Y44 Ravenclaw Quidditch Try-Outs

Xiuying Huang

woolongong chaser | goofball 🤪 | 60' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Veela Hair Core
22 (11/2041)
Xiuying was sure that this year was going to be the year for Ravenclaw. She had hope that they were going to at least win one game. The weather hadn't been too shabby. There was a bit of wind and it was a cloudy morning. Luckily there was no rain in sight. Xiuying made sure to be at the Quidditch pitch as early as possible to set up for tryouts. This was going to be her last year as Quidditch captain, and she sure was a lil sad about it but she was excited for what was to come.

Xiuying made sure to have spare equipment laid out for those who may need it as well as some water set aside for her teammates and for those who were trying out. It wasn't long before teammates and those that were trying out had arrived. She smiled and waved at everyone. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the Ravenclaw Tryouts! I'm Xiuying if you didn't know already" Xiuying greeted with a smile. She turned to the people that were already on the team. "You guys already know what to do, practice as much as you can and try and help out those who are trying out," Xiuying says as she gives them a smile. She watched as they flew up into the air. She then turned to those who were trying out. "Alright, for those who are trying out, please state your name and the position you're trying out for," Xiuying says with a smile. "Let's go!"

ChaserXiuying Huang (c)
Chaser@Rory Styx
Beater@Michael Watson
Beater@Monday Weeks
Seeker@Hamish Reid
Keeper@Crystal Holmgaard

OOCOut of Character:

Welcome to Ravenclaw Tryouts! 🦅

Just a few reminders before we get started!
  • Returning players are guaranteed their current position as long as they post an attendance post!
  • If you were an alternate last year, you will need to try out again. New players or returning alternates please state and include your character's name and the position they want to try out for, before posting your try-out post.
  • Tryouts are open for second years and above! If you have a first-year that is interested in trying out, please PM me!
  • If there are any questions or concerns, please don't be afraid to reach out and PM me!
Have fun and good luck!
Hamish was getting into the swing of the new year, though he was starting to feel rather lonely. Even being on the team, he felt... more isolated. But he couldn't just back out, either, so he got ready and headed down to the pitch, smiling at the captain before taking off into the air with the others. He hung back a bit more, seeing what the new recruits looked like.
Broom in hand, Rion marched across the quidditch pitch. Was she under-experienced? Probably. Did flying make her dizzy? Absolutely. But Rion had long stopped caring whether she made a fool of herself, and trying out for the Ravenclaw team at least gave her something to focus on for an hour or two. "I'm Rion Pendleton," she said. All the boldness that had carried her to the pitch suddenly retreated, and feeling exposed she shrunk under the captain's gaze. "Trying out for Chaser."

Once she was up in the sky, it didn't take her long to catch a quaffle. She tucked it under her arm and sped toward the hoops. Those metal rings were deceptively larger than they appeared from the ground, and when she was still thirty yards away, she launched the quaffle. And missed. Not a near miss - it barely sailed a meter through the air before plunging straight down. Shot after shot, the quaffle flew off in every direction but that of the hoop, until Rion was bright red with humiliation. Not even half way through try-outs, she flew back down to the ground. "Shut up," she said, as she stormed toward the exit, though nobody had said anything. Suddenly, she took her broom in both hands and smashed the bristles into the ground. Twigs snapped and went flying. She kept going until the end was in tatters, then threw the entire broom down and began to run.
It was on short quidditch adventure it seemed, since she only joined last year. But Crystal hoped to find some more confidence in this last year and actually win a game with the team. Ofcourse it was not only her as keeper, they were all important. But Crystal felt the pressure, and there all seemed to be good chasers. Also the bludger was something she actually really hated, it was painfull. But it was good to play and be someone, it really felt like she was someone since people could tell she was the keeper of the team. And just being Crystal was nothing. So she made her way to the try outs ready to practice some and see which people would join and try out. She smiled at Xiuying who also was her roommate and friend and waited for her to begin. And as they could flew off the blonde mounted her broom and flew to the hoops. There was an spot free for chaser, so it was gonna be a busy training. But good for her to practice some.
Monday Weeks was honestly glad that he wouldn't need to try out again, but he had full intentions of helping out on the pitch. He walked down and waved at the captain. When instructed, he took to the air to practice protecting other members of their team, and also, hitting bludgers toward the newcomers so that they could learn to dodge. After all, that was part of the game.
Savannah had been nervous about the upcoming try-out. She hadn't exactly proved herself in the last game she'd been brought on for. Other seekers in positions like hers had managed to do well despite them being more inexperienced. But arriving at the quidditch pitch and she knew she wouldn't. Savannah had liked being seeker, and though the whole team could rely on her, she didn't have to rely on anyone else. Not the beaters, not the other chasers. She just had to focus and do her job. Savannah nodded to the captain and then stepped forward. "Savannah Walters, seeker," she said, sure that the girl would remember her. Savannah shot up into the air and began looking for the snitch.

Savannah had improved in her flying, being much steadier on the broom that in the previous year, she had improved in flying around the pitch, moving with more sped and more dexterity. She settled in looking for the snitch, eyes scanning the pitch over and over trying to see any spot of gold before anyone else did. She had a few almosts and one where she chased the reflection of someone's watch. If she found out who the person they'd immediately join her most hated list. The Ravenclaw did eventually manage to catch the snitch and in quicker time than the previous year. She was sure that had to be enough to keep the alternate spot she'd had in the previous year.
Rory had enjoyed being on the Quidditch team and was looking forward to another season playing. He made his way down to the Quidditch pitch for the new season tryouts and waited with his teammates clutching his broom. He was ready to participate in the tryouts if he was needed.
Michael was keen for Quidditch, as ever. He had a new broom and bat on hand, and hoped that might improve his performance a little. Not that equipment somehow improved skill, but it certainly couldn't hurt. He gave Xiuying a mock salute as he got into the air. Monday was more aiming at the players for dodging opportunity, so Michael focused on trying to defend, especially the seekers. Maybe he should've kept an eye out for the young chaser who really didn't seem to cope with the tryouts. He hoped she was alright, looked like she had something going on. But he tried to focus on his game, getting used to the new broom and breaking in the bat.
Emmanuel had never been much of a sports guy. He was a history guy, a library guy, but his grandmother had talked about his lack of sports and complained that he hadn't even tried. She had made him train with one of his cousins who played professionally in Nigeria, and he was now on the pitch. Quidditch was fun to watch and he was keen to have a go now, and see if he could be good enough. If he didn't make it on to the team that would okay. He nodded, as the captain spoke before stepping forward when it was his turn. "Hi! Emmanuel Okoye, and I am keen to try out for the keeper position,"

Emmanuel got on the broom, he was a little unsteady at first as he flew into the sky. He was trying to be focused as he went to the hoops. Emmanuel was managing okay, he was trying his best to just stay focused. Keep his eyes on the quaffle as it was tossed around the pitch towards him. He was able to catch a few but missed a good number of them too. He was not the worst at it, there was some skill but he was unrefined and needed more training before he could be a good keeper. Emmanuel was pleased enough with his attempt, if he made the team then that would be good, but if he didn't, then his grandmother would still be happy he'd tried.
OOCOut of Character:

Tryouts will be closing in a few days!! If there are any first-years who are interested in trying out, you can PM me!
Amauri was more excited than she wanted to admit about potentially playing on the Quidditch team. Her own mum had played for Ravenclaw before her, as well as her aunt for Slytherin. Not to mention both women had gone on to have professional careers before they turned their attention to their families. "My name's Amauri, I'd like to try out for a Chaser position?" The first year hadn't been sure whether or not she was going to get to try out, honestly as a first year she knew it would have been rare, but as she was given the go ahead to join the others in the sky, her adrenaline shot up almost as quickly as she did as the brunette made her way to the pitch. She found the other Chasers that were already in the sky, and tried to keep closer to one of the other younger girls that seemed to be getting a little flustered. She knew she had to support her and if she couldn't, aim to get a goal of her own. When the opportunity came, Amauri tucked the Quaffle under her arm, a tight grip on her broom as she raced down to the end of the pitch, and threw the large ball straight through one of the hoops. She kept her eyes on where the bludgers were too, and only had one close call where she had to quickly dart of the way of the incoming ball before a Beater could get to it. After scoring a few more goals, and tailing some of the older students to help pass the ball back to them in the air, Amauri thought it would be best to come back down to the ground. As soon as her feet planted on the floor she was grinning from ear to ear, face flushed from the wind. "Thanks!" she added to the Captain, knowing not many students in her year would have even had the opportunity to try.
Audrey wasn't sure why she was trying out for Quidditch. Her parents were determined that she play, and Audrey wanted to rebel, to show that she wasn't just like them and that she wasn't going to play Quidditch just because that was what was expected. But at the same time, she actually did enjoy flying and playing and thought she could have fun without being yelled at about her posture or grip. Her parents didn't need to know, anyway. Bat and broom in hand, Audrey went down to the pitch to watch, and jumped up when the first years were able to join in if they were confident. "Heyyyy," she started, with half a wave. "Audrey Beauchamp. I can play anything, but I'll try out for beater. But chuck me the quaffle after and I'll have a go at chaser." She tried to sound as casual as possible, but her heart was pounding as she took to the sky.

Audrey could hear her father's voice in her head as she took to the sky, adjusting her bat grip and consciously changing the angle of her bat, but once she got going she found bat on bludger more often than not. They weren't often hitting targets, but they were at least going in the direction she wanted. She did manage to hit a couple of students, much to her delight, and maybe she could kind of see why her parents liked playing it so much now they weren't there screaming about focus and technique. The basics were embedded into her, but she was more having fun with it and just letting herself go with the flow. Though she kind of wanted to hit her roommate because she seemed a bit annoying, and then the shots didn't line up as well. She touched down and took a couple of shots on goal right at the end, missing a few/having them blocked but getting in the rhythm of it and scoring a couple of times before the end. She didn't think she'd make the starting lineup, which she didn't mind so much because then she wouldn't have to tell her parents anything. She wouldn't tell them even if she did, in all honesty.

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