
  1. Philip Maxwell

    Closed Give Me a Chance to Win You Back

    Philip had enough. He knew Avaria was hurt and he knew he was at fault. He had planned everything and hoped it would go according to plan. He knew how headstrong the Ravenclaw was and if he had to kneel for her forgiveness, he would do it in a heartbeat. With the roses ready, he waited at the...
  2. Jasper Night

    Closed Last Minute Apologies

    Jasper had been conflicted all week. Exams were now over, and normally he would be looking forward to the holidays where he didn't really have to do much. But instead of feeling happy and carefree about the upcoming holidays, Jasper felt nervous. It didn't feel right to go home and enjoy his...
  3. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open Pink rose for Lily

    ((Yellow rose for Lily Lockwood, open after Jessica )) The fourth rose was no problem either, as he used help to ask a senior member of the tower where to look for Lily Lockwood in the tower when she got a response at the Hufflepuff table. He held the rose in his hand behind his back. Also...
  4. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open Yellow rose from a friend

    ((Yellow rose for Avaria Lockwood, open after Jessica )) Now he started to feel like a flower courier who handed roses to ladies. The next rose he had to break his head because a girl named Alice told her she wanted to give the rose to a girlfriend. Of course, it was a little harder to ask...
  5. Francis Ruis

    Open Discoveries Close to Home

    Open after Jess posts with Sapphire The Summer holidays always made Brightstone unbearable with all the students and tourists visiting over the break. Frankie usually resolved himself to slouching around the neighborhood instead of venturing into the village proper on days where he wasn't...
  6. Tiziano Edogawa

    Closed Never You

    Tizi had somehow managed to escape the manor for the first time ever. Someone had let the wards down to admit Papa entry because he was no longer allowed in on his own and Tizi had made his escape before anyone could notice. Normally, Tizi wasn't allowed to be out on his own, probably for a lot...
  7. Alice Holland

    Open Pure Friendship

    ((Open after Jessica posts with Avaria)) Even though Alice had never celebrated Christmas in winter, she had to admit there was something magical about the Great Hall like this, with the snow falling from the ceiling. She had always liked the yule ball a lot, and had looked forward to the event...
  8. Professor Angel Castillo

    Closed Word to the Wise

    Sitting still for too long always got Angel in a bad mood, and he seemed to be doing a lot of sitting around right now as exam season loomed. Deciding to stretch his legs, Angel strolled out onto the lawn for a bit, surprised when he spotted one of the kids he'd had to almost literally drag out...
  9. Abian Hunter

    Closed Wrong Cousin

    Abian had a few things on his mind and it was all very distracting. He should be thinking of the upcoming exams and what he was going to do next year, but instead his mind was stuck on two things: roses and healing magic. What professor Pendleton had said to him about wizards being able to heal...
  10. Aliviah Waldorf

    Closed Somewhere Love Remains

    She knows it was wrong of her but she just needed to confirm her theory about something who she cared about. Ali calmed herself down as she went to the dungeons to get her friend Ember. The dark haired girl wanted somebody to go with her, to stop her if something happens but she hopes nothing...
  11. Alice Holland

    Open Yellow Sunshine

    ((Yellow rose, open after Jessica, @Kira Wolf )) Alice knew the next name on her list was in Ravenclaw, in Diana's year. She didn't know the girl that well, but was pretty sure Ava knew her. Ava knew so many people! Alice knew a lot too, but she supposed it was impossible to know everyone at...
  12. Alice Holland

    Open Friends in Common

    ((Yellow rose, open after Jessica, @Sapphire Michaels )) Alice was happy to deliver the next rose to the next person, as it was easy enough to find her. Sapphire Michaels was one of Diana's friends, and one of Ava's friends too. Alice had seen her enough over the years to know exactly who she...
  13. Rose Holland

    Open Red as a Sunset

    ((Red rose, open after Jessica, @Avaria Lockwood )) The next person on the list was someone Rose knew because she was Alice's friend. Avaria was a sweet girl, and had actually delivered a rose to Rose last year. Rose looked around for the blonde girl, eventually spotting her outside. Rose waved...
  14. Signy Forstrom

    Open Wait for Reds!

    Open After. Red Rose for @Emily Hastings This was the last rose that she had to deliver and turned out to be the most difficult person for her to find. She had finally spotted the young first year after another one of the rose givers had told her who it was. The girl was sat in the courtyard...
  15. Signy Forstrom

    Open Yellow Rose Dreams

    Open after. Yellow rose for @Jasper Michaels After delivering a rose to someone on the grounds, Signy had begun the long trek back upstairs, she had been struggling to find anyone for a while and had decided to try the common rooms. As it turned out, she'd been rather close to the gryffindor...
  16. Vader Hume

    Closed Companionable Working

    Vader enjoyed this little pocket of calm that he was feeling. They were all back at school but things had not yet really intensified in a manner that he was sure it would. Vader was better rested than he had been towards the end of the last semester, getting less sleep than he would’ve normally...
  17. Elliot Briar

    Closed Planned Escapes

    Accidentally visiting Lily over the last holidays had been a pleasant surprise and definite improvement to his normal quiet holidays with his dad, but Elliot was still oddly surprised when his dad had also agreed to have Lily and her mom come up for a bit this year instead. His dad wasn't...
  18. Danielle Gates

    Closed When I'm with you, I feel safe from the things that hurt me inside.

    It had been a busy day and Danielle was finally at home. She was already in bed without bothering with dinner. The team trained hard and Dexter drilled her into perfecting goal saves. Not that she minded it, it was for the team's good. Muscles aching, energy drained, the woman was just in bed...
  19. Abian Hunter

    Open Pre-Match Jitters

    Abian had been happy to try out for the Quidditch team, and he had been delighted to make it. But now that his first real match was coming closer, he was starting to get anxious. He had gone out to the pitch to practice on his own a lot, but still didn't really feel ready for it. He had gone...
  20. Lars van Houten

    Open Quiet Moments

    Lars' first weeks at Hogwarts had been quite nice. He had grown closer to his friend Elliot, and had spend more time with the boy. He had managed to stay away from his bullies, and had been painting a lot. Somehow, he had also managed to get onto the Quidditch team, and had just finished playing...