New Year New Chances

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hey peeeps <3

I told myself, no don't post it because you have to spread it out over the year. But this is actually the best time to post. And now I'm in the mood so let's hold on to that.

I'm mostly focussing on my current two students at Hogwarts, but want to throw some adults out there too. So feel free to react to who ever you would like to plot with. And if you like to discuss some stuff you can always send me an messenge on discord or skype what you prefer.


Second Year Slytherin
June is not an firstie anymore (OMG) and on multiple missions. But one that is very clear is that she wants to become the best student Hogwarts has ever had. She is very ambitious to do well in class, (which her classmates are not always liking). But actually wants to be the best in all she does. And she strongly believes she is too. June is someone pretending to be nice in your face but at the same time can make the person ridiculus in her mind. A Manipulative person and has an gift to easily win people over. She is very smart in the choices she makes, but if someone crosses her she will not forget and let go easily.

What does she need?
Gullible people to win over (firsties?), competition/rivals (which she will not see like that, but is fun), professors to bond with, friends, elite sisterhood members hang out, name it!


Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Crystal is gonna be in her last year and she is gonna feel some pressure to deliver, since it is just one year to leave an impression and make memories. She is slowly trusting people more and has an good experiance to be back on HNZ. Being her totally self is still difficult, since she is still very aware of how people would feel about her and is more busy with others than herself. Crystal her biggest passion is Magical Creature and especially her facination for dragons. But also feels that people don't understand that, so keeps it an bit for herself. She feels more attracted to boys in a romantic way, but can be an bit akward about it and miss out on signals. Which also has to do with her trusting issue with people, she is afraid to get hurt.

What does she need?
Romance especially. She does have an crush but doesn't take action herself, having dates for the dances would be nice, someone crushing on her, friends, people who like magical creatures or hate them, anything!


23 Years old - Unemployed
[Adminapproval= ID#87341]
Currently still unemployed, because no clue what do with life and working on herself in therapy which drains a lot of energy from her. She will open up about something new about her past to her 'adoptive' father this year which is gonna have consequences and give DRAMA but make the connection with Landon bigger. Lauren is an very closed off person and doesn't easily trust someone. But tries to challenge herself to talk to strangers or old classmates to have some more of an social life. Lauren is or was overall an adventurous person and likes quidditch. She has learned to feel attracted to an boy and girl, so is open for both.

What does she need?
Dates, romantic stuff (boys and girls is she open for) so she will experiance an first kiss, meeting up with old classmates, meeting new people friends? People who play quidditch?


19 Years old - Unemployed
adminapprovalID #113581
Another problem kid is Giselle. After dropping out of school she spends most of her days/nights drinking. She deals with an depression and refuses to go into therapy for her mothers death and face it. She is also kind of an activist in protesting to quidditch, which she hates. Giselle is very angry and irritated so when someone annoys her she can easily get into an fight. She is an flirt and likes getting attention. But actually feels really alone, and could use an good friend. But has an very big wall that is hard to break. But not impossible.

What does she need?
People to flirt with during a night out, drink buddies, bartenders to spend her lifestory with, friends (she doesn't actually have them), people to get into a fight with. Romance is certainly what she needs, but I don't feel like she and that person is open to that right now. But more when she gets an bit older.


20 Years old - Unemployed
Christina or Chrissy is the older sister of Crystal and cousin of Evelyn. She still lives with her parents in England but is gonna move out this year if she finds a job. That is what she is still searching for. She can be stubborn since she wants to do what she wants and don't follow her family into the fashion industry and take a job because she is not good enough for something else. She is an sporty girl and likes adventure. Her search to her identity is further and she is experiancing her liking girls. And wants to test it out so will flirt some more. Still getting out of the closet completly is something scary so she could use help. Also to find her passion.

What does she need?
Dates, flirts (girls), relationship later on, friends, enemies, old classmates to meet up with. Anything!

I have some others as well, if you are interested just let me know. Or have questions. But they don't need specifics. But always up for plots.

- Evelyn Manning (Owner EVELYN) 29 years
- Elizabeth Wespurt (Owner Makutu Dinette) 29 years
- Espen Manning (Director EVELYN Denmark) 29 years
- Sofia Rosenberg (Co-Owner Rosenberg Interior shop) 28 years
- Gabriel Rosenberg (Professional Quidditch Player) 27 years
- Gabriella Davenport (Ministry of Magic NZ) 27 years
- Therese Rosenberg (Professional Quidditch Player) 27 years
- Liam Waldgrave (Professional Quidditch Player) 26 years
- Charlotte Harper (Ministry of Magic NZ) 26 years
- Athena Holmgaard (Model at EVELYN) 25 years
- Noel Waldgrave (Personal Assistent Minister of Magic) 22 years
- Travis Simons (Unsorted) 10 years
- Camille Carter (Unsorted) 9 years
- Bryon Davenport (Azkaban prisoner) 46 years
- Claire Beaumont (Ministry of Magic NZ) 42 years
Hi! My firstie Vanity isn't exactly gullible, but she would be very interested in June because I think she's eager to hang out with older kids. I don't think it'd go well for very long but maybe for a bit :p or maybe they get along great who knows!
Hi Daph!

Oehh would be nice to put them together. I think June would just be happy with all the attention she gets. And perhaps they even will like eachother who knows, or not. But fine. We can put them together for sure? Do you have an topic going on where she can bump in or shall we make an new one?
Hi Daph!

Oehh would be nice to put them together. I think June would just be happy with all the attention she gets. And perhaps they even will like eachother who knows, or not. But fine. We can put them together for sure? Do you have an topic going on where she can bump in or shall we make an new one?
I only have an open topic rn where she's loudly complaining about sleeping in the dungeons and arguing with other kids, maybe a new thread would be better xD

More June x Eloise because I'm so curious to see how they develop

Also if you want: Sofia x Leif // Espen x Jade
I'd be up for another Fraser/June thread?

I'm happy to offer Xiuying to Crystal! I can't believe its their final year- that's crazy
I only have an open topic rn where she's loudly complaining about sleeping in the dungeons and arguing with other kids, maybe a new thread would be better xD
June would not disagree with her haha. We can do another one. Suggestions where? And who's starting?


More June x Eloise because I'm so curious to see how they develop

Also if you want: Sofia x Leif // Espen x Jade
Hey gurll,

June x Eloise for sure. I have an topic in the owlery which you can join if you want? I like the vibe between them.

Sofia x Leif: Sure sure sure. There is gonna be an wedding from Therese soon so they can go there together perhaps? Interesting place to be also if you know what I mean xD

Espen x Jade: I think I forgot that old topic. So for sure let's throw them together.
I'd be up for another Fraser/June thread?
Sure! I like June to interact with boys more so would be cool. Any thoughts?

I'm happy to offer Xiuying to Crystal! I can't believe its their final year- that's crazy

Xiuying x Crystal: Yess please, would be nice. Around the quidditch pitch or room we can for sure open something. I can start one.
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Sure! I like June to interact with boys more so would be cool. Any thoughts?
I'd be happy for her to use him more. Maybe they could be sitting in the great hall together?
June would not disagree with her haha. We can do another one. Suggestions where? And who's starting?
Could do the common room? Or is that too basic xD
I can start!
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@Amber Chou Wilson

No completly fine! Thanks!


I'm happy to offer Xiuying to Crystal! I can't believe its their final year- that's crazy

Here one for Xiuying and Crystal. Let me know if there does something needs to be changed.
Hello! Sorry about totally dropping off the face of the earth last time but I am really going to try this IC year especially with like 1 week left of college at this point. :lol:

I don't have very much to offer, but I could see my 4th year claw boy, Michael, getting a bit of a (one-sided because of the age thing) crush on Crystal if she's going to play Quidditch again this year? He probably already thinks she's really pretty and nice and might just be a bit embarrassing and go out of his way to defend her from bludgers in training (instead of, you know, the seekers). She might not even notice but idk it could potentially be something kind of silly.

My adults get a bit neglected but I could also offer my ministry guy, Serenoa Earnshaw, as a sort of drinking buddy for Giselle? Again too much of an age difference for it to be romantic (he's like 30 now iirc) and he's chivalrous enough to gently turn her down if she does flirt with him without making her feel too bad about it hopefully. But he co-owns a bar and tends to check out bars around the place for inspiration, he could be someone she could vent to and he'd calmly listen and at least not argue with the Quidditch thing. Could just be a kind of sympathetic shoulder to cry on and maybe a friend.

Anyway feel free to turn down either of these, no pressure!

(Would love to do something with June though I'm not really sure what, my prof probably isn't the best choice but I'm sure she actually likes June because she likes motivated students, and I half imagine June and Aine meeting and June sizing her up because of the points thing and not getting why this depressed neurotic Hufflepuff somehow has awards, though I don't know if it would be anything more than that lol)
Hello! Sorry about totally dropping off the face of the earth last time but I am really going to try this IC year especially with like 1 week left of college at this point. :lol:

I don't have very much to offer, but I could see my 4th year claw boy, Michael, getting a bit of a (one-sided because of the age thing) crush on Crystal if she's going to play Quidditch again this year? He probably already thinks she's really pretty and nice and might just be a bit embarrassing and go out of his way to defend her from bludgers in training (instead of, you know, the seekers). She might not even notice but idk it could potentially be something kind of silly.

My adults get a bit neglected but I could also offer my ministry guy, Serenoa Earnshaw, as a sort of drinking buddy for Giselle? Again too much of an age difference for it to be romantic (he's like 30 now iirc) and he's chivalrous enough to gently turn her down if she does flirt with him without making her feel too bad about it hopefully. But he co-owns a bar and tends to check out bars around the place for inspiration, he could be someone she could vent to and he'd calmly listen and at least not argue with the Quidditch thing. Could just be a kind of sympathetic shoulder to cry on and maybe a friend.

Anyway feel free to turn down either of these, no pressure!

(Would love to do something with June though I'm not really sure what, my prof probably isn't the best choice but I'm sure she actually likes June because she likes motivated students, and I half imagine June and Aine meeting and June sizing her up because of the points thing and not getting why this depressed neurotic Hufflepuff somehow has awards, though I don't know if it would be anything more than that lol)


Michael x Crystal: Ah that would be funny and cute. She is gonna play quidditch for sure. Crystal is kind of akward and misses signals. But if she did got a bit attention she would not mind and just nice to have some social contact with an teammember.

Serenoa x Giselle: Feel ya. She would not mind who it is to talk to if she drinks. Would be fun to throw them together. I just like to use her some more right now.

We can start one both perhaps? I don't mind which and when the timing is right.

June x prof: Always up for interaction.
June x Aine: Haha she sure would look and try to find out who that top points earner is. And she is really not liking hufflepuffs and is kind of judging them all being the same. So they run into eachother or in the background watching seems fun.
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Sounds good, I can start the one for Noah and Giselle (I have to start another one on him so I will do them both) if you wanted to start a Quidditch one?

My muse is often stuck on my prof probably because I am in the middle of rewrites and feel guilty about it but I don't think June has HoM until s2 anyway so that can be something to revisit then. I don't know if June and Aine would be more than June seeing this tired dishevelled Hufflepuff and being judgmental but I guess it could always be a silly short thread sometime.
Here a little late to suggest June and Santiago! Would love for them to hang out outside of a dance and maybe bicker some more. I think maybe he might tease her for taking schoolwork so seriously.
Let me know if you want to do something with that!
Hi Jamie! I have some ideas that you are free to take or leave :D

June and Celia - So the Elite Sisterhood is actually dead (though if June wanted to take it over and try and recruit new members, she probably could). But I'd still love to have these two interact some more because I find June's admiration (?) of Celia really funny. We could do something SDA/dueling-related. We could do something head girl/top points earner-related. We could something else entirely! Celia's not really happy with any of the old Sisterhood members, but she's a sucker for flattery and she'll never turn down the chance to complain about Heta. I also find it interesting that they both have incarcerated dads though Celia is determinedly Not Talking about hers (and will probably blow up at anyone who brings him up), and it seems like June is keeping hers a secret.

Crystal and Celia - It's their last year, so it could be fun to have another thread together! Celia does not like magical creatures, so she can say something judgmental to Crystal if you want. There's also always Quidditch (though Celia's pretty dismissive of keepers/Ravenclaw in general) or just seventh year plots in general. Or for something romance-related, Crystal could try and fish for information about Louis from Celia since he and Celia are friends lol

Christina and Harper - I know we'd talked about these two potentially becoming friends while Harper was traveling. She's back in NZ now, so if Christina's ever in the country, they could meet. Or we could even backdate a thread if you want (I feel like time for adults is a lot more flexible).
Sounds good, I can start the one for Noah and Giselle (I have to start another one on him so I will do them both) if you wanted to start a Quidditch one?

My muse is often stuck on my prof probably because I am in the middle of rewrites and feel guilty about it but I don't think June has HoM until s2 anyway so that can be something to revisit then. I don't know if June and Aine would be more than June seeing this tired dishevelled Hufflepuff and being judgmental but I guess it could always be a silly short thread sometime.

Sure! I can start the other. I can do something like after the practise or something with them.

Sounds good to see later in the year of this will do.

Here a little late to suggest June and Santiago! Would love for them to hang out outside of a dance and maybe bicker some more. I think maybe he might tease her for taking schoolwork so seriously.
Let me know if you want to do something with that!
Haha they tend to meet there indeed. I like the ones we had so far. I'm not sure what June feels about him so that is interesting if it's gonna be a dislike or not. So far June doesn't like the boys of her age, since she finds them annoying and brainless. I'm very up for this! Would you mind start something somewhere? I don't mind where. June is more inside than outdoors person.

Hi Jamie! I have some ideas that you are free to take or leave :D

June and Celia - So the Elite Sisterhood is actually dead (though if June wanted to take it over and try and recruit new members, she probably could). But I'd still love to have these two interact some more because I find June's admiration (?) of Celia really funny. We could do something SDA/dueling-related. We could do something head girl/top points earner-related. We could something else entirely! Celia's not really happy with any of the old Sisterhood members, but she's a sucker for flattery and she'll never turn down the chance to complain about Heta. I also find it interesting that they both have incarcerated dads though Celia is determinedly Not Talking about hers (and will probably blow up at anyone who brings him up), and it seems like June is keeping hers a secret.

Crystal and Celia - It's their last year, so it could be fun to have another thread together! Celia does not like magical creatures, so she can say something judgmental to Crystal if you want. There's also always Quidditch (though Celia's pretty dismissive of keepers/Ravenclaw in general) or just seventh year plots in general. Or for something romance-related, Crystal could try and fish for information about Louis from Celia since he and Celia are friends lol

Christina and Harper - I know we'd talked about these two potentially becoming friends while Harper was traveling. She's back in NZ now, so if Christina's ever in the country, they could meet. Or we could even backdate a thread if you want (I feel like time for adults is a lot more flexible).


June x Celia: LOVE IT I guess June would for sure. She is only third year next year but would be funny to continue with it on that age. She feels older for sure. June kind of knows that she should not cross Celia (so it's more a smart move I think) and since she is now headgirl and June is wanting to walk that same path she would sure like to spend time. She likes Celia for sure and June would want a practice for her first duel perhaps for sure, with some help of Celia? I love all you suggesting. June is not open about her own stuff too. Next year will be more of an challenge, but so far is very closed of. And only uses info if it benefits her.

Crystal x Celia: For sure! I'm kind of in the middle with how honest Crystal is gonna be about her future passion and what she wants to do. But she could be off guard for a moment and mention what she likes to do after Hogwarts. But they sure cross eachother in a quidditch game. Talking about boys with Celia would be lovely and she could for sure ask info about Louis or other boys.

Chirstina x Harper: Sure we can do that! I still need to find out what to do with her work related so any plot we can do is nice! There could always be a reason she goes to NZ. I agree that you don't need to hurry so much with adults usually xD

Which one should we do now? The students? I don't mind who I'm starting.
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June x Celia: LOVE IT I guess June would for sure. She is only third year next year but would be funny to continue with it on that age. She feels older for sure. June kind of knows that she should not cross Celia (so it's more a smart move I think) and since she is now headgirl and June is wanting to walk that same path she would sure like to spend time. She likes Celia for sure and June would want a practice for her first duel perhaps for sure, with some help of Celia? I love all you suggesting. June is not open about her own stuff too. Next year will be more of an challenge, but so far is very closed of. And only uses info if it benefits her.

Crystal x Celia: For sure! I'm kind of in the middle with how honest Crystal is gonna be about her future passion and what she wants to do. But she could be off guard for a moment and mention what she likes to do after Hogwarts. But they sure cross eachother in a quidditch game. Talking about boys with Celia would be lovely and she could for sure ask info about Louis or other boys.

Chirstina x Harper: Sure we can do that! I still need to find out what to do with her work related so any plot we can do is nice! There could always be a reason she goes to NZ. I agree that you don't need to hurry so much with adults usually xD

Which one should we do now? The students? I don't mind who I'm starting.

June and Celia - Yeah, she should probably wait until Celia's gone before she tries to revive the Sisterhood haha. Anyway, Celia would be willing to give June some dueling tips if she asked for them, so maybe we start with something in the Dueling Chamber?

Crystal and Celia - I'm down for any of those ideas! (Though idk how "lovely" or helpful Celia will be :r) Do you think Crystal would approach Celia? If so, I can start something for them in the Student Lounge, and they can talk about whatever Crystal wants.

Christina and Harper - Anytime you want a thread for these two in NZ, let me know! They can easily run into each other in some park/cafe/bar/any communal space lol. If you want something sports-related, maybe Harper stops Christina at a park and tries to recruit her for the adult recreational soccer league she plays for?

Starting with the students sounds good! I can take Crystal/Celia if you want to start June/Celia?
June and Celia - Yeah, she should probably wait until Celia's gone before she tries to revive the Sisterhood haha. Anyway, Celia would be willing to give June some dueling tips if she asked for them, so maybe we start with something in the Dueling Chamber?

Crystal and Celia - I'm down for any of those ideas! (Though idk how "lovely" or helpful Celia will be :r) Do you think Crystal would approach Celia? If so, I can start something for them in the Student Lounge, and they can talk about whatever Crystal wants.

Christina and Harper - Anytime you want a thread for these two in NZ, let me know! They can easily run into each other in some park/cafe/bar/any communal space lol. If you want something sports-related, maybe Harper stops Christina at a park and tries to recruit her for the adult recreational soccer league she plays for?

Starting with the students sounds good! I can take Crystal/Celia if you want to start June/Celia?
I will start June and Celia in the Dueling chamber. For me also nice since it's gonna be a challenge since I never competed in dueling.

x Celia: She would if she would run into her I guess. Congratulation her for headgirl is always safe. Sounds good!

We can remember Christina and Harper! For when the timing is better.
I have Tesla Wilde for Gabriel and/or Liam because they're all on the Thundelarra's together. I think that Gabriel x Tess could be friendly and go to the gym together because that's pretty much all she does. Tess is a chaser so they'd have to have a good relationship for team work and the like together. For Liam, maybe they could have a flirtationship whilst being colleagues?
Leda could reunite with Liam, she's currently very heavily pregnant :r
I have Tesla Wilde for Gabriel and/or Liam because they're all on the Thundelarra's together. I think that Gabriel x Tess could be friendly and go to the gym together because that's pretty much all she does. Tess is a chaser so they'd have to have a good relationship for team work and the like together. For Liam, maybe they could have a flirtationship whilst being colleagues?

Tesla x Gabriel: Would be nice for him to get more friends haha, next to his family and girlfriend he could use some social interaction. Meeting in the gym would be fun! In NZ?

Liam x Tesla: Liam is always up for a talk with a female and I know that Kris and I have had an topic going on with thundelarra's, since Kris has someone who is the coach. So we can perhaps do an practice or meeting after something?

We can both start one whenever suiting? With adults it takes a bit more time perhaps, since my focus is mainly students atm, but we can see who start which and put it on the list.

Leda could reunite with Liam, she's currently very heavily pregnant :r
Haha omggg! That would be fun and lovely!

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