Good Omens Discussion

Monty Pendleton

💡 Inventor | Guardian 💡
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Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (61)
Anybody else going to watch Good Omens?! I'm so hyped for it!!

If you don't know what it is, it's a 6-part Amazon Prime series based on the novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, and it's essentially about an angel and a demon who kind of like living on earth and join forces to try to prevent Armageddon happening

Here's the extended trailer:


I finished the book about a week ago and I need it right now. It's coming out on the 31st May (AKA tomorrow) and it has David Tennant and Michael Sheen and Miranda Richardson and Jon Hamm and a bunch of other awesome people in it (including Monty's PB apparently HAHA)

Remember to put spoilers in spoilers!! :lol:
I read this book like... 3 years ago now. I really liked it! I hadn't realized the series was so soon, I look forward to watching it :D

I don't know if it's out yet, but I'm almost afraid to start watching, because I'll only be able to watch it for the first time once and I'm savouring the moment :teehee: (does anyone else do that or am I weird)
Never mind I'm on episode 2 already

I'm really enjoying it buuut there's a bit of narration which if you haven't read the books might seem like a lazy way of conveying information :lol: but it's almost directly quoting the books so I love it!


That’s my Monty!
I wanna watch this (when Claire’s done on my account :r ) David Tennant is the maaaaaan :claire:
I'm so sorry Pheeb!! :lol: I'll stop after this one =)) <3

I'm on episode 3 and yeah it's getting even better, I loveee it aaa (also the Noah's Ark scene had me in stitches)
Ok, I'm watching this now instead of writing the thank you cards my wife wants me to write.
(It was on my to-watch list, but you've prioritized it for me.)
Yaaaass that's the spirit!!
Although it might be a rough go... things that perpetuate misunderstandings of biblical stories give me a twitch. xD Already I'm all "it's not ending in a garden!" (I'll allow artistic license...) / "it wasn't an apple!" / "it's not the difference between good and evil... this is basic biblical interp., people!" / "why's he got the flaming sword?!" (they explained this one in time, but not before I twitched!)
Binged the whole thing. Loved it.
Understandable Nick! I hope you can enjoy it anyway

And yaaas Dan high five. I just finished as well. My heart can't take it ugh it was everything I hoped it would be and more
I LOVED the book when I read it back innnnn year ten? Somewhere around then, so it was years and years ago now. They've been talking about adapting it for ages and I'm so excited that it's finally here. I can't wait to watch :wub:
One of those watches was with me :p Daph sat me down to binge it together while I was sick and I'm really glad she did, I really enjoyed it! The book's been lingering near the bottom of my to-read list for years a while and it's definitely bounced higher up, I really really liked the show.
I half-hope that they make a second season - though if Gaiman's not involved it likely won't be as good.
My other worry is, if they make another season, the quirky charming nature of it may become tired and bothersome (which is kind of how I ended up feeling about Netflix's Series of Unfortunate Events).
I half-hope that they make a second season - though if Gaiman's not involved it likely won't be as good.
My other worry is, if they make another season, the quirky charming nature of it may become tired and bothersome (which is kind of how I ended up feeling about Netflix's Series of Unfortunate Events).
I feel the same way! (Also about A Series of Unfortunate Events, actually :r ) I do want more of this, but I feel like the story was right this way and doesn't really need anything added to it.

But at the same time I'd watch a season two immediately xD

Do think it's very unlikely though.
I'd watch a second season in a heartbeat, but I don't think it's likely that Neil Gaiman would go for it, considering his co-writer isn't around to work on it. Adapting the work they did together is one thing, but I feel like it would be difficult for Neil to continue adding to the story without Terry Pratchett.
Hahahha Amazon gave me a free prime trial sooo I'm watching it a second time

I also think a series 2 is unlikely but I would also be real happy if Neil wrote one anyway :cry:

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