Younger Students

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Amber Chou Wilson

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So I was on the fence about posting this, but I'm going to. I want my younger students to have a few more friends so they can establish a friend group ^_^ so here's a list of my first and second year* students, and I hope to get some fun plots out of this.

*(Theodore Westwick, my second year boy, is an exception to this, as he's pretty much glued to his brother for now and any plots should be discussed with both me and Rowan. If you have an idea for him, please PM me and we can figure it out. But he's not going to make many friends for now.)

Second years:​
Gabriella Tillington
Gabriella is a second year Hufflepuff, and kind of socially awkward. She is a huge rule follower and won't like anyone that breaks rules very much. Though she's not shy, she's quiet and not easy to socialize with. Because of this, she's struggling a little in the friends department. She loves swimming and can often be found at the lake, though she also studies a lot inside the castle.

What I'm looking for: I feel like it's a bit early for romance, but crushes can be negotiated. I don't think she's open to dating yet. I mostly want a few good friends for her that she can feel more at ease with and be herself around. Anyone she clashes with can be fun too, but I feel like it's hard for her to make friends spontaniously so I'm focusing on that for right now.

Fleur van Houten
Fleur is my second year Gryffindor girl. She's obsessed with dragons, but also really likes cats and other animals. Fleur is very chill and laid back, but enjoys having fun. She's someone who makes friends more easily, though she doesn't have a lot of patience for drama.

What I'm looking for: friends! That's really it. I have some romantic plans for her that I want to try out before I start asking for romance. Anyone that shares her interest in dragons is greatly welcomed! As is anyone you think would clash with her.

First years:​
Emilia Manning

Emilia is my new first year in Hufflepuff, and she's extremely shy. She's the younger cousin of Evelyn Manning, but not all that similar to her though she admires her greatly. Emilia feels a bit lost in her new house as she doesn't really know anyone very well. She tends to follow others around and follow their lead, rather than take her own initiative in situations.

What I'm looking for: Some genuine nice friends that can put up with her shyness and uncertainty in a kind way. Also some people she can follow so she feels a bit more at ease at the school. For her I also wouldn't mind bullies or someone that manipulates her, as she would be an easy target for that sort of thing.

Diana Holland

Oh boy, she's mostly the reason I made this post. Diana Holland is the younger sister of Rose and Phoebe Holland, and in Slytherin. She doesn't have the nicest personality, and can very well be described as 'bratty'. Diana is very nosy and gossipy, and can be very very nice to your face only to stab you in the back later.

What I'm looking for:
SOME FRIENDS, this girl has managed to make almost everyone she has met so far hate her, and I thinks he needs at least some friends xD it wouldn't be the most genuine of connections probably, so arguments and falling outs can be plotted later in the future. More enemies are welcome too.
I thought about that, but actually already had a topic set the first night here: x so it felt a bit awkward to me xD timeline wise

I'd love for her to interact with Analei though, at some point :p
Hahha I see I see! Well I think those two could easily be friends so we should definitely RP them ^_^
I have a want, but I need to check a thing first. So consider this a place holder for Diana if you will xD
I have my character Anastasie Vernier for Diana if you want! They seem to be similar and I can definitely see them becoming good friends if they were to find a common interest. Ana is a bit of a backstabber too and often uses people for her advantage so I can see them having a slight fall out from that. I would be interested to see how they get along if you're up for it! ^_^
Charlotte Owens said:
I have my character Anastasie Vernier for Diana if you want! They seem to be similar and I can definitely see them becoming good friends if they were to find a common interest. Ana is a bit of a backstabber too and often uses people for her advantage so I can see them having a slight fall out from that. I would be interested to see how they get along if you're up for it! ^_^
I had an idea. Since they're both Slytherins, I can offer my one as well - Sam Mackintosh. Diana and Sam have met before on the train going to Hogwarts, and I think they were on friendly terms. I'm not too sure what Sam and Ana would think of each other yet, but we can try it out if you guys are up for it? Sam can be a little selfish but she's generally a good friend, loyal to the ones she trusts and I see some sort of drama happening between either her and Diana or her and Ana or both xD
@Donna: We should! Perhaps we could do a topic for them?

@Teigan: hehe, curious to see where you're going with that

@Kaye: Yess! I'd love for Ana and Diana to be friends, they really do seem similar. I have a topic with Diana in the first year girls dorm where perhaps they could first meet, and we could do a topic where they bond later?

@Clara: Really? I kind of figured Diana had made a bad impression by insulting another kid for no apparent reason xD Sam seems way nicer than she deserves, but we can see how they interact :D I'm up for this idea if Kaye is too, though I don't mind having them meet separately first either
Lavinia Benivieni said:
I had an idea. Since they're both Slytherins, I can offer my one as well - Sam Mackintosh. Diana and Sam have met before on the train going to Hogwarts, and I think they were on friendly terms. I'm not too sure what Sam and Ana would think of each other yet, but we can try it out if you guys are up for it? Sam can be a little selfish but she's generally a good friend, loyal to the ones she trusts and I see some sort of drama happening between either her and Diana or her and Ana or both xD
Yessss I like this! They could be an evil trio :r Should both Ana and Sam go into the open topic in the dormitory? I figure it would make sense because they would all share the same dorm :D
I think that sounds like a good idea for a first meeting, and then afterwards we can do a topic with the 3 of them? ^_^
Sure! I didn't even realise there is a topic in the dorms. Sounds good to me :)
Emilia Manning said:
@Teigan: hehe, curious to see where you're going with that
Whew, this took me a little longer than I expected!

Okay, so I have Zennon Baros for Diana Holland. He doesn't have very many friends (entirely on purpose) and so I was thinking, since he really doesn't like being real or genuine with people because he thinks it makes him vulnerable, Diana would be an interesting friend for him to have. He wouldn't tell her any really personal details about himself or anything like that and it would mostly be him making general connections with people in his house, but I think it could be fun to have these two people who don't much care about each other, hanging out and going with the flow, you know? See what happens kind of deal?
Teigan, that sounds exactly like the sorts of friendships Diana would have. Sort of out of necessity xD I think she's realizing she has to start making some friends fast, so she would try to be somewhat pleasant to him.
Zennon isn't hard to be friends with generally. He's very social and he can talk about nothing for hours, though he does have a distaste for authority figures, which they could perhaps bond over if she feels the same.

He also probably easily hears about things going on in the school so they could be gossip pals
She does somewhat :r I could jump into the topic you have with Jamie? I noticed it was open, unless you would rather do a new one
I'm happy for you to jump into the topic :D
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