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  1. S

    Some Things just don't go as planned.

    The weeks had passed into one another as easily as thread through the eye of a needle, the closer and closer the wedding day came Sakura knew that she could not go through with it. It was all a farce and nothing more. She loved her parents dearly but the circus they wanted to put on under the...
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    Another Brick in the Wall

    Sakura Gemini looked down at the letters in her hands and sighed dropping them all to the floor. She had just returned from work and had not even had time to remove her deep green traveling cloak. Hoping that by the time she returned from a grueling days work, her tiny flat would be a peaceful...
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    It's Official

    Sakura smiled at Nicolas as he held her close and together they left the stadium on a high of emotions. She knew they should go directly to her parents but she had also wanted to change her clothes. Nothing could be done about it now of course, so holding tight to the man of her dreams, the...
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    Bended Knee... Small Box...

    Sakura Gemini looked about her new flat and smiled to herself, this was her first official place of her own. It didn't bother her that she was only renting the place, it was hers and that's all that mattered. The room she stood in now over looked a small park which was great considering the view...
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    An Old Fashioned Christmas

    It was finally the holiday season and Sakura was elated and apprehensive all in one go. She had worked like a trojan for the passed few weeks, so she could take an extra day off before the holidays were upon them. Her family were expecting her and they all in turn were expecting Nicolas King...
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    The Noose and Guillotine

    Sakura had arrived back at the Leaky Cauldron with nothing but thoughts of Nicolas King on her mind. She was trying to decide on a decent restaurant and worse again, an outfit to wear. All she possessed were pant suits or denims for mucking about in but she wanted to look really good tonight...
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    The Pied Piper plays again...

    Once more he stept into the street, And to his lips again Laid his long pipe of smooth straight cane; And ere he blew three notes (such sweet Soft notes as yet musician's cunning never gave the enraptured air) [hr] Sakura was beyond angry now, she had apparated to her former home in...
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    Sakura Gemini

    Character's Name: Sakura Temperance Gemini Character's Birthdate: August 12th 2005 Hometown: born and raised in Yorkshire, England Blood Status: Pureblood Patronus: Eagle! The eagle is a symbol of spirituality, courage and protection. Concerned with the spiritual things of life, also a...
  9. S

    Legend returning...

    Sakura doubled over laughing when she read Bruins next letter. Love Potion, my foot! The thought alone was enough to set her giggling, she no more believed in love or the need for such ridiculous things as love potions. Shaking her head she went to her room and began to write a letter back to...
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    When You're Gone...

    Throwing her old acoustic guitar over her shoulder and heading in the direction of the forest, Sakura needed time alone from the maddening crowd. She felt drained from everything, the fact she wasn't good enough to be chosen by the goblet as champion; studying for OWL's and not talking with...
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    Letter to the Diggorys

    Sakura walked up the long flight of steps to the owlery to where she had put Digs her owl. It was time to write the letter that she had been putting off since the chosen champions were named. Her family she knew would be thrilled that she hadn't made champion, would it be unfair to let them stew...
  12. S

    Outside the HS tents.

    Sakura was tired from all the constant walking, chatting and friend making. As much as she absolutely loved it she had never realised before how much energy it used. As tempting as it had been to go flying she was quite happy to just sit here on the bench outside the girls tent that Professor...
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    Gryffindors from both houses

    Sakura walked down purposefully to the pitch, she had left a message with the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team for some of the team if possible to have a bit of fun on the pitch with herself and James. She wondered if any of them would show up, she really hoped they would. Once at the...
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    the three schools

    Sakura had finished her dinner and decided it was time to walk it off, the food here was excellent. Certainly no complaints from her. She thought the school was stunning, especially early evening with the sun preparing itself to set right behind the castle from this vantage point. The view was...
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    Escaping from the crowds

    Sakura felt a ringing in her ears and knew she had to get away from all the friendly natives and her own school mates. It seemed like madness that no matter where she went she was surrounded by gangs of students, she wasn't the only one of course. All the students who had put their names into...
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    Checking out the NZ trophies

    Sakura had left Isabella to go and find James so the two of them could have some quality time together. Smiling she greeted students as she walked around the grounds of the school before making her way up to the castle itself. She walked in and thought how very similar it did indeed seem to be...
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    Getting to know the grounds

    Sakura walked with Isabella down towards the lake having left the others behind, she really needed some time away from the group. Goodness knows they would be in each others pockets for the rest of the year. "this looks nice doesn't it?" she glanced about thinking it was nothing like their...