Y39 Slytherin Quidditch Try-Outs

Daintree Vaskevold

loves attention; hates muggles deceptive; layabout
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2036 (25)
Daintree didn't mind holding this position with a much younger student, he knew why he'd been given it, it was to be the parent of this until the seeker was in theory old enough to hold the position himself, but really Daintree didn't mind that at all. He wanted to hold the position even for a short period of time because being co-captain was good. The slytherin was on the pitch with Ruben and was looking at the students who were looking to try-out. He wasn't too surprised with some faces. He also knew he wouldn't bring the same energy as Blake, it had always been intense and sometimes a little unnecessary but he couldn't lie and say that it hadn't in part been part of Blake's charm as captain. "Right, Ruben and I are your captains this year. Returning members get to practicing. Everyone trying out, say your name and which position you'd like to play. Slytherin are the best team in Hogwarts so you best bring your A game if you think you have a chance," He then looked to Ruben who could say anything else if he wished or just let the players get to it.
Ruben Right, Co-Captain
Daintree Vaskevold, co-captain
Rye West
Liusaidh Fergusson
Eleanor Kingsley

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to tryouts! For those unfamiliar with how this works, please begin by having your character state their name and the position they're trying out for, followed by RPing them trying out in that position.

Returning team members listed above must post attendance at tryouts to retain their positions, returning alternates must try out again.

First years may not try out without first PMing me and Ruben for permission, no first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students to fill the team.
Celia would never admit it, but she was nervous. Nervous, because what if she made a fool of herself? Nervous, because what if her actions from last year had convinced the captains — or Styx — that she wasn't worthy of representing Slytherin? Nervous, because what if she failed? She took a couple deep breaths before striding onto the pitch, trying to look bored, as if this whole thing were a mere formality before her inevitable acceptance. But there was no mistaking the hunger in her eyes. Quidditch was one of the few extracurriculars Hogwarts offered, and if she wanted to gain any kind of standing at the school (and not spend the next six years bored out of her mind), she needed to join the team.

One of the captains started to speak, and Celia took the time to eye her competition. Not that there was much, in her opinion. The two team beaters had done so poorly at the game against Ilvermorny that it was a wonder they had the nerve to show up here today. If it were Celia, she would have tried to transfer schools. And the fact that one of them had been named a captain meant the team was in dire need of new talent. Celia figured that she could prove she was better at flying than half the team as long as she ended the try-out on the pitch and not the hospital wing.

At the end of Daintree's speech, Celia approached the captains, deciding to direct her attention towards Ruben. "Hi, I'm Celia Vuong. I'm trying out for beater." She smiled brightly before turning and taking off on her broom. Up in the air, she felt calmer, and she immediately honed in on the two bludgers. Celia took off after one of them and smacked it towards the end of the field, where it flew through one of the hoops. She'd had to spend the past few weeks practicing by herself, which hadn't been conducive in terms of mimicking actual Quidditch scenarios, but it had given her a showy trick that would hopefully impress the captains.

If they were even watching. Celia peered down, trying to see if either Ruben or Daintree had been paying attention. In doing so, she lost track of the second bludger until it came careening towards her. At the very last second, she dropped in the air, pressing herself flat to her broom as the bludger passed inches from her head. Shaken, Celia returned her attention to her surroundings. That had been far too close. She spent the rest of the try-out chasing after bludgers and trying to bat them at the people playing seeker. She didn't bother with defense, figuring it would be more impressive if she knocked someone out of the sky. Most of the bludgers missed her targets though one of them did hit another beater. Celia had actually been aiming for the seeker next to them, but she wasn't about to mention that.

At the end of the try-out, Celia touched down, exhausted and unsure what to make of her performance. She had only managed to hit one person. But she had also avoided getting hit herself, which was a lot more than what most of the actual team members had been able to say after that last Ilvermorny game. Really, if the captains didn't want Slytherin to suffer any further humiliation, they should replace the whole team.
Natalia had been waiting for this moment all year. She was still frustrated about not making the team when she had tried out last year, and vowed to do better this time. She knew Indi would likely make fun of her for a whole year if she didn't make it again, and that thought alone was enough to almost make her turn around and leave. But no, she had to try.

With Blake Irons graduating, the team had two new captains. Natalia waited for her turn, then spoke. "I'm Natalia Novak, and I'm trying out for chaser." With that, the girl took to the air. Thankfully, it didn't take long for her to get her hands on the quaffle, and she flew over to the hoops. Her first attempt to score was blocked, but she managed to grab the quaffle again soon after and scored that time. Natalia scored twice more, and then landed back on the ground. She thanked the captains for the chance to try out, then sat down to watch the rest.
Indi was a little annoyed she had to try out again since she was only an alternate last year. She played in every game and even gotten knocked out by the stupid American team. Regardless she was confident she would do well again. "Indira Khatri. Trying out for chaser." she said simply before kicking into the air. She saw Natalia was trying out again and rolled her eyes. She had a whole year of experience on her and she wasn't about to let her forget it. Indi got her hands on the quaffle quickly and raced around the pitch eager to show her skill. Thankfully her first attempt made it through, but her second one wasn't as lucky. She kept up with the other chasers for the entirety of try-outs and managed to score a few more times. She even passed to her team mates a few times just to prove she was a team play, if she had to be. By the end of practice she was out of breath and grateful to be on solid land. She smiled and gave a curt nod to the captains as she left for the afternoon.
Ruben was a bit nervous with this new spotlight on him, he wasn't even used to being in the main team, nevertheless being one of the captains in the team. He could only thank Blake for that, but if Blake had given him that position it was because the former captain had seen something in him so he guess he needed to thank himself for impressing Blake enough.
When Daintree finished talking he wondered if he wondered if he should take a more aggressive approach like Blake or if he should be kind and go against a method that had lead them to win several years in a row. "Keep in mind that we only choose the best, that's why we are Hogwart's best team" he said "With that said, good luck everyone". At the end he would like to think he mixed a bit of kindness with agression.
As a returning member of the team Liusaidh was feeling pretty good about herself. She listened to the captains not really caring about what they said and just got on her broom and went into the air. She was just ready for another season.
Ivelisse felt confident as she made her way over to the pitch for tryouts. She had been unamused to find out first years weren't allowed to try out last year, knowing that she was just as capable as anyone else already on the team. And today, today she'd finally get a chance to show them. They'd obviously be crazy not to take her, but that was just her own humble opinion. One she was sure they'd soon all share. She listened to the captains, stepping forward when it was her moment to do so. "Ivelisse Burleigh, trying out for seeker." She told them with a confident smile, before kicking off into the air. She knew their current seeker was just a few years older than her so it was a long shot, but she had always told herself that she wouldn't go for any other position than just that. Even if that meant her only shot was to become an alternate for a while.

Ivelisse pushed herself off into the air after her introducting, immediately getting in some extra height to hoover for a moment and look around to see if she noticed any glimpse of gold nearby. When she didn't see anything she started to lap around the pitch, keeping her eyes peeled for any hint of the sneaky golden ball. She was just about to turn around again when she suddenly noticed it. A speck of gold through the corner of her eye. Ivelisse turned around as quickly as she could and started chasing it as it lead her on a journey across the pitch. She swerved a few times to avoid colliding into some other players as she kept her eye fixed on the snitch and its every movement. Keeping track of it was proving to be a little bit more difficult than she thought it would be, but she obviously wasn't going to show that. Instead, she just kept flying when she lost track of it for a second and changed her course as if she had always been planning to move that way when she noticed it again. After chasing after the golden ball for longer than she would've liked to Ivelisse finally got closer and closer, stretching her hand and almost tipping her broom forward as she managed to close her fingers around it. She grinned, holding it up for a second to make sure the captains had seen her efforts before releasing it again. Once the end of tryouts rolled around Ivelisse touched down on the ground again, content she had been able to show off she was more than capable. Surely, they'd be insane not to take her on.
Lucie enjoyed playing quidditch last year on the Slytherin team, and so she was excited to hopefully play again after trying out. She tied her hair up into a ponytail as she made her way onto the quidditch pitch for the tryouts. There were a few people there already and this made the Slytherin slightly nervous as she wasn't sure whether or not the captain would give her a position again. She had tried her best last year and hoped that it was enough for the captain to at least consider her.

When they were told to begin, Lucie confidently went up to the captain and said her name. "My name is Lucie Vernier. I'm trying out for keeper, or beater if you need me." she said before walking away and heading up to the sky. She mounted her broom easily, kicking off from the ground and heading to the hoops first to show off her keeper skills. She admittedly didn't play keeper as much as beater, but wanted this position to challenge herself and hopefully that would help her become better as her reflexes improved. As someone trying out for the chaser position through the quaffle at one of the hoops, Lucie quickly flew over to it, reaching out with the tip of her fingers to push it away. It wasn't the best save, but it still prevented the quaffle from going through. When someone else attempted to make a shot, Lucie headed as fast as she could towards the quaffle, catching it perfectly against her chest before throwing it back out. She continued doing this as more and more quaffles kept coming her way. It was rather intense, but Lucie had done rather well considering.

When she was tired of keeping, Lucie flew back down to collect a beater's bat and began trying to find some bludgers to hit. She was a bit better at this, hitting bludgers towards others, and even hitting bludgers just to see how far they could go. It was hard on her hands and arms, but she rather enjoyed it and had hit pretty much every bludger that came her way.

Soon enough, the captain called everyone to come back down. Lucie was a bit disappointed as she wanted to keep playing, but she thanked the captain nonetheless as she handed the beater's bat back and made her way back to the castle to clean herself up.
Parker wasn't exactly sure why he came there. He knew that he probably wasn't going to make it anyway. He wasn't the most athletic even if he had pretty good reflexes, so he just hoped for the luck. When he was listening to what both captains were saying, he had an urge to just turn around and leave, what he was even doing there? Why he was trying out to the champion team? Why he couldn't try to understand the game while looking how Zach played? But it was already too late to step back, so he took a step forward and gave an unsure smile. "Parker Reed, keeper," and stumbled over to his broom to mount it and fly up, still unsure of what he was doing. He took one of the pitch sides and just flew around the hoops, waiting for someone to make a first shot. When it shot over the hoops, he immediately flew over and caught it, sighing proudly, he couldn't believe that he did it, and then he threw the ball back in the game. After this one, the pressure was bigger than before, everyone who was trying out for an chaser or even experienced chasers were throwing the ball at the hoops and Parker just tried to catch all of them. Though, he missed some of them, he caught the most of it and he was pretty confused by the fact that he didn't fail like he thought he would, and for the ones he didn't catch, he just tried to excuse himself with the fact that even the best keepers sometimes didn't manage to catch them all. So, he did a really solid job and when the try outs were over, he was on his way to tell Zach, Charlie and Bella about everything that happened with him on the pitch.
It was another new school year, and Eleanor was interested to see who her new team captains would be for the Slytherin quidditch team since Blake graduated last term. Luckily, it was a nice day for the tryouts, and Eleanor made her way to the pitch soon after breakfast. Eleanor listened as Daintree and Ruben introduced themselves. She nodded her head at them and proceeded to do as they said. She climbed on her broom and got into the air.
Last call for try-outs, these will close tomorrow.
Try-outs are closed. You'll hear very soon.

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