Yes I like Stormy Weather

Alex laughed. 'Who needs rain to be clean?'he joked. 'It's still warm though. Completely wet but warm'
Harri laughed, "No-one needs rain to be clean!" she siad, "Thats what showers are for!"
"Yeah, thats the good thing about New Zealand, its usually always warm!" she said happily. "And the summers are great," she sighed happily. She stayed cross legged, her jumper was sticking to her now but she couldn't care less. The rain still poured and the thunder rumbled, she jumped slightly as a flash of lightening lit the sky. She laughed and began to hum a song.
Alex sat back up just before the lighting struck. He smiled, loving the sound. He rested his heads on his hands and just sat in silence, letting the rain wash away the memories that flashed one by one past him. He was glad it was raining.
"I've never seen you quite for so long," Harri said laughing, she lent her head back into the rain, feeling it splash on then off of her face. A smile spread across her face as she heard the thunder once more, her eyes shot open as the lightening flashed across the sky. Thoughts began running through her head, not particualrly comfortable thoughts. Thoughts of her and Kevin, and what she really wanted. She winced slightly at she tried to think of what exactly she did want.
Alex shurgged at her comment, wondering how she could say that. He had been quiet before for much longer. WHat was she talking about? Alex smiled before closing his eyes. He was tired he noticed, and without helping himself, he began drifting into a small nap.
Harri barely noticed now as Alex continued to stay quiet, she stared straight in front of her. Her mind was clouded with horrible but very true, thoughts. She wondered how long she could go on like this, how long she could stay with Kevin when she knew deep down it wasn't the right thing to do. Something inside her was eating away on the good memories she had, replacing them with months upon months without seeing Kevin and how bad things could get.
She snapped back to the present in time to see Alex beginning to fall asleep, she chuckled lightly to herself shaking her head gently. "Oi Mr, I think you best get inside and up to your dorm," she said, gently shaking him.
Alex felt someone shaking him. 'Go away'he moaned moving his hand as if to bat away the thing. He remebered where he was suddenly and went red on the cheeks. Why did he always mange to fall asleep so easily? First it was in HOM all the time, then in study lessons; just before something he had to be on time for.. He bit his lip rolling his eyes at himself. 'Yeah?'he asked like nothing happened.
Harri laughed as he told her to go away, "I won't actually," she said grinning as he sat up. "I said," she repeated, pausing for effect, "That you should probably go and sleep in the dorm, rather then in the rain," she said laughing.
Alex laughed as Harri repeated what she had said. 'You wish. The rain is much nicer'Alex said smiling.

(snow today! it was sooo fun. i got bombarded by primary schl kids for half n hour. lol )
Harri laughed shaking her head, "Fine then you can get pnemonia (Sp?)," she joked shrugging.

((I know and today! Two days off school! Bombarded by primary school kids? Niiiiice :p ))
Alex laughed. 'Bet you wish I do'Alex joked back, before giving up and standing up. 'Off we go then'he said.
Harri rolled her eyes, "Yes I want you to spend all your time in the hospital wing, how did you guess?" she said sarcastically. She stood up and began walking, the rain was starting to lighten now but she was still drenched. "The common room is callign to me now," she said laughing.
Alex smiled as Harri told him a sarcastic rebut. It's what I deserve. Sorry Haden, Alex thought, walking by Harri, just a litle behind.
"Come on slow coach, get a move on," Harri said as Alex walked a little behind her.
'If I were you, I'd enjoy the moment of you being first'Alex joked smiling. 'It might just be the only time'he added playfully before speeding up just bit.
"How rude," Harri said laughing, "One day I wil beat you! Good and proper," she said laughing. "So you should get used to being last," she said grinning.
Alex laughed. 'probably but I think I'll keep enjoying being forst for a while longer. After all, I've been training everyday now even harder. Surely I'm not just gonna let that go to waste now,'Alex joked back smiling.
"Oh but I've been training too," Harri said winking, she hadn't really been running that much but she decided she would start again. Afterall she enjoyed it, "Plus you've had your time at being first," she said laughing.
Alex laughed. 'That is a lame comeback, you do know that'he said playfully.
"Shut up," Harri said pushing him playfully but laughing. "So is walking around in the rain the usual for you?" she asked grinning, she looked down at herself covered in a mixture of mud and water and smiled.
Alex stepped back, stopping himself overbalnce when she pushed him. He smiled. He closed his mouth. He mumbled something in a jokey tone through a closed mouth and pointing to it. You told me to shut up, he was trying to show her before grinning. He shrugged.
Harri laughed, "Ahh peace and quite at last!" she joked grinning. "If only you were quiet like this mroe often,"
Alex rolled his eyes sulking jokingly. He smiled and continued walking before tripping her up 'accidentally'.
Harri felt her being tripped, she stumbled only just manging to stay on her feet, "Hey," she said moodily she turned to him grinning as she sent a tripping jinx at him.
Alex suddenly felt himsefl tripping up and landed once again with his afce in the mud. He rose from it glaring at Harri before getting himself up. he started to run in her direction, looking more like the mud man from one of these comics rather tha Alex.

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