Search results for query: *

  1. Elliot Briar

    Your Favourite Portmanteau Names?

    I've been thinking on this lately and then getting mad when I forget the really good ones so I was curious: What's everyone's favourite portmanteau pairing/ship names on HNZ? Doesn't have to be a 'canon' one, just any combo that you think sounds good or makes you laugh? My favourite at the...
  2. Elliot Briar

    Acknowledging the Slow Down

    So I've been putting off posting an absence cause I keep convincing myself I'll be back to posting any day now. And I've been saying that for like 3 months straight 🤦‍♂️ oops. I wouldn't say I'm going anywhere, I want to keep posting! But I need to acknowledge I am seriously burnt out and...
  3. Elliot Briar

    Burnout and Writing Tips

    I suspect I'm not the only one on site who is or has been dealing with some level of burnout lately, a lot has happened to everyone over the past couple of years and I'm sure we're all tired. With that in mind and a lot of talk of productivity and activity I thought it might be nice to talk a...
  4. Elliot Briar

    Hopefully on the Up

    Hey gang, Was putting off posting an absence since I kept saying I only needed a few days until I looked at the calendar and realized exactly how long it'd been oops. Had something nasty happen at work that really threw me off balance combined with my own mental stuff making things pretty hard...
  5. Elliot Briar

    Something a Little Different

    Are you tired of your nice, sweet chars only having nice sweet threads? Do your meaner chars need a break? Are you scared of dropping in on open threads and ruining the vibes? Do you want to give your friendly kids a bad day? I do.... So instead of sleeping last night I caught myself ruminating...
  6. Elliot Briar


    So I was totally convinced I could move this week and stay on top of everything but uh. Yeah, no. Sorry I'm super behind on threads I'm going to prioritize Quidditch and other time sensitive things this week but I'll probably be pretty quiet until the end of this week and possibly a little...
  7. Elliot Briar

    Hands You an S2 Plot Thread and Runs

    /cracks knuckles Okay, I want to get back into things and I really miss plotting and being active so I want to post this with the caveat that I'm trying to ease in so if I'm a lil slow or selective it's okay cause I don't wanna leave folks hanging too long ❤️ (This also serves as a blanket...
  8. Elliot Briar

    Heads Up

    Hey gang! I'm hopeful that this will be unnecessary but I have a feeling my activity is gonna take a sharp dive very soon. I've got some family issues that have gotten worse and I'll be heading back to New Zealand mid-September for an indefinite amount of time (I'm hoping to be back come October...
  9. Elliot Briar

    My Brain is Goo

    Wasn't sure that I needed this just yet but after spending an entire 4 days without evening opening the site (the longest I've gone ever since joining the site I think wow), I figured I should just give everyone a heads up. Dealing with some family stuff right now and will be flying up to lend...
  10. Elliot Briar

    I Miss Plotting 👀

    /crawls out from under a rock I realize it's been a hot minute since I posted a PD which might be why I feel so out of the loop on plotting with people oops... Though I'm definitely still kinda slow in replying to things I miss plotting with everyone so if you don't mind me limiting how many...
  11. Elliot Briar

    Māori Language Week

    Kia Ora! I'm a bit late to the party but it's Maori Language Week (Te wiki o te reo Maori) in New Zealand this week, which is a celebration of the indiginous language of Aotearoa, te reo Maori. I thought it might be nice to share a little reo with HNZ users as my own celebration and of course...
  12. Elliot Briar

    Closed The New Normal

    It was funny how quickly the three of them had fallen into a routine. Elliot supposed it was just a hold over from all them living in the same house at school for six or seven years, but it still amused him. Breakfast time had quickly become one of Elliot's favourites. Between Alice's job at the...
  13. Elliot Briar

    Never a Bad Time for Plots

    Well, I keep saying I'll post a PD when I catch up on threads or that I'll just reply to everyone else's but then I never do either so screw it. That being said, disclaimer I am a bit slow with things atm so please be patient if we start some threads and I take a few days to reply or if I need...
  14. Elliot Briar

    Closed Complicated Reunions

    Graduation had been a flurry of mixed emotions; anxiety, fear, excitement, a giddy sense of relief, a hollow sense of loss, all tossed together. He had no idea how Alice had kept herself together last year. He did know he was beyond excited to see her at least, even if it hadn't been that long...
  15. Elliot Briar

    Closed Line of Succession

    When he was younger, Elliot couldn't have spent hours daily in the Wild Patch, actively working or even just enjoying a quiet moment out of the castle. These days, he felt like he was lucky to get time in a week to visit, let alone daily. Elliot knew he'd reached a point where he'd have to pick...
  16. Elliot Briar

    Open WPC Meeting Y38/S2 - Weatherproofing

    With his NEWTs getting closer and closer, Elliot had found he'd had less and less time to spend in the Wild Patch. A part of him was morning the loss, sad to see such a big fixture of his time at Hogwarts figuratively (and literally in a few places) withering away, but deep down he knew he'd...
  17. Elliot Briar

    The Unsorted Section

    I've always been mildly curious why the Unsorted Section is hidden from non-unsorted accounts. Not for the first time today I was surprised/sad to see some newer accounts had been RPing in there and I hadn't noticed it cause I was on other accounts. Not to mention you lose access to it for...
  18. Elliot Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Gratitude in Yellow

    Yellow Rose for @Professor Kahurangi Josephs The hall was always a mess during Valentine's but Elliot rather enjoyed the chaos for once. He'd picked his way down the hall to get to the staff table, hesitating a moment before stepping over so he could get Professor Josephs. It seemed like even...
  19. Elliot Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Picturesque Petals

    Yellow Rose for @Lars van Houten Elliot liked to think he was pretty good at hunting down Lars' usual haunts, and he was glad to see that skill hadn't atrophied over the years as he stepped into the art room. "Hey, happy Valentine's," he said, giving Lars a little wave hello. "Got a second for...
  20. Elliot Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Complicated Compliments

    Yellow rose for @Connor Holland Trying to catch other deliverers was the hardest on Valentine's for sure, but Elliot had resigned himself into bumping into Connor eventually. Worst came to worst he'd find him back in the Hufflepuff common room later but the sooner he was done the sooner Elliot...