Your Favourite Portmanteau Names?

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
I've been thinking on this lately and then getting mad when I forget the really good ones so I was curious: What's everyone's favourite portmanteau pairing/ship names on HNZ? Doesn't have to be a 'canon' one, just any combo that you think sounds good or makes you laugh?

My favourite at the moment has to be "Lil J" (Lillian Lockwood/AJ Ari). I also will never not find "Toe" funny (Theodore Westwick/Zoe Tsuji)
The best portmanteau names should sound like some kind of medication. I don't have any off the top of my head but I realized Eugene and Renata would be like...Eunata, which sounds like some kind of rash cream. :lol:
My fave has to be Flauri (Flavio Morales/Kauri Tipene, pronounced Flowery) :p Also still fond of Trivian (Tristan Collins/Vivian Brackenstall) because it sounds like trivial, which is.... definitely not how I would describe their nonsense :r I also really enjoyed when Blake was single shipping him with everyone in his year, just because the BL prefix is funny to me... Blars, Blelliot, Blyler, Blasper.... the possibilities are endless...
Out of my ships Woodfinch was the cutest shipname like a little birdie and I wish Abby was around bc highkey they would be endgame in that circumstance.
I also really enjoyed when Blake was single shipping him with everyone in his year, just because the BL prefix is funny to me... Blars, Blelliot, Blyler, Blasper.... the possibilities are endless...
How could I forget the joy that is saying "Blars" out loud...

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