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Nothing to be excited for in my life. x_x

I don't think I'll be able to afford my planned trip and might just have to cancel.
Some of ya'll know her actually because she used to be on here. Melissa! (Alyss Summers)
I remember that name, how exciting!

One of my partner's work perks was credits towards free/deeply discounted stays at his job's various locations, but they're phasing them out this year so we have a few trips planned to use them up before they expire. I'm going to miss this perk xD
That does sound like a lovely perk ngl.

I've been reminded that we also have Critical role to attend in June (which for the uninitiated is a DND actual play web show that we got tickets for and are going to dress up for) my sister and her partners will be joining us for that, and then in March we have Dan's first ever cruise, which is also very exciting.

Edit: Ive also just been reminded bc apparently my social calendar is ridiculously full this year, Marga will be flying into to join us for a few weeks in Australia in September so we have that to look forward to as well.
Sounds like a busy, fun year ahead!
One of my partner's work perks was credits towards free/deeply discounted stays at his job's various locations, but they're phasing them out this year so we have a few trips planned to use them up before they expire.
Ooh!! Where will you be travelling?

I celebrated the new year by going to bed at 10:30 HAHA - the fireworks half woke me up but I was too sleepy to realise what was happening

I might get some new baby rats around the end of the month :wub: I'm excited for that

Edit: also I haven't watched much Critical Role but what I did watch was really funny. That's super exciting!!
Ah baby ratsssss pls name one tori (im kidding only if it suits)

Yeah I love Critical role. I love Dimension 20 too but CR was what got me into dnd in the first place so it's hard to break away from you know?
Happy New Year to everyone! Has anyone got any plans, or anything they're looking forward to this year?

Dan and myself have my best friends wedding in October which I'm excited for, she's my oldest friend and I love seeing her happy with the man she's chosen! Some of ya'll know her actually because she used to be on here. Melissa! (Alyss Summers)
Ooooh~ Mel!

I'm looking forward to paying off the loans =)) I've recently gotten my own place, just moved like end of October. I've looked at all my scheduled payments and I'm very much looking forward to being done with them by next month :D

And with that, I can actually go back to traveling internationally again since I've had to put that on hold for almost a year :frantics:
Edit: Ive also just been reminded bc apparently my social calendar is ridiculously full this year, Marga will be flying into to join us for a few weeks in Australia in September so we have that to look forward to as well.
I was actually going to say did you forget I'm coming down? xD Your sister only asks me about it like every other day =))
Ah baby ratsssss pls name one tori (im kidding only if it suits)
Hahahaha, I actually so far haven't named any rats after HNZ characters but I've often been tempted

And with that, I can actually go back to traveling internationally again since I've had to put that on hold for almost a year
:party: That's awesome Marga!! Where else are you hoping to go??
It's my cockatiels birthday today, he's 21 years old which just baffles me that he's still here and healthy! I named one of my HNZ characters after him but it's one I lost muse for and dropped so can't really celebrate that haha.
Ive never named any characters after my animal friends, but I feel like thats because my animal friends don't have people names... well, they do when im not the one who named them
:party: That's awesome Marga!! Where else are you hoping to go??
I want to say I'll see how my bank fares after visiting Zazz and Dan xD I'll be with them for quite a while =))

Buuuuuuuut, if I could, I wouldn't be opposed to squeezing in a trip to Taiwan, Bali, or Thailand.
Ooh!! Where will you be travelling?
We booked a big space in Philadelphia so we have a few friends coming along with their children so that should be chaotic and fun xD

And then later in the year, we'll be in the Disneyworld area and then another part of Florida :party:
He snores. Loudly.
Ahahaha I'm not sure that really matters, but oh well, I tried xD
Tell you what, the method of rolling dice to decide what I respond to/do has been very effective. Although it seems my dice has favourites.
Tell you what, the method of rolling dice to decide what I respond to/do has been very effective. Although it seems my dice has favourites.
Wait this is such a fun idea hahaha
I do it all the time, it means I don't have to think and just go with whatever the dice says xD
I'm defs stealing that xD no replies for me tonight though, gotta sleep soon :(
I have every manner of dice you could imagine, so lemme know if you need a roll :r
Hehehehe thank you!!! I have some DND dice with little cogs in that Zeph bought for me :cry:

And given how many RPs I have right now I will probs need the d20 xD
Another thing I find helps productivity is giving myself a time limit with music. I tend to use my steam games a lot for this - (not games but apps mostly) like virtual cottage, because then I'm also getting points whilst posting or doing classes etc

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