Oh dear, I had my second HNZ dream, everybody run.
It started with Taylor looking through this creepy old house. It was made entirely of wood and was pretty much haunted mansion material, with creepy painting hung on the walls, old torn up draperies, gargoyles and suits of armour.
However, every time Taylor tried to get into a room, Nicolas King would walk out of it and announce the room was clear, tell her she shouldn't go in there and then lock it shut with strong charms. At this point in my dream, I had no idea what we were looking for, but knew it was something dangerous.
After about the seventh room that Kingy locked up, he met up with Professor Styx in one of the hallways and they started having an argument about whether or not it's okay to feed coffee to mandrakes (

So while they were arguing, Taylor climbed some stairs and was able to sneak into the room at the top. It was only then that I found out they were searching for the elder wand in this house. So noticing a coffin, Taylor went and opened it, but instead of finding a body there was the portrait of the fat lady lying in there, surrounded by about five wands. It was also only then that I realised, Taylor had lost her own wand (for some unknown reason).
Picking up a wand that Taylor knew to be the elder wand, before dropping it after being told to by Hades Lutrov. She turns around and tries to fight him, which is obviously difficult without a wand, so all she can do is duck and roll and jump (

After about ten minutes of pointless fighting, Hades pushes Taylor into a suit of armour. It breaks and she ends up inside of it and her wand in conveniently hidden in it's head. Taking it and then grabbing the elder wand she runs out of the room, pushing the elder wand into Kingy's hand as she bolts past him and Kalif eating cookies (

) and keeps running until she ends up outside the house. Outside, there is heaps of HNZ charries digging holes. She collapses in the hole that Isabella Chaos is digging in and her unconscious form gets shouted at (

Hadan Johnson and Raffael Fox now enter the garden that is being dug up for reasons unknown to me. They bump into Professor Spenser and receive a lecture about how great they are for each other and how responsible they both are (

). The couple then walk to a group of people and pick up shovels to help dig, but are yelled at by Katalina Vanderhol, Violet Bellamy, Aleyha Devereaux and Patricia Rodgers. I can't exactly remember what they were angry about, but it was some pretty aggressive yelling. Then Aleyha threw a shovel at them and they fly off to the hole Taylor is lying in unconscious and they all lie unconscious together.