
  1. Noelle Maxwell

    Taking A Breather

    Hey Everyone, I hope this message finds you all doing well. I've been doing some soul-searching lately, and I've come to a decision that's a bit tough for me. Due to a combination of schedule conflicts and a severe case of creative burnout, I've decided to step back from roleplaying...
  2. Noelle Maxwell

    Open Packing Everything Up

    The sunlight filtered through the dusty windows of Professor Noelle's office, casting a warm glow on the shelves filled with dusty tomes and magical artifacts that had been his companions for the duration of his term as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. The room, once vibrant with the...
  3. Hayzel West

    Hayzel West

    Character's Name: Hayzel West Face Claim: Kaylee Bryant Images: ONE two THREE Text: Half woman, half warrior. Delicate and strong. Theme/Colors: Anything that suits. She is a Gryffindor and a Harpies beater. It somehow relates to the text for her banner. Thank you!!
  4. Atkin Grayveson

    Closed There Is A Plan

    Atkin had everything set. They had been set for a while now. Now, all he needed to set them in motion. The weather was perfect for what he had in mind. He wondered if it was enough for whom they were intended. He checked everything to make sure he did miss anything, especially that one thing. He...
  5. Rhianne Cade

    Homecomings and Reunions

    Hello, hello! With so many adult characters around, I figured it was time to have an event for them. So with this, The Three Broomsticks will be hosting homecoming and reunion events. For this to happen, I will be posting a form here that will gather a rough head count of the active adults that...
  6. Noelle Maxwell

    🌹 Rose Giving Puff Delivery

    Yellow for @Aine Thompson The perks of being to deliver roses as a professor were that Noelle already knew most of the students, especially those who were in his class. He did not need to resort to dumping them at their house tables in the Great Hall. As a former Puff, Noelle figured it would...
  7. Noelle Maxwell

    🌹 Rose Giving Pinks for Greens

    Pink rose for @Celia Vuong The perks of being to deliver roses as a professor were that Noelle already knew most of the students, especially those who were in his class. He did not need to resort to dumping them at their house tables in the Great Hall. He decided to finish this delivery before...
  8. Noelle Maxwell

    🌹 Rose Giving Coming down to a rose

    Red for @Xinyi Huang The perks of being to deliver roses as a professor were that Noelle already knew most of the students, especially those who were in his class. He did not need to resort to dumping them at their house tables in the Great Hall. He noticed that most Gryffindor 5th years had...
  9. Noelle Maxwell

    🌹 Rose Giving Easily spottable

    Red for @Robina Black The perks of being to deliver roses as a professor were that Noelle already knew most of the students, especially those who were in his class. He did not need to resort to dumping them at their house tables in the Great Hall. The moment he stepped out of the courtyard, he...
  10. Noelle Maxwell

    🌹 Rose Giving So your name also has a rose on it

    Red rose for @Amethyst-Rose Kuznetsov It had been forever since the last time Noelle visited the hospital wing. If he was not mistaken, it was when Alexis was taken out of the match due to bludger hits. So far, he did not need to bring a student there and would very much like to remain so...
  11. Noelle Maxwell

    Slowing down until next week at most

    Hey all! So I finally have a shot at getting hired at my sister's workplace as an additional source of income. I'm sure you also read here about me settling into a new job last year and yes, it'll be my first year anniversary on the 21st. However, the second income source will give me more...
  12. Cressida Holland

    Krissy's shiny new banner

    Character's Name: Cressida Holland Face Claim: Dove Cameron Text: Chin up Princess. Or the crown slips. Mood/Colors: Girly girl. Images: one two
  13. Angel Gates

    Chalk This and That

    Angel had found a friend in a fellow Gryffindor who seemed to share her interest in arts. They were both whispering during Dark Arts class, wishing it was a painting class instead. Sure, the lesson was necessary but the two first years yearned for more. As such, they put their heads together and...
  14. Hayzel West

    Alternate RP Twinkles and Eggies

    Continued from here Hayzel was fiddling with her fingers when she heard a voice so familiar to her, calling her by that funny nickname he coined. She turned her head to face Finn. "Twinkle toes!", she said, enthusiasm in her voice. She patted the spot next to her. "Sit with me, Twinkie.", she...
  15. Angel Gates

    Angel Gates

    ANGEL GATES Angel :: 'the one who announces'; messenger Gates :: 'Road or thoroughfare' Character Name: Angel Gates Nickname: Angie, Angel Age: 11 School and House: a young Gryffindor of Hogwarts School New Zealand Blood Status: Half-Blood Occupation/Year: Hogwarts Student, First Year...
  16. Stefan Kozlov


    Character's Name: Stefan Kozlov Face Claim: Tom Felton Text: I honestly don't care. Images: A B C Theme: Whatever works with the images. Get creative!
  17. Noelle Maxwell

    Closed Twinkles and Eggies

    Noelle decided to walk the perimeter as the festivities inside were still ongoing. He passed by the garden, and waved hello to students who greeted him as he continued the path through the rose bush. 😅
  18. Seth Burns

    Closed Anything You Desire

    He wondered if it was the right time. He sent @Alis Owens a text message to meet him at the park close to where she worked. He did not really have anything planned for the day but he already got an idea. He looked at the time and quickly left his apartment. He wanted to be there before of her...
  19. Caelan Maxwell

    Closed Let Me Explain

    Caelan did not know what to bring the woman. Clearly, she was not easily impressed with flowers and chocolate. Still, he got a single long-stemmed yellow rose. He was told that yellow means forgiveness and that's his main intention of coming here. He owed it to Kira to let him know where Celeste...
  20. Cassiopeia Sparkes

    Closed Tricks Up the Sleeve

    The trip just came out of nowhere. Lucca decided that they would be going to the America, where specifically, he did not tell. Typical Lucca, between the two of them, he was the spontaneous one. Cassi was not complaining though. Despite the tricks the man had, his intentions were sincere, he...