Just 2 Student Characters

Demetrius Wagner

Magiconservationist Intern | Rich kid
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
I'd quickly like to introduce myself, because I'm not that well-known here. My irl name is Sarah, I live in NZ, and for reasons that don't really need to be gone into I've kind of not been the most active user *coughcough*understatement*coughcough* but I want to change that for this coming in-school year. And I want to be more proactive too. I'd also like to apologise for any threads that were abandoned because of my inactivity.

Anyway, this has led to me having a character who despite being fifth year, hasn't really had many interactions with anyone. I also have a first year who I'll thrown in for fun, because why not?

Demetrius Wagner, Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Demetrius is a muggleborn and son of a rich and prosperous vineyard-owner. He's standoffish and a bit of a loner but underneath it all he just wants to be liked and is fiercely loyal to those he considers friends. He has an innate affinity for magical creatures that confuses him. He has a bunch of muggle interests - rugby, video games, music ect. so he could relate to others through those.
Looking for friends, enemies/rivals, relationships (he's bisexual), anything in-between - I'm interested in positive or negative interactions but I do hope he gets at least one friend. If you don't want to commit to anything and just throw two chars into a thread and see what happens, that's cool too.
Lucy Montague, First Year Ravenclaw
Kind of the polar opposite of Demetrius - Lucy is open, amiable, and loves to get to know people and make friends. She's inquisitive (sometimes to a fault) and can be stubborn even when she knows she's wrong. She loves the outdoors, reading and plays the violin (albeit not perfectly).
Looking for friends but also negative interactions, potentially rivals. Can't have everything go well for her.
Hello! Glad to see you around and looking forward to RPing more! RL always comes first so if things happen they happen.

I've got Audrey for Lucy who's already basically gone "you like some of the same things I like? we are best friends now". (She hasn't had many friends before). Up for any sort of shenanigans there, good or bad, dumb pre-teen fights or getting into trouble or just having a good time.

I also have Aine for Demetrius because also 5th year muggleborn Hufflepuff (there's a whole mini squad forming) and I imagine they've probably like...talked and stuff without necessarily being close friends. They could either get along or their innately standoffish natures could put them at odds with each other (or somewhere in between). Either way, could be fun to throw them in a situation.

They're the two obvious picks anyway, haha. Don't have to feel obligated for anything of course!
Sarah hiiii!! I'm glad to see you back around again, and I've got a few options for ya!

I have a small handful of fourth/fifth years who could be good options for Demetrius, so I'll just give you quick descriptions and if any dynamics jump out that you'd be keen to explore, we can go from there!

Ngawaiata Martin - Slytherin Fifth Year
- Ngawaiata is a big time loner with approximately 0.5 friends. She finds the chaos of the castle pretty overwhelming and mostly keeps to herself and her family, so she could do with likeminded people to pull her out of her shell a bit. She's very into music, and a big time bookworm.

Rāwhiti Te Rangi - Gryffindor Fourth Year
- Rāwhiti is definitely the easiest character on this list to get to know, he's very affable and easygoing, and takes a bit of delight in finding people who'd rather be left alone and refusing to do so. He's big time into sports - Quidditch especially, but he'd never say no to a bit of rugby.

Blanche Broomhead - Slytherin Fourth Year
- Blanche is one I've PAINFULLY neglected, so I'd be really keen for some stuff with her. She's pretty rebellious and can be quite abrasive at times. She's super into art, and not super into school rules, so she could be a source of conflict oooorrrrrrr possibly a bad influence. She's really not all that fleshed out so I'm down for whatever!!

Daria Bright-Root - Ravenclaw Fourth Year - Daria's spent her first few years immensely shy, but she's starting to come out of her shell and make some friends. She's quite insecure about not being interesting, and spends most of her time tucked away doing creative arts - drawing, singing, etc. She's really trying to make the first move and make some friends, so they could have the world's most awkward conversation sometime.

I've got a couple of options for Lucy too, for better or worse...

Marama Te Rangi - Gryffindor First Year - Marama is Rāwhiti's younger sister, and she's got a bit of Youngest Sister With Multiple Older Brothers disorder - she's always trying to push and prove herself She's not a total clone of her brothers, Quidditch doesn't interest her all that much and she doesn't have her oldest brother's passion for music, but she's big into adventure and mischief so they could be well matched partners in crime!

Corn Seymour - Slytherin Second Year
- Corn is basically the worst and he sucks and is awful. Obsessed with rank and station and prestige and heritage and Being The Best, while being too incompetent to actually manage any of that. He loves to take his own inadequacy and superiority complex out on other people, especially girls, so if you're looking for Lucy to have basically a terrible time and make an enemy for life, he's your guy.

Like I said, just lemme know which ideas (if any) pop out to you as fun to explore and we can have a play around with those!
Hi Sarah!

I'd love to do some plots with you. I have Isadora Novak in fifth year that could maybe be an interesting combination with Demetrius. She's a pureblood, but doesn't quite believe all the stuff she's been taught. That doesn't mean she hasn't internalized some of it, though! So maybe there could be some sort of misunderstanding or her being unintentionally rude. She's been away from Hogwarts for a year too, as she went to Durmstrang last year.

For Lucy I can offer my first year Vanity as probably a negative interaction, as most of Vanity's interactions are negative. She's kind of spoiled and always ready to complain, and she's very squeamish and hates being dirty. I could see her reacting badly to Lucy being mud spattered from being outside or something. She's also incredibly stubborn :r
I've got Audrey for Lucy who's already basically gone "you like some of the same things I like? we are best friends now". (She hasn't had many friends before). Up for any sort of shenanigans there, good or bad, dumb pre-teen fights or getting into trouble or just having a good time.

I also have Aine for Demetrius because also 5th year muggleborn Hufflepuff (there's a whole mini squad forming) and I imagine they've probably like...talked and stuff without necessarily being close friends. They could either get along or their innately standoffish natures could put them at odds with each other (or somewhere in between). Either way, could be fun to throw them in a situation.
I love that they're friends already - Lucy feels the same way. Not gonna lie, I'd love to see them get into trouble together. Maybe sneaking out when they shouldn't? Not sure what the motivation would be but I'd be interested in some shenanigans at least.

I think it'd be interesting to see how Aine and Demetrius get along (or don't) in a thread together. Struggling to come up with anything specific but if you have any ideas, let me know!

Blanche Broomhead - Slytherin Fourth Year - Blanche is one I've PAINFULLY neglected, so I'd be really keen for some stuff with her. She's pretty rebellious and can be quite abrasive at times. She's super into art, and not super into school rules, so she could be a source of conflict oooorrrrrrr possibly a bad influence. She's really not all that fleshed out so I'm down for whatever!!

I've got a couple of options for Lucy too, for better or worse...

Marama Te Rangi - Gryffindor First Year - Marama is Rāwhiti's younger sister, and she's got a bit of Youngest Sister With Multiple Older Brothers disorder - she's always trying to push and prove herself She's not a total clone of her brothers, Quidditch doesn't interest her all that much and she doesn't have her oldest brother's passion for music, but she's big into adventure and mischief so they could be well matched partners in crime!
So many good options! I kind of want to do a bunch but I should pace myself so I don't get overwhelmed. For Demetrius, I'm intrigued by Blanche being a bad influence on him. Honestly Demetrius would go along with a lot of stuff if it meant he could make a friend so that one sticks out to me.

For Lucy, I think she'd get along with Marama really well! I'd like to see what they're like together.

I have Isadora Novak in fifth year that could maybe be an interesting combination with Demetrius. She's a pureblood, but doesn't quite believe all the stuff she's been taught. That doesn't mean she hasn't internalized some of it, though! So maybe there could be some sort of misunderstanding or her being unintentionally rude. She's been away from Hogwarts for a year too, as she went to Durmstrang last year.

For Lucy I can offer my first year Vanity as probably a negative interaction, as most of Vanity's interactions are negative. She's kind of spoiled and always ready to complain, and she's very squeamish and hates being dirty. I could see her reacting badly to Lucy being mud spattered from being outside or something. She's also incredibly stubborn :r
Ohh, Isadora and Demetrius could be interesting. I like the idea of her being unintentionally rude and seeing how Demetrius reacts to that. Maybe something about Quidditch versus rugby/muggle sport?

I like this idea too - Lucy going for a walk and getting mud on her robes, feeling cheerful for being out in nature, and Vanity comes along...
Hey Sarah!

I could offer up a few people for Lucy:

Amauri Kendall Wu, she's my new Ravenclaw first year. She's sweet, comes from a Pureblood Quidditch Family but doesn't follow the traditional pureblood way of thinking. Loves food and dancing and crochet xD I want to do more with her so since they're roommates it could be fun.

I also have Ten here, even potentially as an accidentally enemy? Ten is really loud and kinda bossy so I would understand if she gets on some peoples nerves xD

I also have two second year boys, Ewan Wang in Gryffindor and Niall Corvus in Hufflepuff if you wanted to expand out of the year group!
So many good options! I kind of want to do a bunch but I should pace myself so I don't get overwhelmed. For Demetrius, I'm intrigued by Blanche being a bad influence on him. Honestly Demetrius would go along with a lot of stuff if it meant he could make a friend so that one sticks out to me.

For Lucy, I think she'd get along with Marama really well! I'd like to see what they're like together.

Yayy, I'm keen for both of those! I could start a thread for Blanche & Demetrius if you want to start the other one?
Yayy, I'm keen for both of those! I could start a thread for Blanche & Demetrius if you want to start the other one?
Okay, sounds like a plan!
Cool! I will get a response up in the dorm room soon, apologies work has been kicking my backside and I have just been finishing up my college work. Just logbook left so I'm almost there! Was half waiting to see if any other claw firsties might join but its fine. Could see them maybe checking out the forest or cliffs or kitchens (somewhere they probably shouldn't be anyway) or skipping rocks on the lake/trying to provoke the eel. :r

Happy to throw Aine at Demetrius just to see what happens, could start something in the puff common room? I can start it if you'd like? I am kind of assuming based on your description that Demetrius wouldn't initiate conversation so Aine could be nosy and start bothering him?
Hi so you are probably getting plenty of offers, so I thought I'd chime in too!
  • For Demetrius, I can offer Monday Weeks, 5th year Ravenclaw prefect. He takes every class because he wants to learn everything (he is a muggle-born). He transferred into HNZ during his 3rd year. He is dressing more alternative now and even dyed his hair. He is very oblivious to romance, so he wouldn't see it if it slapped him in the face. But he wants more friends anyway!
  • For Lucy, I have hufflepuff Artemis Vasilakis as a first year. She is very friendly, has no tolerance for bullies, is muggle-born, and loves everything magic. She also loves music and art! If you wanted a negative interaction, Dante would be a good one because he isn't a nice boy necessarily, raised with prejudice family members, etc etc.
And that is what I have!
Cool! I will get a response up in the dorm room soon, apologies work has been kicking my backside and I have just been finishing up my college work. Just logbook left so I'm almost there! Was half waiting to see if any other claw firsties might join but its fine. Could see them maybe checking out the forest or cliffs or kitchens (somewhere they probably shouldn't be anyway) or skipping rocks on the lake/trying to provoke the eel. :r

Happy to throw Aine at Demetrius just to see what happens, could start something in the puff common room? I can start it if you'd like? I am kind of assuming based on your description that Demetrius wouldn't initiate conversation so Aine could be nosy and start bothering him?
All good! Real life comes first, just like you said earlier. Oh, they so should try to provoke the eel. I like that one. You know, just skipping stones just to check if there really is an eel, for science. Maybe they agree to meet at the lake?

That sounds like a good idea, starting something in the hufflepuff common room. You're right, Demetrius generally wouldn't start a convo so it makes sense to me that Aine could start bothering him. If you start that one, I could start the other with Audrey? Or the other way round if you prefer.

Hi so you are probably getting plenty of offers, so I thought I'd chime in too!
  • For Demetrius, I can offer Monday Weeks, 5th year Ravenclaw prefect. He takes every class because he wants to learn everything (he is a muggle-born). He transferred into HNZ during his 3rd year. He is dressing more alternative now and even dyed his hair. He is very oblivious to romance, so he wouldn't see it if it slapped him in the face. But he wants more friends anyway!
  • For Lucy, I have hufflepuff Artemis Vasilakis as a first year. She is very friendly, has no tolerance for bullies, is muggle-born, and loves everything magic. She also loves music and art! If you wanted a negative interaction, Dante would be a good one because he isn't a nice boy necessarily, raised with prejudice family members, etc etc.
And that is what I have!
The more the merrier! I say slightly tentatively haha

I think Demetrius might be a bit intimidated by Monday's looks (he comes from a very traditional family, if Demetrius dyed his hair he'd be in big trouble) but with the right conversation starter they could make good friends. Demetrius does feel safer around other muggle-borns because he's still insecure about being magical (he's the only one in his family who showed signs of magic) so that could help. Maybe they bond over some muggle interest?

For Lucy, I had trouble choosing between the two but I think I'd like a negative interaction with Dante. Lucy could potentially try to start a conversation and get to know him and it goes wrong somehow? Lucy being inquisitive can reach into nosiness sometimes. Or something else, if you have other ideas.
I think Demetrius might be a bit intimidated by Monday's looks (he comes from a very traditional family, if Demetrius dyed his hair he'd be in big trouble) but with the right conversation starter they could make good friends. Demetrius does feel safer around other muggle-borns because he's still insecure about being magical (he's the only one in his family who showed signs of magic) so that could help. Maybe they bond over some muggle interest?

For Lucy, I had trouble choosing between the two but I think I'd like a negative interaction with Dante. Lucy could potentially try to start a conversation and get to know him and it goes wrong somehow? Lucy being inquisitive can reach into nosiness sometimes. Or something else, if you have other ideas.
Monday would love to bond over muggle interests. Monday is very much into comics, video games, and science. Monday can be seen with a lot of muggle things, so Demetrius could easily see him with some of those.

I imagine that can be easily done with Dante. Dante comes from an ancient pureblood family and their views are pretty medieval. He can get annoyed with questions about that very easily xD
Monday would love to bond over muggle interests. Monday is very much into comics, video games, and science. Monday can be seen with a lot of muggle things, so Demetrius could easily see him with some of those.

I imagine that can be easily done with Dante. Dante comes from an ancient pureblood family and their views are pretty medieval. He can get annoyed with questions about that very easily xD
Demetrius likes video games so that could work! Both sound solid to me. Do you want to start one thread and I'll start the other?
Ohh, Isadora and Demetrius could be interesting. I like the idea of her being unintentionally rude and seeing how Demetrius reacts to that. Maybe something about Quidditch versus rugby/muggle sport?

I like this idea too - Lucy going for a walk and getting mud on her robes, feeling cheerful for being out in nature, and Vanity comes along...
Ohh I like that idea about sports. I don't think Isadora is too invested in Quidditch, but she would definitely think muggle sports are WEIRD

Vanity would definitely make some snotty comment :r

Should we each start one?
Demetrius likes video games so that could work! Both sound solid to me. Do you want to start one thread and I'll start the other?
I can start the Dante one because he wouldn't approach anyone. Monday might approach Demetrius if he has something muggle to make it easier.
Ohh I like that idea about sports. I don't think Isadora is too invested in Quidditch, but she would definitely think muggle sports are WEIRD

Vanity would definitely make some snotty comment :r

Should we each start one?
Sounds like a good idea! I can start the one with Demetrius and Isadora? Is she likely to start up a conversation?
I can start the Dante one because he wouldn't approach anyone. Monday might approach Demetrius if he has something muggle to make it easier.
Okay, sounds good to me! I'll do the Demetrius one.
I'll PM you the link when it is up. I've got a busy weekend and some replies to do before I start a new one. ^_^ Likely will start it when I get to a Dante reply since I do them by character.
Hi Sarah!

I could offer Kiara for Demetrius. She's in the same year as him, has recently been appointed as a prefect and is trying to be a whole lot more confident than she used to be. In general, she's a very kind person so we could throw them together and see if they could become friends?

Could also offer Senna. She's a fourth year, super outgoing and enthusiastic and a muggleborn as well! She loves to surf but I could definitely see them talking about other muggle sports or muggle related things?
Hi Sarah!

I could offer Kiara for Demetrius. She's in the same year as him, has recently been appointed as a prefect and is trying to be a whole lot more confident than she used to be. In general, she's a very kind person so we could throw them together and see if they could become friends?
I'd love to see if Kiara and Demetrius could become friends! I could have Demetrius comment on her becoming prefect as a starter?
Hi Sarah! I'm Jess!

I've got two thoughts for you.

Emrys and Demetrius could be fun. Emrys is a little younger but he's an absolute weirdo. No clue how it would go but it could be fun to find out!

And for Lucy, maybe she could hang out with Amodeus? Amodeus is an absolute idiot and could either be endearing or infuriating. I think it could be fun.
Hi Sarah! I'm Jess!

I've got two thoughts for you.

Emrys and Demetrius could be fun. Emrys is a little younger but he's an absolute weirdo. No clue how it would go but it could be fun to find out!

And for Lucy, maybe she could hang out with Amodeus? Amodeus is an absolute idiot and could either be endearing or infuriating. I think it could be fun.
Hi Jess! I'd love to give both of those a go, I'd be interested to see what happens. Demetrius is less likely to start a conversation, but I'm sure we can think up something. Lucy loves meeting new people so that one will be easier.
Yay! So if you start something with Demetrius, I could start something with Amodeus?

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