A Little Late to The Plot Party

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
Got very overwhelmed by everyone's PD's so I'm making my own. That's how this works right?
Indira Khatri
7th Year - Slytherin
Head Girl?????????​
Indi is still not thrilled about Anisha and Raafe being at Hogwarts with her but the shock and surprise of getting the Head Girl badge will gladly over shadow that for now. She is also here to make it everyone's problem. She has a couple years to make up for so if she can push her authority around for good or mischif?? she would love that. But it's also a bit responsibility she wasn't really counting on, on top of quidditch, running the SDA, and keeping up her grades. Not to mention eel hunting, and she only has a year left to find Real Proof. So she might very well have a bit of a break down.

At the end of the day she's very blunt and doesn't come off as the nicest person on the surface but has a good heart if you can find it. She has her two friends which is enough most of the time but more people to be friendly with would be nice! But as mentioned above any prefect mischief is perfectly welcome. As for romance she's not interested at all. But if someone would like to develop a misguided and unrequited crush that could be fun haha.
Caleb Thorne
6th Year - Slytherin
reckless and annoying​
Caleb is a little unsure what to do with himself now that his sister isn't at school. Not that they were that close but Delilah acted as the metaphorical angel on his shoulder telling him things were a bad idea. So now that she's not here I think he's going to want to up his antics significantly. He's also in a weird spot romantically after a failed fling with one of his friends. So he is definitely on the rebound and ready for any and all distractions. Caleb rarely takes things seriously and that isn't likely going to stop any time soon. He's here for a good time not a long time.

Would love anything that could get him in trouble and I'm always open to him making more friends, especially ones he hasn't kissed. But also open to flings or even just one off disastrous dates. Boys only.
Felix Carnahan
5th Year - Hufflepuff
a little lost tbh​
Felix is also reeling from the loss of his brother that graduated. He's now the oldest Carnahan at school and it is a very weird feeling for him. He also got a prefect badge which has added an extra layer of weirdness. He's not the most responsible person in the world but he sure does try. I think this year is going to be a struggle for him as he tries to be a good role model and focus on quidditch and his grades but deep down just wanting to have fun and goof off a little.

Would love to work on deepening some of his existing friendships and always open to new ones, especially with other prefects and his team mates AND those who might push him in a more rebellious direction. He's good on romance for the moment but unrequited crushes might be fun, and he's so nice it would really stress him out lol.
Margo Fox
4th Year - Hufflepuff
taking charge​
Margo has had a bit of a rough time at school so far. She made what she thought were her forever friends before school even started but recently that one bright spot was taken from her. She's always struggled making herself known and taking up space but she's recently put her foot down and trying to make things happen for herself. She's hopefully going to be more bold and outspoken. One of the biggest burdens she's been carrying around with her is the mystery of her brother. This year she's going to at least start her search for him.

Would love to develop more of the passing friendships she's had into something more, and meet new people as well. She fighting her shyness tooth and nail and I'd like to reward her for that haha. Also if anyone wants to help her with her search for her brother let me know! I haven't quite figured out how that plot will work so open to all ideas. Also would lover for her to get a crush and act on it, maybe? Open to both boys and girls.
Ethan Alexander
3rd Year - Ravenclaw
Ethan has been pretty content to keep to himself and do his own thing since for a while there he wasn't sure if he was going to transfer or not. But it's looking like he's going to be staying here for good and now he's kind of scrambling to find friends. When not walking around the forest trying to find creatures, he's with his owl Cosmo, or reading magazines about cryptid or anything about ghosts he can find. He's also going to start trying at least a little bit when it comes to his grades which is going to be a rough transition for him since he usually doesn't like to pay attention to things he doesn't like.

Like I mentioned, mostly looking to get him some more solid friendships. Open to adventures in the woods or exploring for creatures in different areas of the grounds. Tentatively open to crushes or something like that. He's going to be fairly clueless for a while so it might be something a little slower paced. Open to boys and girls for now.
Leah Thorne
2nd Year - Gryffindor
excited to be your new bff​
Leah had a very busy first semester before I fell of the face of the world a little bit. But I'd love to get back at it with her. She is incredibly friendly and wants to be everyone's friend and experience everything the school has to offer. She has a bit of a rocky home life and she is ready and willing to make Hogwarts her "real" home for as long as she can. She has a few friends but could always use more as well as some adventure. Also her app for pure blood was accepted and I've been wanting to do more with that.

Open to any and all threads with her friends, and making new ones. Would also love to have some people push back against her. She can be very overwhelming and bossy without realizing it and I would love to have someone not get along with her. Would also love for her to interact with more purebloods or people who might have strong opinions about it one way or another. She's also a little too young for romance yet but when the time comes she's mostly going to be interesting in girls but a few crossed wires in the mean time could be fun.
Santiago Torres
1st Year - Gryffindor
angry >:[​
Santiago is my new kid this year and he's got a lot going on emotionally. He got sent to Hogwarts New Zealand after some petty vandalism and he is taking it very poorly. He is almost determined to have a bad time while also being way too over sensitive about things he can't control. He can be nice but you just have to dig for it and he can also be fiercely loyal if you can get through his shell far enough. He loves to skateboard and used to ride horses back home. He's a horse boy. He also has a creative side and likes to play guitar and is just starting to mess around with writing his own songs.

I need a little bit of everything for him. Some friends who can tolerate him would be nice and some people who can't would also be fun. He really does have a chip on his shoulder and isn't going to make it easy. Also if any professors or staff want to take a shine to him that could be fun too. He's a little young for romance obviously but if anyone wants to plant seeds for some thing in the future I'm open to it.

Well, hope at least some of this makes sense.
Just posting my students for now but if you'd like to plot with literally any of my other characters feel free to ask or drop me a message. I am annoyingly always on discord lmao. Don't tell my boss :cool:

But yeah, give me all your suggestions!! I'm really excited to plot now that the holidays are over and I'm finally kicking the second cold I managed to get in the past few months lol.
I am here as agreed.

The ones from our saved ideas list:

Margo/Charlie: Well. Maybe this could be like an older brother/little sister kind of thing.

Margo/Valerius: I do think a quick fling with these two could be fun, but either way they should be friends, he could use someone other than Aine to hang out with.

Ethan/Emrys: I think we talked about these two being weird boys together. Ethan can drag Emrys on adventures or talk about ghosts and cryptids and things. Emrys will absolutely listen to everything for hours.

Mallory/Yvonne: I think we talked about them being Professor buddies?

Indi/Jordie: I mean- obviously- we must. Someone tell him how to write a speech XD

Felix/Jordie: They could be buddies, they are closely linked with the team and everything.

Airen/Leah: I feel like these two could be fun. And maybe more later, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, lets see how they get on? Airen is a bubbly artist that loves fashion and ribbons.

Santiago/Airen: Speaking of, this could be interesting, she'd definitely try to get through his shell.
Hi Kadi! Just sliding in! I have some people to offer, but not many ideas about what! But I guess we can figure that out as we go along, right? =))

Felix x Molly - For obvious reasons bahaha! But I would love to do some for stuff with them for sure!!

Margo x Abby - I know we had a few threads between them, here and there, but I would love for them to have a friendship going, Abby, herself is still a little shy and in her own shell, but she's slowly, very slowly, getting confident! I could also offer Abby as someone that could help Margo find her brother. Abby also is starting to wonder about her birth parents, so i guess they could somewhat relate to finding a family member.

Leah x Conan - I love their chaoticness so much right now, as well as their friendship, and I would love to do more between them! Chaotic adventures is a must, I say! hehe

Santiago x Eliza - I'm always also happy to offer my firstie to your firstie! I'm not sure how they'd get along and whatnot, but I'm happy to put them into a thread together and see how it goes.
Hello Kadi.
I am afraid i dont have much but here are a couple to throw around.

Felix/Sky. I am sure they are at least some kind of friends by now. nothing really specific on mind. but hanging out.

For Santiago. I have sky again. always up for some music fun. but i also have Hugo. a first year raven. I don't think they have that much in common other than potentially writing. but we could see how they work together.
Hey Kadi! I'm not going to offer a bunch but something that could actually work

So Margo x Gabrielle - so, Gaby is my 4th year transfer from Beauxbatons and she really needs friends. Margo feels like someone that Gaby could get along with?
Ethan x Sabrina - totally not unexpected. So far, for Sabrina Ethan is the only person that she feels more or less comfortable with, so we could solidify their friendship?
Santiago x Georgia - well, as long as he doesn't make her cry a lot, she would be up for some challenge. Even more, she wants to learn how to skateboard better (she knows just some bases) and she could try to convince him to teach her?
[blows a kiss to everyone who replied]
Margo/Charlie: Well. Maybe this could be like an older brother/little sister kind of thing.

Margo/Valerius: I do think a quick fling with these two could be fun, but either way they should be friends, he could use someone other than Aine to hang out with.

Ethan/Emrys: I think we talked about these two being weird boys together. Ethan can drag Emrys on adventures or talk about ghosts and cryptids and things. Emrys will absolutely listen to everything for hours.

Mallory/Yvonne: I think we talked about them being Professor buddies?

Indi/Jordie: I mean- obviously- we must. Someone tell him how to write a speech XD

Felix/Jordie: They could be buddies, they are closely linked with the team and everything.

Airen/Leah: I feel like these two could be fun. And maybe more later, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, lets see how they get on? Airen is a bubbly artist that loves fashion and ribbons.

Santiago/Airen: Speaking of, this could be interesting, she'd definitely try to get through his shell.
JESS! Yes thank you for this!

Margo/Charlie: Yes, I like this a lot. Maybe he can find her having a bit of a sad moment in the Monthly room and he can try and comfort/get to know her a bit??

Margo/Valerius: Also good! Do you have any ideas of how they could bump into each other again??

Ethan/Emrys: Haha yeah we did. I have established that Ethan has an Ouija board at school if you think Emrys would be into that to use or just talk about. And maybe they could do a trek into the forest later on??

Indi/Jordie: Maybe we can just do a thread of them talking about getting badges and stuff for now

Felix/Jordie: I could see Felix maybe going to Jordie for help figuring out how to balance everything with grades/quidditch/prefect stuff.

Airen/Leah: Yeah that could be fun. We can introduce them for now and see how it goes. Maybe in the future we can do something with the fact that Leah at least in my head is a little more of a tomboy and might be a little resistant to the ribbons and fashion and all that.

Santiago/Airen: haha she is welcome to try, But he is a tough cookie.

I'd like to start something with Indi and Jordie soon. Is there something else you'd like to jump on right away?

Felix x Molly - For obvious reasons bahaha! But I would love to do some for stuff with them for sure!!

Margo x Abby - I know we had a few threads between them, here and there, but I would love for them to have a friendship going, Abby, herself is still a little shy and in her own shell, but she's slowly, very slowly, getting confident! I could also offer Abby as someone that could help Margo find her brother. Abby also is starting to wonder about her birth parents, so i guess they could somewhat relate to finding a family member.

Leah x Conan - I love their chaoticness so much right now, as well as their friendship, and I would love to do more between them! Chaotic adventures is a must, I say! hehe

Santiago x Eliza - I'm always also happy to offer my firstie to your firstie! I'm not sure how they'd get along and whatnot, but I'm happy to put them into a thread together and see how it goes.
Maria ❤️

Felix x Molly: Yes! Maybe they could have a study date on the lawn or in the common room? He could also try and console her about not getting prefect.

Margo x Abby: I think these two are pretty close to friends by now haha. Maybe Abby can find her trying to do some kind of research in the library and they can talk about finding people??

Leah x Conan: Yes!! I love them very much. Maybe we can do a thread with them looking for shells at the lake? Or maybe just skipping stones? Or something completely different? haha

Santiago x Eliza: Love a firstie combo and it helps that they're in the same house haha. Maybe just have them try and chat in the common room??

If you like any of those, maybe we can each start two? Or start off a little slower haha. Just let me know!

Felix/Sky. I am sure they are at least some kind of friends by now. nothing really specific on mind. but hanging out.

For Santiago. I have sky again. always up for some music fun. but i also have Hugo. a first year raven. I don't think they have that much in common other than potentially writing. but we could see how they work together.

Felix/Sky: For sure! It's been a while since they've hung out. Maybe he could find his way into the arts room to try and find something for his sister and they can have a chat??

Santiago/Sky: It might be fun for Sky to stumble upon him trying to play a song and have him be shy about it. Maybe she could get him to loosen up a bit. He sure needs it.

Santiago/Hugo: Always willing to throw first years together to see what sticks haha.

Let me know what you'd like to start with!

So Margo x Gabrielle - so, Gaby is my 4th year transfer from Beauxbatons and she really needs friends. Margo feels like someone that Gaby could get along with?
Ethan x Sabrina - totally not unexpected. So far, for Sabrina Ethan is the only person that she feels more or less comfortable with, so we could solidify their friendship?
Santiago x Georgia - well, as long as he doesn't make her cry a lot, she would be up for some challenge. Even more, she wants to learn how to skateboard better (she knows just some bases) and she could try to convince him to teach her?
Hi Sofija!

Margo x Gabrielle : I'd love for them to hang out. Gabrielle seems pretty sure of herself so Margo might look to her for some tips on being confident. And she'd probably have a lot of questions about what it's like at different schools.

Ethan x Sabrina: Yeah I think he talked to her more than anyone else last year. He enjoys that she's quiet and easy to be around. Would like for them to hang out some more. He's going to be trying this year in lessons so maybe he could go to her for some study help??

Santiago x Georgia: Haha, he would feel so bad if he made her cry. Might be fun if he accidently upsets her but then makes it up to her by teaching her how to skate better? But I'd love for them to meet and hang out.

Let me know where you'd like to start!!
Felix x Molly: Yes! Maybe they could have a study date on the lawn or in the common room? He could also try and console her about not getting prefect.

Margo x Abby: I think these two are pretty close to friends by now haha. Maybe Abby can find her trying to do some kind of research in the library and they can talk about finding people??

Leah x Conan: Yes!! I love them very much. Maybe we can do a thread with them looking for shells at the lake? Or maybe just skipping stones? Or something completely different? haha

Santiago x Eliza: Love a firstie combo and it helps that they're in the same house haha. Maybe just have them try and chat in the common room??

If you like any of those, maybe we can each start two? Or start off a little slower haha. Just let me know!
Felix x Molly - Oh I love that! A study date would be cute! Molly would be happy to help if Felix is struggling with anything in classes. I would love to see Felix try and console her =))

Margo x Abby - Yeah, I reckon they'd be close to friends now too hehe! Oh yes! That sounds like a good idea!

Leah x Conan - Them finding shells at the lake would be fun! I know that Conan would talk a lot about the shells bahaha!

Santiago x Eliza - Yay! Yesss that sounds all good! Just to get something started I reckon!

Starting two each would be perfect! Lemme know what ones you'd like to start and I can start with what's left over :D
Hey Kadi!!! :claire: I have Rion who would probably ask Santiago a million and one questions if she found out he rides horses. She tries to be tolerant and love everybody but I could absolutely see their personalities clashing as well xD let me know if you want to throw em together and find out hehe
JESS! Yes thank you for this!

Margo/Charlie: Yes, I like this a lot. Maybe he can find her having a bit of a sad moment in the Monthly room and he can try and comfort/get to know her a bit??

Margo/Valerius: Also good! Do you have any ideas of how they could bump into each other again??

Ethan/Emrys: Haha yeah we did. I have established that Ethan has an Ouija board at school if you think Emrys would be into that to use or just talk about. And maybe they could do a trek into the forest later on??

Indi/Jordie: Maybe we can just do a thread of them talking about getting badges and stuff for now

Felix/Jordie: I could see Felix maybe going to Jordie for help figuring out how to balance everything with grades/quidditch/prefect stuff.

Airen/Leah: Yeah that could be fun. We can introduce them for now and see how it goes. Maybe in the future we can do something with the fact that Leah at least in my head is a little more of a tomboy and might be a little resistant to the ribbons and fashion and all that.

Santiago/Airen: haha she is welcome to try, But he is a tough cookie.

I'd like to start something with Indi and Jordie soon. Is there something else you'd like to jump on right away?
Yesss I love it. I'm into that Ouija board thing... how many do we want to start with?
Kadi we have a few plots brewing and I'm already a bit overwhelmed but I wanted to mention one idea I had. It would have to be okay with Maria, but I could imagine Gwen causing some drama for her and Felix (honestly not sure what) because she's jealous of them :r
Hiiiiii! Keeping this limited to the younger students apparently lol

Ethan x Senna: for some unknown reason Senna has not yet tried to enter the forest and I feel like that's v uncharacteristic of her so there could be something there? She could see him heading for it and talking him into letting her come, or she'd just tag along anyways. Anything really I think it'd be a funny combination of kids

Leah x Chase: I think Leah is the only person Caleb actually would call a friend so far and I really enjoyed them together so would love to develop that some more
Santiago x Eloise: in the spirit of throwing firsties together and seeing what happens :r
Margo x Gabrielle : I'd love for them to hang out. Gabrielle seems pretty sure of herself so Margo might look to her for some tips on being confident. And she'd probably have a lot of questions about what it's like at different schools.

Ethan x Sabrina: Yeah I think he talked to her more than anyone else last year. He enjoys that she's quiet and easy to be around. Would like for them to hang out some more. He's going to be trying this year in lessons so maybe he could go to her for some study help??

Santiago x Georgia: Haha, he would feel so bad if he made her cry. Might be fun if he accidently upsets her but then makes it up to her by teaching her how to skate better? But I'd love for them to meet and hang out.

Let me know where you'd like to start!!
Margo x Gabrielle - yes, Gaby is totally ready for all those questions and in fact, I think she would like to have someone that she could try to make more confident or like could be able to help at all

Ethan x Sabrina - totally, she would love to help him. Also, maybe some time explore his interests too? Like reading about ghosts or stuff that interests him to 'unintentionally' have more reasons to talk?

Santiago x Georgia - awwwww, it would be totally sweet actually. Totally up for that idea too

So, are three threads too much right now? If no, I could take Gabrielle x Margo and Santiago x Georgia then? If yes, we could settle down on two? Which is more comfortable with you?

Felix/Sky: For sure! It's been a while since they've hung out. Maybe he could find his way into the arts room to try and find something for his sister and they can have a chat??

Santiago/Sky: It might be fun for Sky to stumble upon him trying to play a song and have him be shy about it. Maybe she could get him to loosen up a bit. He sure needs it.

Santiago/Hugo: Always willing to throw first years together to see what sticks haha.

Let me know what you'd like to start with!
I am thinking maybe leave Felix and sky for now. maybe do the other two. I start santiago and Hugo and you start Santiago and sky.
Felix x Molly - Oh I love that! A study date would be cute! Molly would be happy to help if Felix is struggling with anything in classes. I would love to see Felix try and console her =))

Margo x Abby - Yeah, I reckon they'd be close to friends now too hehe! Oh yes! That sounds like a good idea!

Leah x Conan - Them finding shells at the lake would be fun! I know that Conan would talk a lot about the shells bahaha!

Santiago x Eliza - Yay! Yesss that sounds all good! Just to get something started I reckon!

Starting two each would be perfect! Lemme know what ones you'd like to start and I can start with what's left over :D
Sounds good! I can start with Felix x Molly and Margo x Abby, if that works?

Hey Kadi!!! :claire: I have Rion who would probably ask Santiago a million and one questions if she found out he rides horses. She tries to be tolerant and love everybody but I could absolutely see their personalities clashing as well xD let me know if you want to throw em together and find out hehe

Haha well to be fair I think his personality clashes with most people but they do seem like a fun combination. Not sure how horses would come up in conversation but I'd love to throw them together.

Yesss I love it. I'm into that Ouija board thing... how many do we want to start with?
Maybe we can start with 2 each since we had a pretty long list.

I can start Margo x Valerius and Indi x Jordie, if you want to star another 2??

Kadi we have a few plots brewing and I'm already a bit overwhelmed but I wanted to mention one idea I had. It would have to be okay with Maria, but I could imagine Gwen causing some drama for her and Felix (honestly not sure what) because she's jealous of them :r
Oh yes. Cause some trouble for my poor boy.

Hiiiiii! Keeping this limited to the younger students apparently lol

Ethan x Senna: for some unknown reason Senna has not yet tried to enter the forest and I feel like that's v uncharacteristic of her so there could be something there? She could see him heading for it and talking him into letting her come, or she'd just tag along anyways. Anything really I think it'd be a funny combination of kids

Leah x Chase: I think Leah is the only person Caleb actually would call a friend so far and I really enjoyed them together so would love to develop that some more
Santiago x Eloise: in the spirit of throwing firsties together and seeing what happens :r

Ethan x Senna: I don't think these two have crossed paths yet but I could be wrong. But I agree I think him being spotted and her tagging along sounds like a lot of fun!

Leah x Chase: Yes I like them together a lot! And now that he's on the quidditch team he will never be free of her. Maybe they can be chatting and he drops that he's on the team and she can pester him with all kinds of questions. And future practice sessions she would gladly help with.

Santiago x Eloise: [clink them together like wine glasses] yes sounds good! Maybe they can meet outside or by the lake? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Margo x Gabrielle - yes, Gaby is totally ready for all those questions and in fact, I think she would like to have someone that she could try to make more confident or like could be able to help at all

Ethan x Sabrina - totally, she would love to help him. Also, maybe some time explore his interests too? Like reading about ghosts or stuff that interests him to 'unintentionally' have more reasons to talk?

Santiago x Georgia - awwwww, it would be totally sweet actually. Totally up for that idea too

So, are three threads too much right now? If no, I could take Gabrielle x Margo and Santiago x Georgia then? If yes, we could settle down on two? Which is more comfortable with you?
I think just two for now would be a good idea. It might make more sense for Ethan and Sabrina to study together a bit later. If you don't mind starting those two that would be great!

I am thinking maybe leave Felix and sky for now. maybe do the other two. I start santiago and Hugo and you start Santiago and sky.
That sounds good! I'll get that up soon.
Maybe we can start with 2 each since we had a pretty long list.

I can start Margo x Valerius and Indi x Jordie, if you want to star another 2??
Quick thought for Indira and Jordie, maybe they can have a thread in the head boy and girls room? I feel like there's a room just for them, or am I mistaken?

I'll start Ethan/Emrys... where would they have a Ouija board out? Maybe Emrys finds him with it? Or finds it sitting out?

I'm in a Jordie mood, so Felix/Jordie?
Sounds good! I can start with Felix x Molly and Margo x Abby, if that works?
Sounds good! I'll do the other two and link it to you! :D

@Amber Chou Wilson I also just wanted to add on that i am A okay with it hehe - gotta add some drama, right? =))
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Haha well to be fair I think his personality clashes with most people but they do seem like a fun combination. Not sure how horses would come up in conversation but I'd love to throw them together.

Hehe, awesome, but hmmm good point... I maybe have an idea, I'll start something for them as soon as it becomes clearer :D
Quick thought for Indira and Jordie, maybe they can have a thread in the head boy and girls room? I feel like there's a room just for them, or am I mistaken?

I'll start Ethan/Emrys... where would they have a Ouija board out? Maybe Emrys finds him with it? Or finds it sitting out?

I'm in a Jordie mood, so Felix/Jordie?
Yeah that's where I was planning on setting Indi and Jordie haha.

Emrys is Hufflepuff right? I'm thinking he might find Ethan with it in the student lounge with it.

And Jordie and Felix sounds good!

Hehe, awesome, but hmmm good point... I maybe have an idea, I'll start something for them as soon as it becomes clearer :D
Sounds perfect! Just shoot me a link when it comes to you haha.
Yeah that's where I was planning on setting Indi and Jordie haha.

Emrys is Hufflepuff right? I'm thinking he might find Ethan with it in the student lounge with it.

And Jordie and Felix sounds good!
he is, yes
Oh yes. Cause some trouble for my poor boy.

@Amber Chou Wilson I also just wanted to add on that i am A okay with it hehe - gotta add some drama, right? =))

Nice, I can see Gwen giving Molly terrible relationship advice, or have her talk to Felix and try to make him think Molly doesn't care as much as she does?
Ethan x Senna: I don't think these two have crossed paths yet but I could be wrong. But I agree I think him being spotted and her tagging along sounds like a lot of fun!

Leah x Chase: Yes I like them together a lot! And now that he's on the quidditch team he will never be free of her. Maybe they can be chatting and he drops that he's on the team and she can pester him with all kinds of questions. And future practice sessions she would gladly help with.

Santiago x Eloise: [clink them together like wine glasses] yes sounds good! Maybe they can meet outside or by the lake? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What would you want to do? One at a time? I'd be cool with starting any of these but it might take a second since there's a few on my list I have to get to first :r
Nice, I can see Gwen giving Molly terrible relationship advice, or have her talk to Felix and try to make him think Molly doesn't care as much as she does?
Both of those sound fantastic and I am def keen for it but maybe a bit later in the semester/year??


What would you want to do? One at a time? I'd be cool with starting any of these but it might take a second since there's a few on my list I have to get to first :r
Doing one at a time is good for me if it's easier. I can start something for Leah and Chase because like I said she's going to be overly enthusiastic about it haha.
Doing one at a time is good for me if it's easier. I can start something for Leah and Chase because like I said she's going to be overly enthusiastic about it haha.
That would be good! I love doing everything at once but I'm already noticing it's a lot lol. I'll put the other two on my list for threads still to happen a little later :r

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