Y46 Dueling Match #9

Professor James Cade

Father of 6 | Whole Again | Always
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
@Yuelia Rossingol v @Emmanuel Okoye

It was James' final duel to oversee for the first round of matches. The two students stood in front of him and he gave them the same speech he gave the others before sending them off into their corners. "I want a nice clean duel from both of you, no funny business," James waited for them to reach their ends of the platform before he continued. "You may begin,"

The duel begins now. You have 24 hours to post, or face disqualification. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun! Be creative! Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels. Duellers cannot cast spells at the spectators or face disqualification.
Current Points: 150

Yuelia had, in past years, very much gotten into the spirit of dueling. She had felt like a villainous queen, defending her throne from any so called heroes who intended to take it from her, with all the playfulness that entailed. This year was different. This year her eyes were steely, cold. Even more determined than ever. She'd beaten Emmanuel before, and she'd beat him again. And she wouldn't waste anybody's time with her antics. It was childish, and such behaviours were better left in the past. She bowed, and then immediately raised her wand. "Levicorpus," she said, her voice like ice.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

Emmanuel's heart was not entirely in the duelling. He wanted to do it, always usually had fun, but he really wasn't sure about it this time around. But here he was, against Yuelia, pretty resigned to the fact he wasn't going to win. He dodged her first spell and then sent back, "Diffindo,"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell, dodged spell
Point Changes: -5, -10
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 145

Yuelia stared at Emmanuel as he dodged her spell, not even shielding, and raised her wand to cast a non-verbal protego. Sure, she could only really do two spells non-verbally well for the moment, but she would take the opportunity to practice them. "Incarcerous," she cast, waiting to see his reaction.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remainiing: 135
Current Points: 135

Emmanuel cast one of the new Protego's they'd learnt, and then followed it up with, "Langlock,"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 135

Yuelia quickly blocked the spell with one of the stronger Protego spells they'd learned, it wouldn't have been the end of the world if she'd been hit by it but she'd rather not have been so limited in her spell arsenal. Besides, she knew Emmanuel was at least somewhat friends with Chaos. For that, she definitely couldn't allow him any sort of mercy. She blinked, before taking a breath, concentrating, and casting "Avis!" It was not really a flock, the spell wasn't one she had entirely mastered yet, only three small bluebirds that flew towards Emmanuel's head. She'd had to curb the thought of 'go for the eyes' before finishing the spell, knowing she'd be being watched more closely when it came to transfigurative spells. But, she did mentally tell them to circle his head, causing distraction and being a nuisance. Past Yuelia would have said something like 'now fly, my pretties!'. Not today, though.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 125

Emmanuel watched as Yuelia conjured some birds, and Emmanuel paused before casting. "Finite," hoping that would stop them, and the following it with a slug-vomiting curse, not as complex but horrible if it hit.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice (let me know if finite doesn't work for this)
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 125

Yuelia quickly followed her conjuration with the other non-verbal spell she was confident in, Stupefy. Even if Emmanuel had gotten rid of her birds too quickly, she'd hoped that the distraction would work enough that he'd be slower to react to the spell without hearing her cast it. She scowled at the use of the slug vomiting curse, finding it distasteful. "Protego," she cast, coldly, wanting to ensure the spell worked. No way would she allow herself to be hit by something so vulgar.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 115

Emmanuel had absolutely been too distracted with the birds to note the spell which came his way, he didn't manage to block it, and just ended up hit and stunned.

Action(s) Taken: hit by spell, lost duel
Point Changes: +15
Points Remaining: 130
James watched the duel unfold wondering which student would get the upper hand until Emmanuel didn't get his shield up in time to block the stunning spell and was knocked backwards onto the ground and left stunned. "Yuelia Rossingol is the winner," He declared as he went over to Emmanuel to check on him before sending them on their way.

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