a call to arms;

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Ferdinand Oakley

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OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Thanks for reading this! Just going to post information about my characters so we can plot straight away because I can't be bothered writing a proper intro to make this topic fluent and nice which proves how lazy I am but let's ignore that, now onto the information about my new characters!</SIZE></FONT>
Maxwell's my newest character, he's also known as Maxie although if you call him that he'll give you a punch in the face. He's a seventeen year old rebel, and has a big problem with authority and being told what to do, this being the reason he dropped out of his last school, Durmstrang. After half a year he's decided to return to Beauxbatons to finish his schooling, starting in the next year. He hopes to have a fresh start at this school, and wants to leave his party habits back at Durmstrang, but he doesn't know whether he can completely break those habits or not. At Beauxbatons Maxwell hopes to really focus on his Quidditch playing so he is good enough to join a professional team once he graduates, he plays as a chaser by the way and will join the Beauxbatons Quidditch team once the school year starts. He's quite hot-headed, and doesn't hesitate to say what he truly thinks of people, he doesn't have much of a filter for his opinions on others so he tends to voice them aloud; however he isn't very talkative unless he's wasted. You can consider him as withdrawn, since he doesn't know how to forge emotional relationships. Any friendships he's previously had are purely shallow and because of social status. He also doesn't have much self-esteem, but hides this behind an arrogant façade so people don't try to pry into his mind.

What I need for Maxwell are friends, a badass group of rebels that he could hang around with and break the rules with basically. He wouldn't befriend people who are shy, weak or too happy all the time, he just thinks they're horribly annoying and would rather beat somebody like that up than get drunk with them. As for enemies I can see him having a few, since he can get into fights easily from how hot-headed he is, as well as the fact he hates authority and people who think they're better than he is, that really gets on his nerves. Anything romantic for his future is out of the question right now because he already has a final planned out, but any past flings/one night stands are welcome!
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This here's the adorable Ferdinand Alex Oakley, my first year Ravenclaw! He's eleven years old, and a sassy wee thing. I haven't yet had a chance to thread his sassiness but something should bring it out in the near future. He's lived in New Zealand his entire life, and is very open minded and educated in other cultures. His parents made it a point to educate him about other countries so he wouldn't turn into a close minded hick, so to speak. He's very excited to be learning at Hogwarts New Zealand, and is even more excited one of his best friends in the world is in the same house he's in! He likes to play soccer and stuff his face with candy afterwards, healthy, I know and he's just generally a nice and playful kid when he's not sassing you up. He can be pretty sarcastic too when he's given the opportunity, which offends some people but he usually doesn't notice when he's hurt somebody's feelings. He's pretty ignorant in that sense. Apart from what I have already mentioned, Ferdinand does have a tendency to worry and over think himself into a rut, which is a side effect of his undying need to know things and curiosity about the muggle and magical world.

For Ferdinand, I need mostly friends who he can spend time with, and develop his personality more. He can befriend anybody who doesn't take his sarcasm and sassiness to heart, and anyone who shares his interests of course. Plots involving enemies for Ferdinand would be few, as I can't see him making proper enemies with anybody, except for the odd riff between him and another every now and then because he got on their nerves, but that hardly counts as enemies. Plots that are romantic are completely out of the question, since he is eleven and would rather play soccer all day than think about girls as more than friends, his future in the romance department is already plotted out too, so he doesn't need any romantic plots.

Again thanks for reading this! Feel free to reply to this or PM me on any of my accounts if you want to rp with Maxie or Ferdinand, I would love to develop these boys more!

~Anna ♥

Credit to Teigan for the title because she really likes to look at her own name~
Energetic, being energetic makes Pip a very interesting kind of girl. She loves being in control of her energy. Pip is the kind of person to put all her energy into anything she does, that includes any extracurricular activities as well as in schooling or other such functions. Humorous, is another reason why Pip likes to be around other people, whether they be older or younger than her. Age does not bother her as she has decided that anyone is allowed to be funny or see people be funny. She is a very funny young girl because of this. Cheerfulness, is just another reason as to why Pip is the way she is. Pip is a happily cheerful kind of girl. She has never to her knowledge felt sad. This is due to her parents deciding that she need not know of the kind of things that happen in the muggle world. She has never seen violence and so has lived a relatively comfortable live for a young witch. Her parents doing this don't mean to cause any harm, they just don't want their daughter to get hurt in anyway, shape or form. This of course leads into her being just a little naive about certain things, which includes life in general. Her grandmother and grandfather are the only other people, besides her friends and other such people that she gets to see as they are scared she will learn about her sheltered life and not be happy about it.

So yeah that is why I think she could be friends with Ferdi. I don't know, what do you think?
MCFLY! :hug:
Maxxie and Mizzy, nuff said. :cool:

As for Ferdinand, I can always offer Khione here. She's the most awkwardest person you'll ever meet and she's so adorable too. Khione's in her second year in HNZ and is a proud Gryffindor. She loves to make new friends and it doesn't matter if they belong in a different year or house. You'll be surprise with our RP if ever, coz' I love to brainstorm anything strange for her. She's the youngest among my characters so yeah. Tell me what you think! ^_^
I can offer up Charles Martin as a friend for Ferdinand? He's a pretty friendly guy, and is a good team player and really enjoys sports. If Ferdinand wanted anyone to play soccer with, Charles would be more than happy to oblige. He's hardly mean spirited, on the sports field anyway. He's also a bit of a stone wall when it comes to sarcasm. If people are mean and sarcastic to him he'll probably just raise an eyebrow and shrug it off. Alternatively, he'll just bounce it right back until it gets completely out of hand (which he takes a little time to notice - he's a little stubborn at times).

but yeah he's a Gryffindor so they might not hang out that much but at the very least they could play sport together if you wanted, idk let me know if you're interested.
Kelsey is so adorable asdfghjkl; her and Ferdinand should so be friends! Maybe Ferdinand could not make her life as sheltered by teaching her about the world? Just brainstorming here, I wish I could come up with something better, but Kelsey is just so awesome omfg. We should thread these two meeting as soon as classes start, or would earlier than that suit you? I don't mind either way!
Aw, you know how much I love Khione! I think it would be a great idea for them to meet, because Ferdinand can be quite serious, which could either work really well with Khione's strangeness, or it could just not work at all. But it depends on his mood, sometimes he's playful and sometimes he's completely serious so with their rp it would be a little bit of a gamble, but that's a good thing! We should thread them as soon as possible and see what happens!
<FONT font="Verdana"><COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50"> I am totally interested! Ferdinand needs a lot more guys to hang around with because he's surrounded by girls all the time so him being kind of friends with Charles works perfectly! It's good that he shrugs off sarcasm, from what you've mentioned, Ferdinand would take a liking to Charles straight away! It would be so awesome if they played soccer on the great lawn after class or something. What do you think about that?

Thanks for replying guys :hug: Sorry I wasn't very detailed in these responses.
Whenever you want to thread these two just give me a yelp. We have already talked, as you know, so I am fine with whatever you decide. I don't really think I have the mental capacity to make a justifiable decision right now xD Anyway, so I was thinking that maybe they become rather good friends, because I think that could help with those later things we talked about. Yes?​
Maybe I could offer Killua Freecss for Ferdinand...

Killua Freecss, from a family of assassins. Don't worry he won't kill anybody until he has an absolutely irritating reason to do so, which I doubt will be given to him... He has a very cold personality due to his upbringing and he normally looks at people with cold eyes, although, he doesn't mean any harm most of the time. But, if he becomes friends and real close with someone, he is really kind to that person and that person alone.

He can be a bully or he can be a friend... xD
Good friends sounds great! It would make so much sense considering their future and such, so how quickly do you think they would become close friends, like over the space of a year or longer than that? I don't really mind how long it takes, as long as their close before their sixth year. I'll be sure to let you know when I am not so tied up with other threads!
<FONT font="Verdana"><COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50"> Hm, from the sounds of it he wouldn't be a bully or a friend to Ferdinand, like as soon as Ferdinand notices something bad about a situation he just tends to leave it so bullies are kind of impossible with him, but he wouldn't want to befriend somebody who comes across as cold, because he would consider them a down buzz. If that makes sense. So what do you think could come out of that? They could always meet once and never speak again because their personalities clashed?
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OKAY! I think they would become close in the space of a year. It is Kelsey after all. xD I'm sure she would be rather, uh, determined to be friends. haha. But yes. I will contact you when you are not so tied down. I can't wait!
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