Hollis

    Closed A Last Minute Decision

    Diana hadn't intended to go out to Brightstone this weekend. The village wasn't that amazing, and she still felt very sad and sulky about the thing with Edmund. She had thought that there would probably be a ton of couples going on stupid dates, and she would have to see it. But as the date...
  13. Willow Cullen

    Snowball fight.

    There was something about the light. willow woke up and looked around the dorm. it was the same as always, but the light, there was something different about it. she got up and went over to the window. where the lawn was usually green everything was white. willow rushed to her wardrobe and...