Y44 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try-Outs

Rene Tofilau

Way Too Tall | Trying to Stand Out
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gwen) (Bi
09/41 (21)
While he hadn't exactly played his best last year, there was no denying that Rene was proud of the team he'd put together. The whole captain thing definitely wasn't easy, but surely he was doing something right if they'd managed to become the school champions. Now he just had to figure out how to do it again. And it would all start today.

Rene brushed down his robes, adjusting the captain's badge that felt more at home on his chest now and wondering if bringing the Quidditch cup out with him really would have been too much. Shaking the thought from his mind, he turned to address the team, trying not to note Jordie's glaring absence as he looked over the returning players and new hopefuls. "Hey everyone, I think it's gonna rain soon so let's get into it, aye. I'm Rene Tofilau, team captain and beater. If you're interested in joining the school's reigning champion team, please state your name and the position you play before getting into the air. We've got a lot to live up to this year so be ready to work hard if you make the cut. Returning players, get into the air and shake the dust off and try to work with the newer players. I want to see how everyone potential fits together. Alright? Cool, let's go," he said, blowing on his whistle and releasing the balls.

Seeker@Felix Carnahan
BeaterRene Tofilau (Captain)
Beater@Chase Campbell
Chaser@Leonardo Orr
Chaser@Renata Stepanova
Keeper@Zagreus Kohler
OOCOut of Character:

Welcome to Hufflepuff tryouts!
  • Returning team members must post an attendance post to retain their spots.
  • New members or returning alternates please have your char state their name and desired position before posting your tryout RP
  • First years interested in trying out require captain's permission to post so please PM me for more information
  • Any other questions, please feel free to PM me!
Good luck!
Leonard was ready for the new quidditch season, with his OWLs over he had a little more time to dedicate to quidditch and knowing that he needed to move out quickly, quidditch seemed like the best way to go about that. He nodded at the captain and then got up into the air. Ready to actually prove himself. Prove that he was still worthy of his spot.
Felix's stomach was in knots as he arrived at quiddich try outs. He knew his spot was secured and that he had proven himself before. But after his less than stellar performance last year he couldn't quite shake the self doubt he wasn't used to carrying around. The weather reflected his mood and he listened to Rene before taking to the air. He shot Penelope an encouraging thumbs up before focusing on his own search. As the try outs went on he tried to ignore the sense of dread building. Surely he couldn't be let on the team if he couldn't find the snitch at least once during try-outs. Thankfully as he felt the first few drops of rain he spotted the snitch and managed to snag it out of the air, feeling a swell of relief.
Penelope still couldn't quite believe she had gotten the snitch last year at the final game, but she knew it didn't necessarily guarantee her a spot on the team. She was at least no longer scared of playing, even though she still hated bludgers.

The Hufflepuff girl took a deep breath when it was her turn, then she spoke loudly. "Penelope Marshall. Seeker" She said to the captain, before getting on her broom. She looked around, then took off. Penelope flew around the pitch. She ducked underneath and weaved between players, feeling a bit more confident than she remembered feeling last year. It took her a little bit, but she eventually spotted the snitch. Penelope zoomed at it quickly and managed to catch it to her delight. She held it up with a grin. Then she let it go to chase it again. Unfortunately, she lost sight of it after a while. She didn't find it again, but at least she had caught it once.
Zag was quietly confident for Quidditch try outs, his spot was already secured and he had played alright the last few years. The only way was up, or so they said anyway. It was strange to think that Rene would be gone next year, and Zag couldn't help his eyes from wandering, trying to figure out who might be Captain next year. But, for now, there was still another year of Quidditch to worry about, softly nodding his head before hopping on his broom, heading over to the hoops to get in some practice and to try and block some of the shots from the prospective chasers.
After what felt like weeks of going back and forth in his head about whether he was going to bother trying out for the team again, Finley quite surprisingly found himself showing up to the Quidditch tryout, quietly wrapping his fingers around one of the nicer-looking school brooms. He would be fine. It would be fine. He wasn't going to mess up horribly and make himself look like a total moron or anything like that.

"Finley Holmes and I'm trying as chaser again," he quietly introduced himself, trying to sound a lot more confident about the whole thing than he actually felt. He was trying not to think about it too hard as he took to the sky, flying around just to get the feel of things again before he went after the quaffle, making his first attempt at a shot. It missed, obviously, but he didn't expect to be able to make it after a whole break with zero practice. So he tried again, and again, refusing to give up and trying to at least show he had made some progress since the last time. When it was finally over and his feet was back on the ground, Fin was unsure about what he was supposed to think. It could have been better, but he supposed it could have been a lot worse. All he could do now was wait and see if the captain thought he was good enough to make the team again or not.
Quidditch last year had been great, Renata was really happy with how she'd played and glad they'd won the house cup. It was unfortunate the international game hadn't gone so well but there wasn't much they could do there. They had won when it counted. She came to tryouts with enthusiasm, taking to the sky and mostly passing off the quaffle if she got it (maybe shooting a couple of times...she couldn't let herself get rusty after all).
Niall felt as though being the son of a Quidditch professional would have given him a skill advantage when it came to the sport, but he wouldn't have gone so far to say that other players weren't better than him, nor that he didn't have a lot to learn. He knew he was young and inexperienced, but watching his mum play at the stadiums had made Niall want to try out while at school. "Niall Corvus. Trying out for Beater?" he said, approaching the Captain. He knew it wasn't an open spot this year, but even if he was an alternative it would have given him the chance to practice. Besides he had to now that he no longer had flying lessons. He'd been on the pitch a few times since returning to Hogwarts already, including beater practice with Ruby a few days ago. He wondered if she'd tried out for Gryffindor yet; she'd been pretty good herself too and he knew if he made the team, the other houses would have strong competitors. He took his broom and a bat, and headed out into the skies to do what he could to prove he was worthy of joining the team. After defending a few of the chasers from the bludgers, hitting them neatly across the pitch and away from his teammates, he flew back down to the ground to await the verdict.
Chase hadn't been surprised that he had liked quidditch. He got to hit things after all. What had surprised him was that by the end of last year he was starting to feel like he might actually enjoy being part of a team. To be part of something. To not just keep to himself most of the time. So, even if he might not exactly show it, he was keen to keep his spot on the team. He had made sure to get to try outs on time and nodded at René as a way of greeting before the captain started talking. Once he was finished Chase took his broom and got up into the air, spending most of try outs just practicing himself but also putting in some effort in attempting to help out other students who were trying out. Even if he wasn't entirely sure what the best way was to do so.
Veronique had had to sit down with her parents over the break and fully convince them that she could do quidditch, the yearbook, and Heta without her grades slipping for another year. Her grades had been okay in her mind, mostly, As, but to her parents, they wanted better. She didn't have the circus to fall back on like Elara, and her parents didn't want that for her anyway. They wanted her to be something "presentable," whatever that meant. The circus was really cool, but Veronique unfortunately had no valuable circus skills.

As she made rushed down to the pitch, she grabbed a school broom, having still not convinced her parents to invest in one for her, and found a spot to listen to Rene. She nodded and felt a little worried about making the team again. She saw that there was a full position open as a chaser, but she knew that since she'd been the alternate keeper the year before, there was a better chance she could keep that position. Not wanting to relive the embarassment of last year, she didn't even look at the beater bat. "Veronique, I'm going to try out for keeper again, and I'm gonna take a stab at chaser," she said when it was her turn, less than confident.

Kicking off, she positioned herself in front of the hoops first, keeping an eye on the chasers as they came towards her. She block 3 out of 4 shots, missing a short where the chasers switched on her quickly. At the end of her keeper tryout, she switched and joined a group of chasers. Thankfully, she had the experience of being quick on her broom and tossing the quaffle. It was a little harder doing so as she moved up and down the pitch, but Veronique tried to keep up, wanting to show that she could work with the other players but also show that she was capable of scoring. She attempted to score for the first time and was blocked, realizing she threw it rather easily at the hoops that time. Once she attempted again, she feigned center and threw hard to the left, seeing it sail threw. Smiling, Veronique scored another time before tryouts ended and felt okay about at least securing a spot somewhere on the team.
OOCOut of Character:
Last call! Tryouts will be closing in a few days. Any first years interested in trying out can also PM me!
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the delay folks, here's the Y44 Hufflepuff Lineup!

SeekerFelix Carnahan
BeaterRene Tofilau (Captain)
BeaterChase Campbell
ChaserVeronique Chatelain
ChaserLeonardo Orr
ChaserRenata Stepanova
KeeperZagreus Kohler
AlternatesFinley Holmes (Chaser), Niall Corvus (Beater), Penelope Marshall (Seeker)

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