Y44 Dueling Match #1

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
@Santiago Torres vs @June Davenport

Killian might not have been able to duel when he was a kid - due to his giant genes, this was the next best thing. He did wonder how dueling was in Hogwarts New Zealand versus the dueling that was over in Durmstrang. Only time would tell. This duel, he was monitoring a couple of second years. He doubted that either knew enough that would be impressive, but regardless, one had to begin somewhere. "Choose opposite ends of the stage. When you are ready, bow to your opponent, and begin. Whoever wins will advance." Killian took a step back and folded his arms across his chest to witness the chaos.

The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god modding. You can find the site rules here. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!
As an added note: Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels.

[b]Current Points:[/b] 150
[hr][/hr]RP content[hr][/hr]
[b]Action(s) Taken:
Point Changes:
Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150

Santiago wasn't sure what to make of the dueling tournament but it sounded fun. He took to the dueling stage and was amused when he saw he'd be up against June. He was eager to see what she was really made of. He gave her a quick bow per their instructions and quickly cast the jelly legs jinx.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining:145
Current Points: 150

June was so ready. She took the dueling stage, seeing an professor who was very big. She didn’t knew him. Santiago she knew, and wondered what to expect. One thing she knew, she was gonna win. June made an quick bow and hold her wand ready. Chosing to wait for Santiago to make an first shot. June casted an shielding charm. And blocked the spell confidently. And than quickly fired back. “ Everte Statum” she said clear.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast 2x
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 140
Last edited:
Current Points: 145

Santiago could feel his pulse start to race as June fired back and things really got started. He brought up his wand and cast a shield charm as he took a step back. He was starting to regret not paying more attention in class as his mind raced for his next spell. "Expelliarmus!"

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135
Tempest took a seat quietly so she could observe the first duel. Hers was coming up soon, but she wanted to support her roommate... and also spy a little. She wondered if June had been practicing on her own, and if she had, how good she actually was. The Slytherin watched as their classmate from Gryffindor sent the first spell and kept an eye on things as the duel progressed.
Current Points: 140

June didn’t thought her first spell back would be final. But a girl could dream right? But she stayed focused and knew certain that she was stronger. And if someone was fast it was her. The practice paid off with Celia since she was quick enough to cast an shielding charm to block the spell. “ Petrificus Totalus.” June than casted back, confidently because this was an very good choice of an spell. She could go along all day if needed. Also she was not gonna be distracted by support, she did spot Tempest in the corner of her eye. Smart girl watching the competition.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 130
Current Points: 135

Santiago took a deep breath and cast another shield charm and June's spell was knocked away. He was ready this time and sent one right back at her. "Stupefy!"

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 130

June hold her wand ready at all times, and was only focused at the person in front of her. Like they were the only two in the room. June hold her focus and didn’t let emotions overrule. But it was amazing to fire spells at people. Perhaps she had to imagine Landon or Lauren was in front of her. But as he fired an stunning spell back she knew just what to do and was quickly with her shielding charm. This was easy defensive spells. And gave an confident smile. And quickly fired an trip jinx towards the Gryffindor. Would be handy if he fell down.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 120
Current Points: 125

Santiago thought he was ready for June's next spell but as the trip jinx came at him his mouth felt tongue tied and the spell crashed into him. He stumbled forward but years of skateboarding and close calls made him quick on his feet and he recovered enough to cast his next spell. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Action(s) Taken: hit by spell, spell cast
Point Changes: +15 -5
Points Remaining:135
Current Points: 120

June smirked as her jinx hit Santiago. She knew she was quicker and better. So now she had to continue it. She had time enough to pull of an shielding charm which she did, but Santiago stood up quickly. So June casted back '' Stupefy'' June said concentrated but with power. Sending it towards Santiago.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2, hit spell opponent
Point Changes: -30
Points Remaining: 90
Current Points: 135

In the time it took for June to block his spell Santiago was finally upright. He managed to take a deep breath just before casting another shield charm. He was starting to feel out of his depth but he held on as best he could. "Rictusempra!" he cast.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Change: -10
Points Remaining:125
Current Points: 90

June thought it was taking long. And didn’t thought her classmates were better than her. But they were not all stupid it seemed. Santiago suprised her, he did pay attention in class it seemed. Santiago casted a spell which June didn’t learned yet. But read about, but didn’t matter because she was on time with her shielding charm.
“ Expelliarmus.”
June than quickly send towards the Gryffindor.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 80
Last edited:
Current Points: 125

Santiago was starting to sweat but he gripped his wand tight and was able to cast yet another shield charm. He was starting to get winded and the adreanline was wearing off. With another flick of his wand he fired off another spell that hoped might finally end this for good. "Stupefy!"

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 80

June noticed Santiago really had to work for it. His head was glowing and June stayed focused. But it was getting boring, it took long. But as he cast a stunning spell June managed to cast de shielding charm in time. It was not an dummy who she was fighting now. And June stepped up her game. So she went quicker. “ Petrificus Totalus!” June than went for and used all her irritation to the people she hated, which where a lot in firing the spell. She would never give up, if the Gryffindor thought that he was wrong.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 70
Before she knew it, the duel had suddenly ended. She still had to process it, and couldn't believe what had happend. June couldn't even lay the finger on what had happend, how she could have lost. She shook her head and watched her hand, it was empty because she had dropped her wand just a second ago. A rollercoaster went inside her mind. But than she remembered she was not alone. Santiago had won. This was not happening, this could not be happening. She felt mixed feelings, anger, axcienty racing through her body. But hold her face straight, as she could do very well like an ice cold person. She counted in her head until ten, and slowly moved down to pick up her wand. Hearing the professor speaking something but it sounded like she was underwater. June stood up again and when she did her eyes went to Santiago. There were a few things she could do, also to the professor because it was clearly June who was the better one here. So she could make an scene, and blame everyone but herself. But June thought of her father, who she would see soon when he came out of Azkaban. It was not smart to do that. So she slowly walked over to Santiago, giving the Professor an small glimpse. And put on a confident face with an small smile. Putting out her hand, which was hard to do. '' Not bad for a Gryffindor.'' June said teasing. A way of congratulating him. Because no one was gonna see right now that she was furious and that she did care about this. Quickly giving a nod to the professor, she was fine. The only thing right now she wanted was to get out of here, and make sure she didn't punched someone very hard or scream and cry. Because losing, was not something June ever knew.
@Santiago Torres

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