Y42 Hufflepuff Quidditch Tryouts

Tilly Drage

Hufflepuff Co-Captain | Beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
12" Pear with Mermaid Scales
May 25, 2040
Tilly arrived to the Quidditch pitch early to set up for tryouts. The Hufflepuff was dressed from head to toe in her Quidditch gear, trying to drum up as much team spirit as possible. She propped her broom against a bench and dragged the box of Quidditch balls out of the shed, opening the box but leaving them locked up. The bludgers whirred angrily under the leather straps, doing their best to escape. They'd have their moment soon.

Acting as captain without Lucas at her side was strange. While she knew she could lead the team by herself, she couldn't help feeling just a twinge of loneliness as she waited for her established and prospective teammates to show up. This disappeared as soon as the first arrivals showed up. Once a sizeable group had arrived, she straightened up to introduce herself.

"For those who don't know me, my name is Tilly Drage, and I'm the Hufflepuff captain this year." She smiled at the group. Last year, she might have been nervous to do this, but now she carried herself with confidence. "Anyone who is new to our team or a previous alternate, state your name and the position you're trying out for. As you can see, there are several spots open this year. Show me what you've got! Returning team members, please dust off your brooms, flex your muscles, and help out where you see fit."

After tossing the Quaffle to one of the chasers and releasing the bludgers and snitch, Tilly watched the prospective players. She knew Rene could take care of any wayward bludgers on his own.

Y42 Hufflepuff lineup

ChaserJordan Harris
ChaserLeonardo Orr
BeaterRene Tofilau
Beater Tilly Drage

OOCOut of Character:

Welcome to this years' Quidditch tryouts! Second years and up may try out. First years will only be given an opportunity if there is not enough interest among older students- I will post here if/when tryouts are open to first years.

In your reply, make sure that your character shares their name and desired position, followed by an RP showing off their skills (or not ;) ) This applies to both newcomers and previous alternates. Returning players with established positions at least need to post their attendance/short RP.

When trying out, I ask that you consider your ability to commit to practices and games. That said, I understand that real life comes first and emergencies do come up.

Please PM me if you have any questions. Good luck and have fun with your tryout!
Leonardo Orr arrived at the quidditch pitch with all his usual seriousness though he was admittedly also very eager for it too. Quidditch was something he could do. It was something he worked hard to improve at but it was also something he enjoyed. Leonardo knew he could fet very harsh on himself and his ability to play but it didn’t stop the fact he liked it. Leo glanced towards the captain as they outlined what was to happen but Leo didn’t need to do most of that. He just got on his broom and flew up into the air. He knew he didn’t have to tryouts but he was still going to use this opportunity to work hard and show off his skill.
As much as René missed Lucas, it was pretty fun to have Tilly fully in charge now, especially considering René was playing opposite her. He knew it didn’t really mean anything, but he liked to think playing as part of a pair with the captain gave him a little more authority in the team, or at the very least maybe that Tilly saw his own potential as a beater enough that she wouldn’t worry while she was doing… Captain-y things.

He beamed at her as she addressed the team before getting into the air, immediately remembering the joy that came with actually flying. He did a few laps of the pitch, working out under-used muscles and reacquainting himself with his broom before he started gunning for the bludgers, working on keeping them away from some of the new players for awhile before switching to the offense and really put the new tryouts through their paces.
Zagreus had been thinking a lot about whether he was going to try out for the Quidditch team again. Sure, the last year had been fun, but now he knew the keeper spot was actually open, he had been a little hesitant. Was he actually good enough to be on the team? A big part of him said no, but there was still a small bit deep inside which was telling him yes. He was good enough and he wouldn't make a fool of himself. So, that was why he found himself arriving on the Quidditch pitch for the try-out, taking a long breath as he shuffled to stand with everyone else.

"Oh, um, I'm Zagreus... Kohler. And I'm trying out as keeper... again," he offered a shy smile, wringing his hands for a moment before going to grab one of the school brooms. Maybe he should ask his mum to buy him a broom, but then he remembered how expensive those were. He supposed it didn't matter, Keepers didn't really need to fly very far from the hoops. So, once he had grabbed a broom he wasted no time in kicking off from the ground and settling himself in front of the hoops to try and save as many shots as he could.

It took him a couple of tries to get back into the swing of things, managing to let the quaffle slip past his fingers the first few times. It was only when he managed to securely get his hands on it and stop it from going in did he feel a little more confident about things. The rest of the try-out went better than the beginning and by the end, he was sure he had at least managed to save more than he had let get past him. He supposed it could have been worse.
Felix hadn't been able to stop thinking about quidditch tryouts since arriving back to school. Since he joined the team it had always been about having fun and getting to fly around the pitch with his team. But now that Lucas graduated it left him as the most experienced seeker, and with that came the pressure of knowing the whole team relied on him. He had worked hard for this and he walked to the pitch with his head held high. "Felix Carnahan." he announced and gave Tilly a brief salute. "And I'm trying out for seeker!" A moment later he was in the air and looking for the snitch. His stomach dropped when he remembered how badly his last practice went but this was different. He had caught the snitch before and he could do it again. Felix flew around the pitch in steady circles and finally saw a flash of gold before diving after it. When he grabbed the snitch out of the air he held it up and let out a yell of excitement. He relaxed as he let the snitch go and started the search again. Thankfully he caught the snitch at least one more time before try-outs ended and he felt confident about earning himself the starting spot.
Renata had technically been an alternate beater last year, but she'd played chaser by necessity and found she enjoyed that a whole lot more. Scoring a goal in one of the games was something to be proud of, especially given how fast the games had ended. She smiled as she approached the pitch, giving a wave to Tilly. She also took a school broom, knowing she'd have to save for a better one over time.

"Hi!" She greeted, enthusiastically. "Renata Stepanova, trying out for chaser!" She couldn't help but be excited. Quidditch was something she was halfway decent at and the Hufflepuff team was great. It felt good to be able to keep up with them. She took to the air and grabbed the quaffle, taking a few shots on goal and managing to get some past Zagreus - though she was encouraging when he blocked shots too - and also took the opportunity to pass the quaffle between the other chasers. She was a bit worn out by the end but knew she'd have to just get back to practicing frequently to stay in good shape if she made the team.
Jordie showed up for practice, smiling brightly at Tilly. He jumped up onto his broom, not bothering to catch the Quaffle himself but he was following those trying out, passing to them and trying to provide an extra buffer between the newbies and the bludgers. Before he knew it, the try-outs had ended. He smiled at Tilly, heading back to the castle to get a shower.
Penelope wasn't entirely sure what she was doing here. She had put her hair in a ponytail and had taken her new broom to the pitch for tryouts, though she felt like the worst kind of impostor as she stood here. Everyone else seemed to know what they were doing. Penelope barely liked Quidditch, at least she had never followed any matches, but she wanted to try... something. Something new, something just for her. She had played a few mock games over break and it had been sort of fun, but now she was here and she wondered if she looked as ridiculous as she felt. She had done her research about the positions, deciding on seeker mostly because she was small and quick, and also because it was a popular spot and it was much more likely she would get an alternate spot, if anything at all. Penelope didn't think she would mind if she didn't get a spot on the team at all, she was mostly here to prove something to herself. She could do new things. She could.

She flushed when it was her turn, taking a moment before speaking. "Penelope Marshall. Seeker, but I can do chaser too I think." She stammered to the captain, before getting on her broom. She took a deep breath, then took off. She looked around nervously before starting to fly around. She ducked underneath and weaved between players, realizing with a sinking feeling she had underestimated how difficult it would be to find the snitch on a crowded pitch. It took her almost until the end of the tryouts before she found it, and she sighed in relief as she grabbed it. She quickly let it go, then realized she should have shown the captain she had done it. She hoped she had seen it, as she was too anxious to go tell her. What if she thought she was lying? Penelope quickly flew back to the ground, letting out a sigh.
Silas had been told by his parents that if he wanted to play quidditch, he should at least try to practice. But when he heard one of his roommates was trying out, he figured it couldn't hurt. Once he got on the field, he watched as others took the sky. He hadn't really thought about what position he wanted to tryout for to be honest, so when it came time for his turn, he stuttered. "Silas Broomhead. Uh, k-keeper?" he said, questioningly before shrugging and going up into the air. It took him a minute to remember that his roommate was trying out for the same position, but that just meant that they could share tips.

Silas flew up in front of the hoops and tried to block some quaffles, rather terribley. He did a good job flying, but the actual art of being a successful keeper seemed to be escaping him. He would swerve to one side while the quaffle went in the opposite hoop. He would try to go forward and a chaser would come up, steal the ball, and shoot behind him. Frowning, he knew practice was ending and he had to block quaffle at least. He couldn't be that bad. As the chaser came forward, he stuck out his leg as far as he could, able to tap it enough so it sank towards the ground. Cheering, Silas heard the whistle blown and came back down. Either way, it was just a fun experiene.

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