Open Y46 Slytherin Team Pep Rally

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (50)
Angel rubbed his hands together as he got things underway out on the lawn, hopeful that today's ploy would be successful. It had stung to not win the Quidditch cup last year, even if they were still the reining house champion and he figured a little encouragement never hurt anyone. And besides, who could say no to a little party the thought, flicking his wand to send another set of green and silver streamers into the air.

The area about the lawn was strewn with them, along with balloons and various lawn chairs, pallets, and other places to sit. He'd also made a point to set up a few stations for face painting, sign making, pompoms, and the like, hoping to encourage the students to get into the spirit before the game began. There were also a selection of green and silver themed snacks and drinks, because if there was any way to bribe the students to join in something, it was usually through the offer of free food outside of the Great Hall. Now, for the finishing touches, Angel flicked his wand again, setting off the invisible band as it began to play music before tucking his wand away and address any of the gathered students.

"Slytherins! And Slytherin supporters! Or anyone who just fancy's a snack and doesn't particularly care for Ravenclaw. Welcome, enjoy yourself! Today we celebrate the Slytherin Quidditch team and hopefully their upcoming victory. So while we celebrate and prepare for the match, don't forget to head down to the pitch when we're finished here and cheer the team on in the Stands too," he said grandly before fetching himself a glass of luridly green punch he was sure was going to stain his tongue green.

OOCOut of Character:
This thread is set right before the Slytherin vs Ravenclaw match and open to anyone, Slytherin or non-Slytherin alike! Feel free to RP your char taking part in playing music, practicing cheerleader, or any other support activities etc.
Yuelia was, of course, able to be bribed by free food. She was human after all, although sometimes it may have seemed she was more doll than human. She had watched Quidditch games, and didn't dislike them, though she had never been one to start cheering. Still, she had this shiny new badge, so she had to try and show some house spirit. "Thank you, professor," she said politely as she got herself a glass of punch, looking around and feeling a little overwhelmed by the colour and noise. She was determined to push through, though, so she found some streamers and stuck them through her hairtie, hoping that helped somehow.
Professor Castillo was deluded if he thought Slytherin had the slightest chance of winning this match. Their captain was, in Morrie's opinion, a complete and utter idiot. The beaters couldn't hit bludgers to save their lives, the chasers were chasing their tails, and had he even seen the seeker? That little boy was more likely to catch a cold than the snitch. It was laughable, the whole thing was laughable. Morrie, who happened to be alternative seeker and extremely resentful about that, was making her way down to the pitch when she stopped at the table. "Those look - revolting." She commented, her mood as sour as the green drinks on offer looked.
June didn't care for quidditch at all. She thought it was an very dumb sport and for brainless people. It seemed stupid to fly after something all the time or throw something through an ring. What was the fun in that? And why would you risk getting injured? But June wanted to show her face and see what this was all about. If she came it was for her head of house and not everyone else. So she joined the rest and waved over to @Professor Angel Castillo. And listened as she spoke, standing close to him. She smirked, she didn't cared about Ravenclaw at all. When he finished she looked around putting her arms over eachother. And noticed the redhead who didn't belong in Slytherin, hearing her whine about something again. June decided to lay low, but actually wanted to have an laugh about the girl again. But her head of house was more important and her status. '' Hello Professor. How nice of you to do this. Now Slytherin can't afford to lose right? With all the support.'' June said with an smile.

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