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  1. F

    The Hogwarts Monthly - Y22 S1

    The Hogwarts monthly: Year 22 - Semester 1 [hr] Let's All Cheer For A Fantastic New Year Welcome back students to another fantastic year at Hogwarts! Adventures Galore for the returning students and for those of you who just got sorted, you can look forward to a wealth of time exploring...
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    Scared of the dark

    Six years ago Ferdinand wouldn't have imagined himself as a prefect. Even now that the role had become very real in front of his face, it was difficult for the Ravenclaw to believe the badge pinned tightly against his uniform wasn't some sort of sick joke from the hands of his peers at his...
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    The Hogwarts Monthly - Y21 S1

    Year 21 - Semester 1 Another Year of Magic Ahead! Hello fellow students and staff alike and welcome back to Hogwarts New Zealand for what is sure to be another year of new adventures and some learning in there for good measure. Also, welcome to our new first years and new staff who will be...
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    motivation proclamation

    Contrary to popular belief, the Ravenclaw common room was not a quiet place to be. On a regular day Ferdinand didn't mind the hustle and bustle of young minds, it was a thought provoking environment that always kept him entertained. However today Ferdinand felt like a change of pace. He wanted...
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    Don't be dumb.

    Ferdinand loved having a routine. For an intelligent kid with a frighteningly short attention span, he found comfort knowing his day was always planned out. He loved school so much, and of course he loved learning, he always had. But the one thing that Ferdinand would always love most about...
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    twisting allegories now

    Always a get up and go kind of kid, Ferdinand rarely spent all day in one place. Having spent most of the morning in the Ravenclaw common room he needed to distance himself from his peers and get some fresh air. Overall Ferdinand loved his house and the people in it. Many times had his fellow...
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    lost in a dream now

    A new year meant a whole new level of learning. Ferdinand always loved learning, everybody knew that. Sometimes he just wanted a break. Usually by the end of year holidays he was more than happy to get out of school and spend all his time doing nothing. But by the time the next year started he...
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    eager flowers

    Ferdinand had always been a get up and go kind of kid, he wanted to learn things first hand, with his own eyes rather than in a classroom. It got to him sometimes that he had to sit down and learn. But he never hated learning, so if he had to attend classes all day to learn things he would...
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    ferdinand alex oakley

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    a call to arms;

    Thanks for reading this! Just going to post information about my characters so we can plot straight away because I can't be bothered writing a proper intro to make this topic fluent and nice which proves how lazy I am but let's ignore that, now onto the information about my new...
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    I want candy

    Ferdinand had just spent his morning playing a game of soccer with Zeiva, and today Angela had decided to tag along much to Zeiva's dismay, and complained for the duration of the game. He usually didn't mind her complaining so much, but today was different because all he wanted to do was play...