Top 16s 📜

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
We all have our favourites, though - which is why it's HNZ birthday tradition to compile a list (or lists!) of your favourite moments, RPs, characters, ships, emoticons, games... go wild!! You can make as many or few lists as you like on any subjects at all. As we're celebrating HNZ's 16th birthday, we're asking you to come up with your favourite 16 things from each of your chosen categories.

No matter how old HNZ gets, I always wish I could pick more :cry: but without further ado, here are my top 16s lists this year, in no particular order!!

1. Ouchie (Orwell & Archie)
2. 3rd year slytherin girls
3. That week I spent getting carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking all the permissions
4. Ava and Vader
5. Giselle Rosenberg
6. Onie
7. Samuel Phillips
8. Tybalt and Rhi, rekindling, marrying and having a family.
9. Nicole Fisk
10. Eric Holland
11. Eric and Minnie
12. Selene Le Fey
13. Lunar
14. Professor Kalif Styx & Professor Misha Haden - best bros forever
15. Chloe Thompson
16. Blake Irons; his whole being, his whole arc
Oh boy! This is hard, but I will try (no particular order)

1. Flynn North
2. Lars & Blake
3. Eric and Kas :r
4. Elliot Briar
5. The whole Lysander/Juniper feud (I'm biased, I know)
6. That one Quidditch game a few IC years ago when almost every Ravenclaw was knocked out by a bludger
7. Rose Giving and Duelling Tournaments <3
8. Samantha/Sydney :r
9. Minnie Calida
10. Elvera le Fey
11. Tilly Drage and any of Amanda's characters honestly
12. The whole Holland family
13. The Golden Eel
14. Nicole Fisk
15. Briar Rowan-Cullen
16. Just late-night plotting on discord
I usually try to pick stuff relevant to the year just gone but I've been a bit absent :lol: soo here's a very random top 16 list!

1. The sorting hat's amazing replies
3. New shouty rooms!
4. Vex
5. Every game of werewolf where I got way too into it ever
6. The pet pictures thread :wub:
7. HNZers' amazing and endless creativity
8. New members!!!
9. Replying to topics like a full year later as if nothing happened
10. Lysander Summers
11. 3am roleplays
12. All the fun I had RPing Monty as a professor (it still warms my heart thinking back on it :3) and hopefully all the fun still to come
13. The Michaels family
14. Meeting the magnificent Donna :wub:
15. Sofia Loris (she's just so sweet, I love her in every RP)
16. Max Kiefer

That was so hard I could pick dozens more! One day HNZ will be old enough for me to express all my love for everything

Maaybe I'll do some more specific lists later :teehee:
  1. Liusaidh Fergusson (would love to write down her name sixteen times, but her head’s big enough already)
  2. Blake Irons’ character arc
  3. Elliot Briar just generally being a good role model and also catching the snitch!!!
  4. Giselle Rosenberg and her Quidditch protests
  5. Seraphina My- the cake, and the fight, and now whatever else is happening with her and Tilly
  6. Professor Katherine Alicastell shopping at Kmart
  7. Professor Hezekiah Mowry- just everything, love this character
  8. Plots for the “orphans” finding family- Flynn getting adopted by Siobhan, Adorah meeting Nadia
  9. Jordie demanding cuddles from everyone
  10. The duel between Sydney Townsend and Michael Newton
  11. Rosemarie Chatwin and her quest to give all plants their best life
  12. Jaken & Estrella’s kids reuniting with Kalif’s family and Lydia sharing his subject
  13. Every thread Vex is in
  14. The Golden Eel receiving a rose
  15. Ernie Wilder and his owls
  16. Lou Prindeou & Erik Drage (unofficially Lerik)
Well, I just understood that I hit a one-year HNZversary and I am just happy about it so... There is something that I just loved so much

1. Nicole Fisk and her fan club (where do I sign up for that club?)
2. Kahurangi and her pregnancy, it's adorable
3. Lars&Blake
4. The amount of the ideas that everyone here has, it's impressive:wub:
5. Hufflepuff finally winning a game (#GoPuffs! I am rooting for you even if my chars aren't)
6. Connor Holland (I just love how he is made, his whole arc and personality)
7. Sydney&Michael
8. Leia Hume
9. Aeon thinking that Lysander&Kasim are dating
10. Juniper&Lysander (I hope they will get paired up in a tournament)
11. Flynn North
12. Iris&Connor thread
13. Siobhan adopting Flynn, it's sooo cute!!!
14. HNZ Dudebro Band
15. Tofilau brothers
16. Chloe Thompson
Gosh how to pick 16! Good exercise for me to keep it with one list.

1. Liusaidh Fergusson vs Giselle Rosenberg (Anything with these two or where Lius is involved)
2. Chasersquad Gryffindor and just especially the spirit in that house always. With mother Kingsley at the wheel.
3. Yule Ball this year with a lot of drama.
4. Hope Thompson for Ilvermorny finally getting the snitch against Beauxbatons this year.
5. The creative brains on this site for making the most amazing students and plots.
6. Third years and especially the boggart lesson at DATDA
7. The game from Slytherin against Beauxbatons with Liam Waldgrave hitting player after player with an bludger. And than Beauxbatons still manages to win XD
8. Eric Holland vs Noel Waldgrave
9. All the Quidditch Games that took longer than 2 pages or something.
10. Jenna Irons gotta love her so.
11. Minnie Calida
12. Evelyn, Amber and Noemie years
13. Flynn North
14. Chloe and Sully <3
15. Putting on soundtracks from movies and ofcourse Game of Thrones my faveee while being on here (Especially when plotting with Noel and Crystal a.k.a. jon and daenerys)
16. Hopefully Slytherin not winning the quidditch cup, so that the curse is broken.
top 16 favorite pairings - I'm sure I left a ton of faves off but here we go!

1. Ouchie
2. Professor Styx & Haden - such a model friendship :p
3. Jean & Lucien Snow
4. Ava Sparkles & Monty Pendleton
5. Lucien, Avie, and Esme
6. WAM- Wyatt, Asaiah, and Marisol
7. Amber Chou Wilson & Ainsley Lynch
8. Eli Carter & Adam Everett
9. Briar Rowan-Cullen & Madlyn Ateara
10. Keira Kingsley & Carter Kaster
11. Desislav & Kayleigh
12. Vex & Professor Alicastell
13. Vex & Ava King
14. Arvel Ayers & Analei Louw
15. Tilly Drage & Rita Smile
16. Blake Irons & the snitch
I feel so new because I don't recognize half these things xD It was really hard to narrow it down to just 16 but these are some of my favorite HNZ moments over the years that have been on my mind lately ^_^

1. Bruin turning into a bear in the Great Hall and running off after being rejected ? by Andromeda ? (I thiiiink?) and Isabella spreading rumors of him being a werewolf in her gossip magazine because of it
2. The prefect's putting on a play and Njord fake dying during it and traumatizing everyone IC and OOC lol
3. OGs I still think about: Ford Harkonnen, Sophia Stark, Bellatrix Green, ALSO I was obsessed with Kaitlyn's character Jaken Styx
4. As fancy as the Quidditch system is now, I miss the old way of playing, with posting your coordinates on the pitch, and then trying to catch the snitch that posted sooo fast, IT WAS SO CHAOTIC but oh so funnnn
5. Being a global moderator :wub: I will always admire the Admin & GMs for all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes ^_^
6. The Triwizard Tournament and the Durmstrang boys causing drama!!
7. WAM breaking into the Ravenclaw room and also finding the Room of Requirement
8. WAM :wub:
9. Marisol's need to be Dramatic™ and asking Professor Pendleton to Obliviate Teagan just because she hated her =))
10. That time Marisol tried to tell Wyatt she was a werewolf and much to her embarrassment he thought she was referring to that other time of the month =))
11. Bethany becoming Head Girl :wub: still my proudest accomplishment
12. Avie Mitchell <3333
13. That time Avie caught the snitch IMMEDIATELY after the game started and no one else even got a chance to post xD
14. Desislav Zhefarovich ^_^
15. Clementine and Teddy :wub: and Desislav and Teddy referring to Anthony as "whatshisface" the entire time xD
16. Getting drunk on Skype with various people from different time zones so some people were day drinking while it was evening for others and 2am for me, etc. and playing Cards Against Humanity ^_^
Kris reminded me I keep forgetting to do top 16s so here's a few! All in no particular order and totally off the top of my head so I definitely forgot stuff SRY

These lists always make me realise how crap I am at reading threads I'm not in OOPS

Top 16 Characters (Other than my own)
  1. Tristan Collins
  2. Elliot Briar
  3. Freya Song
  4. Poppy Perkins
  5. Tilly Drage
  6. Flavio Morales
  7. Archie Renner
  8. Odette Madison
  9. Monty Pendleton
  10. Minnie Calida
  11. Eric Holland
  12. Lars van Houten
  13. Lysander Summers
  14. Seraphina My
  15. Sydney Townsend
  16. Analei Louw
Top 16 Ships (Canon or non!)
  1. Kauri and [redacted] (this is a Secret Future Plot but um I Love Them)
  2. im obsessed with the hell nightmare mess that is whatever Tristan and Vivian have going on
  3. Amber & Ainsley <3
  4. Elliot & Alice
  5. Eric & Minnie
  6. Seraphina & Tilly
  7. Odette & Harley :'V
  8. Poppy and Freya :V :V :V : V
  9. BLARS
  10. Ouchie.......................
  11. Nell & Jasperrrrrrrrr
  12. Miles & Oscar (and Rupert looming on the horizon like a boyfriend-stealing storm)
  14. I still support Maria Madison and Marcus Carnahan merging their giant adopted families into one mega-family powerful enough to eat smaller families in their path Mortal Engines style their ship name would be MarMar OR MadCar
  15. Sully and Chloe!
  16. Angel & Josephine
Top 16 Non-Romantic Relationships
  2. the chaos that is whatever connor/kas/freya/lucas have going on
  3. Jenna Irons & Seraphina My out to destroy the entire school
  4. Kahurangi & Matt teacher buds
  5. Carnahanssssssssssss
  6. Maria & Odette's bond is rly special 2 me
  7. in the same vein SIOBHAN AND FLYNN OH MY GOD
  8. Minnie & Blake ;u;
  9. The entire third year Gryffindor girls dorm
  10. Odette VS. Harley they get a spot on both lists
  11. Giselle vs. Liusaidh
  12. i miss nell & selene ;_;
  13. Syd and Simonnnnn
  14. dudebro band dudebro band dudebro band
  15. Blake mentoring Ruben has been so funnnn
  16. the HOT MESS that is flavio's first kiss (vivian) becoming his nephew-in-law, and then flavio getting a flat with kauri, the ex of vivian's ex. (tristan essentially cheated on vivian and kauri with each other) MESSY! MESSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i gotta read more threads man
Ooooh lists :3 I have one! In no particular order, lol.

My ships-
1. Onie- Onyx Michaels and Jamie Derouin
2. Lunar- Lucas Ames and Einar Haines
3. Asher CBeckett and -beep-
4. Chalcedony Michaels and Jai Chen
5. Lerik- Lou Prindeou and Erik Drage
6. Dimes- Dimitri Korrinov and Ares Jeffreys
7. Mallory Corrins and -beep-
8. Annika Corrins and Shane Ackley
9. Sapphire's entire love life
10. Zom- Zeke Carnahan and Dominic Torres.
11. Lockward- Lillian Lockwood and Clifton Ward.
12. Kiarian- Kiara Wood and Arthurian Taylor
13. Rose and Iris- Rosalind Lockwood and Iris Van Houten
14. Castian- Casper Beckett and Sebastian Kane
15. Jordie- That boy is such a mess.
16. Jolin- James Michaels and Colin Marsh

Other Ships-
1. Blars- God, this entire arc was so amazing, I love Blake. And Lars has always been one of my favorites.
2. Elliot/Lars- I may love Blars, but I do miss this one.
3. Minnie/Eric- these two are absolutely adorable. I love them, I've been waiting for this ship forever.
4. Vader/Goku- I loved this pairing, and not just because Vader was my favorite guy ever.
5. Chrys/Elio- I hated and loved this pairing all at once, lol. They were like... a very bad idea, but so very amusing.
6. Dominic/Rowan- this pairing is always cute.
7. Baron/Jenna- this one was overconfident but adorable at the same time.
8. Amber/Ainsley- I love these two- I didn't catch all of them but I loved them.
9. Archie/Orwell- I had to do a bit of lurking for this one but I have to admit they are. amazing. I love them! I wish I had been on the site sooner to see more of them, lol.
10. Charlotte/Simon- They annoyed me but I loved them at the same time, lol, they're like the ones I love to hate, lol.
11. Tristan/Vivian- I swear I don't even know what they are but I love them.
12. Miles/Oscar- I love these two, they're awkward but adorable.
13. Edmund/Analei- They were such a surprise, but I loved them.
14. Theodore/Zoe- These two were just so oddly amazing, lol, I never expected them to fit together so well.
15. Simon/Knox- I have no idea what they are or if they are but I ship them, lol.
16. Jerara/Tristan- I can't tell you why lol but I love this one, I know they aren't an official ship but I still ship them lol

(I'm going to do more later when I'm not so tired lol)
I know I already did this but I had the urge to do it again but more detailed, it's just so much fun to remember all of them =))

Fav Characters
  1. Flynn North
  2. Leia Hume
  3. Giselle Rosenberg
  4. Blake Irons
  5. Connor Holland
  6. Harper Alston
  7. Elliot Briar
  8. Nicole Fisk
  9. Lysander Summers
  10. Jordan Harris
  11. Selene Le Fey
  12. All three van Houtens
  13. Eric Holland
  14. Onyx Michaels
  15. Angel Castillo
  16. Noelle Maxwell
Ships (either non-canon or canon)
  1. Kasim&Eric (I know it won't happen but I love it so badly)
  2. Kasim&Lucas (I think I am shipping Kas with everyone he won't get together, sorry Connor tho)
  3. Kasim&Connor (did I say that I am shipping Kas with everyone?)
  4. Onyx&Jamie
  5. Blake&Lars
  6. Emma&Issac
  7. Emily&Sydney
  8. Avarian&Kameron
  9. Juniper&Simon
  10. Iris&Rose
  11. Minnie&Eric
  12. Nell&Jasper
  13. Ouchie
  14. Gabrielle&Edelie (I am just hoping that they will happen!)
  15. Nicole&Augustus (it would be so interesting)
  16. Lucas&Einar

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