Y41 Duelling Match #4

Hiro Aoki

muggle studies 3-4 + boy racer + drift king
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
6/2028 (32)
@Genevieve Fuentes vs @Seamus Reid

Hiro had been pleasantly surprised when he had been asked to help proctor the duelling tournament, but it was not something he was going to pass up. He had always had a soft spot for the art and was eager to see how Hogwarts students matched up to the duels he had taken part in and watched back in Mahoutokoro. "Welcome to the first round of the duelling tournament," he announced, making sure to smile at each student, "The victor of this match will, as always, be moving onto the second round. As a reminder, you should only be using spells in or below your year and please do try and keep it clean." The last thing he wanted was to send someone to the Hospital Wing with a serious injury. "If everyone understands that, then please bow and you may begin. And good luck."

The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god modding. You can find the site rules here. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!

As an added note: Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels.

[b]Current Points:[/b] 150
[hr][/hr]RP content[hr][/hr]
[b]Action(s) Taken:
Point Changes:
Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150

Seamus had not done well in the last duelling competition and he was rather nervous about this one. He bowed to his opponent, one he of course knew from his year and then cast a quick, "Expelliarmus,"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

Evie hoped this dueling tournament would be fun. It would definitely be a good distraction for her and so she was excited for it. As instructed, the girl bowed to her opponent before they quickly sent a spell her way. She blocked it before sending another. "Stupefy!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 140
Current Points: 145

Seamus blocked the spell as it was fired at him, and sent back a "Furnunculus" it would be a rather gross spell if it hit, but this was a duel.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 140

Genevieve wondered when she was going to be able to hit the boy with a spell. She blocked the spell he sent her and quickly sent the jelly-fingers curse his way, figuring it would be funny if it actually hit him.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 130
Hamish stood with the crowd, watching as the duel unfolded. He clapped for his brother with the others, knowing Seamus would know he had his support. He kept quiet, not wanting to distract his twin as he faced off against the Gryffindor girl. He had no doubt in his brothers abilities.
Current Points: 135

Seamus was eager to do well in this fight, so he blocked the next spell with perhaps an over confidence, especially when his shield did not last that long, and then just followed it up with the Jelly Fingers curse.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 130

Genevieve paid no attention to those that were clapping them on in the crowd. She just wanted to win the fight on her own. She blocked the spell Seamus sent her before then sending a trip jinx towards him.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 120
Current Points: 125

Seamus dodged out of the way of her spell and then followed it with a slug vomiting curse.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell, dodged
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 105
Current Points: 120

Evie was a little taken aback as Seamus had to dodge her spell. Did that mean he was getting tired and she was almost going to win? It made Evie excited. So excited in fact that she failed to pay attention when he sent another spell. The girl suddenly felt extremely sick, and this was followed by a large slug that fell out of her mouth. It didn't stop there, but Evie had no choice but to send another spell in between the vomiting. "Stupefy!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell, hit by spell
Point Changes: -5 +15
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 110

Seamus was very pleased when his spell actually hit the girl, but it was immediately very gross as the girl vomitted on to the ground. He was able to just block her spell, not noticing it until the last minute. The problem was that her vomiting made him want to vomit. But he managed to choke out. "Rictusempra"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice, spell hit
Point Changes: -10, -20
Points Remaining: 90
Current Points: 125

Evie was definitely not enjoying this feeling. She leaned over and vomited again as another slug came out of her mouth. She was only just able to block the boy's spell before quickly sending another spell his way before another slug appeared. "Expelliarmus!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 90

Seamus couldn't help but feel his whole body dry heave at the same as he watched her vomit up another slug. It was really just the most gross possible thing which he had ever seen. He was just barely able to dodge out of the way of her spell, he was so distracted and feeling ill from it. He sent a Leek jinx but it wasn't a particularly strong spell, he'd be surprised if it would even work if it hit the girl

Action(s) Taken: cast spell, dodged
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 75
Current Points: 115

Even though Evie was feeling the worst she had ever felt, she could tell the Slytherin wasn't enjoying it either. As he dodged out of the way of her spell, she leant over again as another slug came out of her mouth. She made an effort to over exaggerate it this time, enjoying the fact that he hated it so much. She blocked his spell, then leant over to vomit again before sending another, hoping despite how weak she was feeling, that it would be strong enough. "Stupefy!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 105
OOCOut of Character:
Reminder that this duel will end in approximately 30 hours! If no winner has been decided by then, the winner will be picked by RNG.
Current Points: 75

Seamus felt himself dry heave along with her vomit and wasn't able to get the spell up in time, and he was hit with the stupefy.

Action(s) Taken: hit by spell, watching someone else vomit made him want to vomit.
Point Changes: +15
Points Remaining: 90
Current Points: 105

Evie watched as her spell collided with the boy. "Wooho-!" she exclaimed before she was interrupted by another slug crawling out of her mouth. She was starting to feel dizzy from the constant vomiting and turned to the professor, hoping he would be able to fix her.

Action(s) Taken: n/a
Point Changes:
Points Remaining:
Hiro rushed over when the final spell hit, making sure to stop the duels. "Miss Fuentes is the winner!" He announced with a smile once he had whipped out his wand and quickly revived Mister Ried. "If you require medical attention please head to the Hospital Wing," then he looked to the Gryffindor, trying very hard not to grimace. He simply conjured a bucket out of the air with his wand and handed it to the girl, "Sorry, but you're just going to have to wait that out." There wasn't a counter spell for the slugs, and he already had enough of them to try and clean up off the platform.

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