Closed There's No Time

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader’s birthday was the day before halloween, but this year, his birthday was passing quietly, he had other things to worry about. Accio’s halloween celebrations were the next day, and would be his first real show as to whether or not he could actually lead the accio team. To say that Vader was stressed out was understating it a little. The little voice in the back of his head saying that the halloween celebrations would be a disaster for accio grew louder and louder. The stress and worry of it had been building, so much so that Vader had been struggling to sleep, the stress was always worse at night when he couldn’t distract himself by keeping busy. The boy hadn’t slept well that night, he’d tossed and turned for hours. Closing his eyes and scrunching them closed telling himself to sleep for hours, attempting to relax, doing some deep breathing, none of it had worked. Vader had finally managed a few hours of fitful sleep, and less than the night before. But it marked the third night of ever increasing worse sleep - not that he was counting. He'd just rolled out of bed that morning and gotten dress to face the whole day on the minimal sleep. They were one day out, he had an excuse to be busy, and he hadn’t lingered around the great hall to be able to get the mail and avoiding his sister, he couldn't get distracted.

Vader had gotten a large coffee from the kitchens and had been drinking it steadily during the morning, magicked to never cool. He finished dealing with the picture he’d been dealing with and went to have another sip of the coffee before he started on the next one. It was then he noticed the coffee was empty. He sighed running his hand through his messy blonde hair, but he had another few things to do couldn’t stop now. His hands were shaking a little when he wasn’t doing something with them, coffee certainly made him jittery, maybe another one wouldn’t be a good idea and might make it even more difficult to sleep that night. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and decided he needed to get another, there was work to be done, what would another night of low sleep matter. He was feeling tired and coffee helped, he couldn’t stop now, if he stopped now and something went wrong, it would be his fault. With the decision made he grabbed the empty cup and headed out the accio room, he needed to head to the kitchens and get more coffee and get back to work. His birthday was unimportant next to the first important event for the accio team.
Ava had been frustrated all week. Nothing was going right. It wasn't until she realized what today was that she'd been anything like herself. Bright and bubbly and energetic, Ava skipped down to the Accio room and waited outside. He'd be out eventually. She hummed to herself as she waited for him to emerge. She didn't have to wait long, as he appeared shortly after.

"Timmy!" She chirped brightly, popping up behind him and thowing her arms around his neck. "Happy birthday!" She declared, quickly swapping out his empty coffee cup for a full one then pulling a bright pink ball cap onto his head and over his eyes. She giggled. This was the best mood she'd been in since coming back to school.
Vader near jumped out of his skin when a loud but familiar voice popped up behind him, though he quickly recovered when his brain caught up and he realised who it was. He found himself smiling, he could always trust Helene to be there for him, especially today. He hoped she hadn’t been waiting too long, ”Thanks Helene!” he thanked leaning into her touch lightly. He was also very pleased when she pressed a new cup of coffee in his hands. He looked down at it, just before a pink ball cap was placed on to his head. Vader was a little confused, he took the hat and looked at it with a curious expression, ”I love it!” he could feel it was a reference to something but wasn’t quite able to pinpoint what. Vader took a quick sip of the coffee enjoying the fresh bitter coffee and glad that he was holding two objects in hands which made them shake a whole lot less. Seeing Ava made him smile with ease, it made things easier, she was always such a good friend and he always felt so relaxed around her. Vader smiled at her, ”Thanks for these,” Vader was looking between the cup of fresh coffee and the cap, a smile on his face. He had needed the coffee and of course Helene had just known. There was so much that he was making himself do, things he felt pretty stressed out about but seeing Helene always made him feel better. He had time for her, would have time for her always, so as he looked at the cap, the pink cap that was clearly picked out by her for a reason he decided to ask. ”Why pink though?”
Ava giggled and stepped next to Vader, keeping an arm around his shoulder even though he was taller than her. She smiled brightly as he thanked her a second time. "Anything for the bestest brother in the whole wide world," She declared, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. She tsked and shook her head as he asked about the color. "I'm going to take the obvious sleep deprivation in your eyes as a good enough reason for you to not understand your hat. You can just call me your fairy godmother," She joked lightly, giving him a hint to help him understand. They'd watched the show a lot over the holiday, and she'd teased him plenty of times about it. "I think you could use a break. Why don't we take that time you were going to use to go to the kitchens and do something else?" She thought for a minute. "I have the perfect idea. You've been working non-stop, can you spare me a few hours?" She laid her head on his shoulder and gave him her biggest blue eyes and tried to pout a bit.
Vader leaned into her arm a little and smiled at the declaration, it was nice, in his friendship with Ava, he’d gained another sister in essence. They were so close and he loved her like he loved his sisters. They had spent so much time together and she had spent time at his house over the holiday. He would extend his family to her happily so. Vader blushed at the kiss but smiled regardless, as he would’ve if any of his siblings kissed him. His gaze lingered on the cap as she gave a little explanation and then it struck him, the pink cap, timmy, fairy godmother, ”OH!” he exclaimed before laughing lightly. He shook his head, ”I should’ve realised! Thanks Wanda," Vader put the hat firmly on his head, adjusting it a little to ensure it wasn’t flattening his blonde hair onto his face. He liked the hat a lot, he would wear it at every given opportunity, even if he spent most of his time indoors, it felt nice on his head. Vader had enjoyed watching the cartoon with her over the break, he did miss cartoons when he was at school. Vader pulled his hand away from the cap and rubbed his eyes lightly, a little yawn pushing through as Ava asked him to take a break. Vader wanted to say no, that he didn’t have time for that, but he’d been working hard for hours and maybe it was time for a break. It was his birthday too, maybe it would be good to just sit in the kitchens and spend some time with Helene, especially since he hadn’t spent much time with her since returning to school. Vader deserved a little break, ”Okay, yeah, let’s go to the kitchens,” he looked towards her and smiled, ”After you?”

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