Stupid Thumb

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Hi guys. I've been absent for a moment and not sure how much longer since I have Quirvain Syndrome, which really hurts and makes typing a bit painfull at some moments. I have to take a bit of rest (don't know how since I work with children) but I hope the physiotherapist can help me further so that It doesn´t have to come to going to surgery. The quidditch games and all important to come I will be at, but for plots I take a bit of a break. Will see how long I can hold to that thought.. xD

Hope to be more active soon!
Ouch! I had to look up what that is, but it sounds painful. Take your time, Jamie!
Ohh no Jamie, that sucks. Take care of yourself and get some good rest! We'll be here whenever you're feeling better :hug:
I hope your thumb feels better!
Oh nuuu! Hope it feels better soon :wub:
Oh nooo take care Jamie!!

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