Yes I like Stormy Weather

Harri laughed uncontrolably as she saw Alex get up covered in mud and running at her, she could just about run as the laughter echoed around the empty gardens, "Well don't you look attractive," she managed to say between a few laughs her feet still pounding on the floor.
Alex laughed before getting his wand and sending a tripping jinx back at her. He stopped and recovered his breath leaning on his knees. Wiping the mud off his face he returned his wand smiling.
Harri felt slightly exhillirated as she found herself beating Alex, the feeling soon disppeared as she found herself soaring through the air, she landed very ungracefully on her bum. "Great," she groaned, laying down on the floor. She knew that her legs would probably be all bruised in the morning, she always bruised quickly. She closed her eyes and allowed the rain to wash over her, "Thanks for that Alex, sucha a great friend," she said laughing, not opening her eys once.
'Not a problem princess'Alex replied smiling. 'I'll carry you back if you want. Saves you walking in such a state'Alex offered before laughing. He couldn't help it. The situation he and Harri were in if someone where to see them now was ridiculous.
"Shut up Alex," Harri said laughing, "I think I can manage to walk on my own," she said shaking her head. "Give us a hand up though?" she said a strong south London accent, she thought how strange it must have seemed in the summer for some with Harri's accent could live in such a big house. She shrugged it off it wasn't her fault that she wasn't raised in the best area. She sat up holding out a hand and wondering if he would actually help her up.
'I was only offering'Alex protested laughing. Alex took her hand and pulled her up easily. 'What have you been eating honestly?'Alex teased smiling.
Harri laughed shaking her head, she smiled as he helped her up. Her weight was a delicate subject with her, she had had what was known in the muggle world as an 'eating disorder' last year, but she had told no-one and to this day no one knew. Anyone she would have ever felt like she could tell and not feel embaressed about it had left the school, she felt her cheeks colour slightly, "Too much," she said laughing dismissvly. She was unsure as to whether Alex would be able to see her uncomfortableness but she doubted it, he had alot on his mind afterall. She began to walk again, a bit too quickly to be relaxed, her shoulders slightly hunched.
Alex smiled and began walking at the same pace before. Harri quickly over took him. 'Hey, what#s up? Did I say something?'Alex asked, walking quickly to keep by her side.
"Erm," Harri said shaking her head, "No, no I'm just...being silly," she said laughing quietly. She looked at him, he was a boy surely he would never understand the problems with food afterall it had taken her own family a little while to understand and they were all male. "Its just..." she could feel exploding out of her, "Nothing," she said smiling once more, she made her shoulders relax but couldn't stop the pace.
Alex frowned as Harri contemplated on telling him something or not. He wondered what he had said. 'If it's the weight, I was only joking, you know that?'Alex guesed. 'You're perfectly fine in that aspect'
"Right. Thanks," Harri said, she couldn't help but laugh a little feeling more relaxed now. Her pace returned to normal and she decided to tell him, the first person who wasn't part of her family to know. "It's just," she said so quietly she wasn't sure if he could actually hear, "towards the end of my first year I...I kind of had an eating disorder and it just..." she trailed off not sure whether she should have told him, her eyes flicked to his face, "But you can't tell anyone okay, promise," she said, a sort of urgency in her voice.
Alex was glad that she felt back to normalish. Alex listened before smiling. 'Ok, if it means that much to you, I'll completely shut up about it. Don't worry yourself,'Alex smiled, not sure why girls cared so much about what they ate.
"Thanks," Harri said smiling, she folded one arm across her chest and clung to the other which hung limp down her side. She remembered the bad times she had expereinced, she had started to become belimic when she had finally got the help she needed, she hoped she would never return to those dark days. But when things got bad she somtimes saw it as a relief.
"Gosh what are the Hufflepuffs going to think when they see you in sucha state?" she said trying to let go of her previous thoughts.
Alex laughed. 'Yeah right. I could say the same about you and the gryffindors,'Alex replied smiling.
"Nah, the Gryffindors are used to seeing me like this," Harri said laughing, it was probably true she often came back to the common room covered in something, paint, mud...
"But I'm not sure they'll be pleased to have you in the common room all smelly and covered in mud," she joked wrinkling her nose slightly.
'Hey, you're no better'Alex said taking offense. He shrugged trying to wonder what they would say. 'Probably ot much actually. It's either deserted or packed full. That's how the law there works.'Alex said.
"Alex, I was joking," Harri said seeing he looked kind of offended, "You don't smell," she said she had to bite her toungue before she said, too much, she knew that would do any good here.
"Ah its the same in our Common room, it seems to be full of first years most of the time," she said shaking her head, of course she remembered being in first year but she didn't think she had been as excitable as they were.
Alex smiled. 'Oh, ow well'Alex said hearing it was a joke. 'I know. 1st years have taken over the school i think'
Harri laughed, "They really have," she said shaking her head, "And the fact that most of them are the same height as me isn't too cool," she said grinning, her slender and small drame of 5ft3 seemed to be dwarfed by everyone now days.
Alex laughed. 'Ohh, is Harri feeling like a gnome now?'Alex joked, before putting mud pie on her head. 'Look, that'd added like 2 inches now'
Harri's face turned into mock horror, "No I don't feel like a gnome," she said before laughing. "Arghh Alex," she moaned tipping her head forward and shaking off all the mud that she could. "Here you go, now your a giant," she said laughing and picking up some mud and dumping in gently on top of his head.
Alex laughed before sticking his chest out. 'fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of an english mun'Alex joked in his broad glasgow accent before laughing and swipping the mud off. 'I don't think you'd be quite as happy if I was one'he added smiling.
"Shush Glasgow," Harri joked laughing as he quoted a line from a muggle fairytale. "Oh I think I would, you'd be too tall for me to be able to see you," she joked grinning. "But you already seem like a bit of a giant to me," she said, he was taller then her but then again who wasn't.
Alex rolled his eyes at her joke. 'Yeah, yeah. Sure I am'Alex replied smiling.
Harri shook her head before beginning to walk slowly again, not really wanting to return to the common room. She sighed gently seeing that they were practically at the castle, "Guess I'll see you around then?" she asked hopefully, a smile on her face.

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