Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member

It was a beautiful day for quidditch though much cooler than the previous game he'd refereed at the school. It would be interesting to see if the wind played a factor in the game. Reeve moved about the pitch as the stands filled up, preparing the field for the start. This game was very high stakes, and the buzz in the air was just adding to the atmosphere.

Reeve touched down from a quick lap just as the players began to come out to complete their warm ups and finish their preparations for the game.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please. Captains: Please be sure your lineups are all set up in the QCP prior to posting it in here!
No game had ever meant so much to Teddy who was feeling nervous and excited as he headed down to the Quidditch pitch. He'd been considering what to do with the team, and with Miro unable to play in the starting line up, he and Fraser had to tweak the team and put someone out on the pitch which Teddy hadn't intended to. He gathered his team and started his speech, "Okay, the big game is here. We've shifted things around a bit and Veronica is playing beater for this match." It wasn't a surprise to her as he'd already told her during their patrols, but some of the team might not have known. "Tactics. Beaters, that alt seeker looks a little too ready for it. Give Savannah a hard time to throw her off her game, but I don't think bludgering her out of the game is necessarily a good idea." He glanced over at the Ravenclaw team then back at his team, "Chasers, work together and remember your training. And Milo, catch that snitch again. Cheers!" Teddy finished talking then looked to Fraser to see if he would like to add anything else.
Teddy PirripCo-Captain & Keeper
@Fraser Fergusson Co-Captain & Chaser
@Ivy Cullen Chaser
@Alicia Richelieu Chaser
@Santiago Torres Beater
@Veronica Walden-Cade Beater
@Milo Frogg Seeker
@Aroha Blenheim Alternate Seeker
@Miro Morales-Albertson Alternate Beater
@Rose EdogawaAlternate Keeper
Teddy had surprised Veronica during their latest patrol by letting her know she would be playing as beater in the game against Ravenclaw. It had caught by such surprise that she hadn't insulted him since. She stood with her team mates, twiddling a club in her hands trying to get used to the feel of it and half listening to Teddy's team talk. Once both he and Fraser were done, she waited for the game to start.
There was quite a bit riding on this, and Savannah knew she had to do her best, had to be the best. She stood on the pitch looking towards the young captains waiting for them to speak but mostly just eager to get into the air.
Fraser nodded along with all the things that Teddy was saying, more than ready to just get started on this game, ont he opportunity for them to prove themselves and bring home that victory. "We got this," he added to his team.
Alicia was ready for this game. She had been moping and feeling upset for a while, but she wasn't going to let anything stand between her and victory today. She had gotten up early to stretch and warm up, and now she felt ready.
Cyrus felt nervous about this game. The stakes were higher than ever. He was mostly glad he was a chaser and not a seeker, the pressure would probably be too much. He supposed that was why it was Savannah, she never seemed that bothered by anything.
Lilith arrived to the pitch ready to sit by in case she was needed. It wasn't the most fun but maybe she'd get her chance of playing at a real game soon enough. She waited around for her captains to have their speeches so she could take a seat to follow the match.
Santiago didn't want to admit the small bit of optimism he had about todays game. It felt like they might actually win this for once. He listened to Teddy's speech and wasn't exactly thrilled to have a new beater partner but he wasn't entirely surprised by the change. He nodded at the instructions and tightened the grip on his bat, eager for the whistle to blow.
Audrey hoped they won this game, if only to knock the smugness out of Gryffindor. She had not been at her best lately but was hoping to shake it off and get it together today. She bounced on the spot in time to a song in her head and took some deep breath, wanting to get started now she'd warmed up.
She was benched, so she wouldn't play, but she supposed she should be supporting her team. She was a little surprised that Veronica was put in as a beater, but at least she was playing.​
It was a big match but Lucy was confident her team could make the most of it. She'd made some last minute changes to the lineup, with Lucy's agreement, and just hoped they'd made the right call with it. It hadn't been an easy decision. "Alright team, we're got a different lineup today! Lilith, we're putting you up and Savannah back on the bench, but I'm anticipating they'll be going for Lilith hard so don't think this is you sitting the game out. Next we have Theodore up as chaser and Cyrus, you're taking a break. No stress, no worries, but get out there and do your best, team! Go for the cup! Go Ravenclaw! Go, go, go!"

Seeker@Lilith Ilves
Beater@Lucy Holland (Co-Captain)
Beater@Audrey Beauchamp
ChaserLucy Montague (Co-Captain)
Chaser@Magne Kleos
Chaser@Theodore Harper
Keeper@Violet Owens-Rosemary
Alternate Seeker@Savannah Walters
Alternate Beater@Magdalene Grey
Alternate Chaser@Cyrus Thorne
Ivy was ready for the game and this time against rave claw. She hoped that this time they would get more air time than the five minutes of the last game. Walking out onto the pitch sje listened to the captains speech about using what they had learned in training. What had she learned. That she needed to get the ball through the hoop. And hope that the other chasers around. she saw Veronica with a beaters bat in her hands the girl was playing beater today. That made Ivy a little uneasy. She knew Veronica had a grudge against her and would t be surprised in a bludger “accidentally” got hit her way. She would just have to be extra wary. And watch her back more than normal.
Theo was ready for the game, even though he knew he was going to be sitting on the bench. Theo joined the rest of the team as one of the captains made their usual speech, however, Theo had to do a double take at what Lucy had to say, “Wait, what?” Theo said with shock lingering in his voice, while he was surprised, Theo knew he was ready and really excited to play out there.
Reeve waited for the captains to hand over their line up cards and then quickly reviewed them, determining all was in order. He offered a few quick reminders about sportsmanship before indicating that the teams should take to the sky. The referee cast the Sonorous charm on himself, "Gryffindor will keep the northern hoops and Ravenclaw, the southern hoops. Let's get into the sky!"

The referee released the snitch and bludgers, grabbed the quaffle, kicked off the ground and in moments was starting the game with a toss of the quaffle and a "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game notes, please read
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer or need additional clarity to support you, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. You should refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.
6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
Lilith was getting ready to sit by when she hear she was being put on the game. Hold on? SHE WAS PLAYING? Any questions or retaliations died on her lips as she heard the game begin. Giving an apologetic smile to the older seeker the second year got on her broom and kicked off in search of the snitch.
Santiago took to the air as the whistle blew and he looked for a bludger to hit.
Ivy took to the sky and caught the quaffle before making her way to the ravenclaw hoops.
Lilith searched for the snitch, every part of her body buzzing with excitement.
It wasn't long before the game had started and Theo was quickly in the air, his excitement of finally playing was exciting! The Ravenclaw chaser quickly followed the Gryffindor chaser, as Gryffindor had possession of the quaffle.
Santiago swung but missed as the bludger flew right by him.
Audrey set off, bobbing her head with the music in her head and looked for bludgers.
Veronica set off, club in hand and started looking for bludgers.
Lilith kept flying around trying to find the snitch.

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