Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Minnie was ready for the new season of quidditch. She needed this one to go well. She and Lars had won one game in the last season and she hoped that they could do better and end up winning entirely. it was high goals but she really couldn't overstate how much she wanted this win. She was stood somewhat nervous at the pitch, there was nothing visibly wrong with her, she was as put together than always, but there was a keenness in her gaze and her fingers were gripping the broom tightly. She was watching as people arrived at the pitch, glancing at the returning members and at the new comers. She gave them all a forced polite and professional smile. "Alright then, let's just get started," her voice shook a little but she managed to center it as she kept going. "returning team members, just get into the air and get to practicing, people trying out, state your name, and the one position you'd like to play and then get up into the air," she looked towards Lars and let him add anything if he wanted to before looking back at the people. "Let's get started,"

Positon Player
SeekerMinnie Calida Co- Captain
KeeperLars Van Houten Co -Captain
BeaterChloe Chan
BeaterArinna Desai
ChaserThalia Pourroulis
ChaserTeodora Pourroulis
ChaserHattie Thorne

OOCOut of Character:

Returning players are guaranteed their spots as long as they post attendance in this thread before tryouts are over. Returning alternates must try out again.

First years must PM me if they want to try out. No first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students.
Hattie really enjoyed playing quidditch. She knew she wasn't that good at it but was eager to keep doing it just for some fun during the year, especially with her OWL exams this year that she knew would take up a lot of her time. It was good to have quidditch as a distraction and she was excited for a new year of it. She made her way to the quidditch pitch where the tryouts would be taking place. No one last year had graduated from the team and so only the alternate positions were available, but Hattie was sure they would be filled. She gathered around as Minnie debriefed everyone before heading up into the sky for some practice. She mostly did some laps of the pitch as she watched people tried out for the positions. At the end of it, she thanked Minnie before heading to her dormitory to clean herself up.
Juniper wasn't sure why she had decided to try out for Quidditch. Maybe it was because she was finally beginning to feel more in touch with her school, or maybe it was because she thought it would be fun to hit bludgers at other students lawfully. Either way, it added one more thing to her to-do list for the week, and even if she didn't make it, she would at least be having fun and getting to fly on a broom. She had been very successful during their Flying lessons first year, even for someone raised with muggles, but she hadn't spent much time on one since. She made her way down to the pitch in moveable attire and kept her broom in her hand as Minnie explained how tryouts were going to go. She knew who the girl was because of her leadership position within the team, but she hadn't really spoken to her. She took a step forward and gave a comical salute. "Juniper Zumwalt, and I suppose I'll try for beater," she said.

Kicking off on her broom, the fourth year held a bat in her dominant hand and watched as the chasers and keepers did their thing. She wasn't sure if it was against the rules to aim the bludgers at other Ravenclaws, but seeing as the whole point of the beater was to defend their team, Juniper figured she could make her place. She had played softball as a child and was a decent hitter, but the bludgers had a mind of their own. Juniper leisurely made her way around the pitch and noticed a bludger heading for one of the girls nearby. She shot close to her and knocked it out of her way but with no intended target, leading it to crash through the bottom of the stands and come out the other side. "Sorry!" she shouted at the captains, cringing a little. She moved away from the girl and decided to follow the bludger from a distance so she could aim it at someone else. When she got closer, the bludger changed directions and lunged at her. Eyes widened, Juniper swung her broom around and hit the bludger toward the opposing side's goals, where it narrowly missed the chaser. Juniper sighed and continued moving around the pitch when she saw another bludger within in her reach, knicking it with the tip of her bat so it knocked into someone about 10 feet away. She did a small victory dance on her broom as she landed on the ground and returned her bat. She didn't do horrible, but she didn't do great. Either way, her priority this year was to make sure she was more successful during the duelling tournament. Adding Quidditch would just up her competitive edge.
Lars was feeling slightly more confident about being the team's captain this year, but was still happy that Minnie was also there to help. He was still glad they hadn't came in last last year, but wanted to do a bit better this year as well. He stood next to Minnie, giving everyone a slightly awkward smile as they approached. He was glad Minnie was as in charge and professional as usual, and just nodded in approval of her words. "Uh, good luck." Was all he said with a little shrug.
Teodora was happy to be back for another year at Hogwarts as well as play another season of Quidditch. She still wasn't really that good of a chaser but at least she had been practising a lot over the break along with her sister. She was serious about Quidditch, so was determined to do her best again this year, too. She smiled at the two captains and got up in the air once they were given the go. After doing a couple of laps around the pitch, Teodora went ahead and got in some shots until the try-outs were over.
Ajaccio was looking forward to quidditch again, he was hopeful that he'd make the team again, but he knew if he didn't that he would still have plenty of other things going. Quidditch was just that fun thing that he could do. Sports! He liked sports and had never been apart of enough teams growing up. He looked to the team, smiling at the people he knew and waving to Juniper, "Hey! Good luck!" he told her with a wide smile. He thought it was cool she was trying out and thought it might cool to be on the team with her. Eventually he stepped forward, after the captains had spoke, "Hey guys, Ajax reporting again, for Chaser once more," he gave them a salute and then hopped on to the broom and into the air.
Ajax was a much better flyer than he had been in the year before. He had benefitted from the practices that he had been a part of even if he had never played an actual game. It was more than enough good for him. He focused however on the try out, on catching the quaffle as it was passed to him and racing towards the hoops. He threw the ball in hard and was disappointed when it got caught by the keeper. He flew along side a different chaser, and watched them take a shot. He cheered as they scored and caught the ball as it was thrown back out, he passed the quaffle and raced forward to catch it back. He held it tightly under his arm and then threw it into the hoops, so pleased when it sailed passed and he'd actually managed to score. The rest of the try-out went similarly and Ajaccio was pretty pleased with himself when it drew to an end and he flew to the ground.
Thalia was ready for another year of quidditch, the one thing she was really relieved about was not having to try out again for the team. All she needed to do was show up which was exactly what she did. Though she wasn’t the best chaser, the girl had practiced a lot with Teodora, and Emori too who planned to try out for her own team. She listened as Minnie gave a speech, with Lars not saying much but it didn’t seem all that necessary to say more. She nodded at the captains before mounting her broom and flying in the air, doing a few laps and shooting some hoops with the quaffle, all the while attempting to help anyone who needed it as much as she could. Thalia wasn’t exactly an experienced chaser but hopefully, she could aid new members in the near future.
Despite her mother’s many protests, Chloe had brought her broom back home to practice during the long break. She needed to do even better and make her father proud, which meant that she couldn’t have spent a few months without flying around their garden - obviously when no neighbour was watching. Now that she was back, Chloe was excited for another season of quidditch. She arrived to the pitch and greeted the captains, slightly envious that her roommate got to be captain with Lars instead of with her, or instead of her, period. Still, she tried not to dwell on that too much. When they were done speaking she did a few laps and helped those who were trying out if they asked, making sure to get some of her hits in before tryouts were over.
Theia was probably going to have an aneurysm when she found out about this this, Sawyer mused. Quidditch was a pretty dangerous sport and honestly he had no place trying to join the Ravenclaw team. Sawyer loved Quidditch. He knew all the facts and stats of his favourite club teams, but he wasn't exactly the strongest flier. He could stay on a broom and keep his balance well enough, but he knew he wasn't cut out for most positions. But the allure of maybe being on the team was too high, even if he never got to play properly, so here he was, gripping his broom tightly as he stepped forward to try out. "Hi, Sawyer Carnahan, I'm trying out for Keeper," He said, mounting up and kicking off to fly, a bit slowly, over to the hoops.

The hoops seemed a lot bigger up close and Sawyer suddenly wondered how on Earth he was meant to stop anything from getting through those, let alone a quaffle, but he didn't have time to gawk at them too long, a chaser was quickly approaching and he knew he'd need to pay attention. He'd only have a few moments to steer his broom in front of the right hoop before he'd need his hands to catch the quaffle. Sawyer was still thinking about exactly that when the quaffle shot past him into the far right hoop. Deflated, Sawyer flew down to scoop it back up as another chaser rounded to have their go. It was a bit disheartening, the first five goals went through easily and Sawyer figured he might as well not have been there at all. By the sixth though, he was finally starting to get a feeling for the size and movement of everything, grinning as he knocked away the chaser's shot. Things improved from there, and while Sawyer only managed to block a few more, he was feeling pretty pleased with himself as he shakily landed back on the ground.
Try-Outs will close tomorrow, get your attempts in before it's too late!
Lily had planned all first year long to play Quidditch,she had visited Obsidian Harbour during the holiday to buy a broom of her own. She had chosen a Firebolt. Walking down to the tryouts, Lily felt her stomach making a knot, she knew no one on the team was graduating and so she doubted that she would get a position on the House team. But she pulled herself together as she introduced herself and said " Lily Harbour, I wanna try out for Seeker " Lily mounted her brand new broom and kicked off hard from the ground.

Once in the air, she got the hang of her broom and flew high up into the sky, watching for any sign of a golden flying ball. She sat hovering on her broom for a minute or so when she spotted a glimpse of gold rushing past on of the goal hoops. Immediately she pushed forward on her Firebolt and rushed towards the golden ball. When she got closer to it, the snitch was more visible and so she followed it around not quite catching up to it. After a while she lost sight of the snitch and stooped to hover again. She looked around desperate to see it again. And just as She started losing hope a glimpse of gold fluttered past a nearby chaser. Once again she shot off towards the snitch and chased it around the pitch , finally catching up to it. Once it was within arms length she stretched out the right arm steering her Firebolt with her left and leaning as far forward as possible to try and grab the snitch. She twiddled with her fingers in hope to get a hold of the flying ball and after a little while she took hold of snitch with her thumb and forefinger. So excited that she had caught the snitch she lost control of the broom and almost fell off but managed to stay on top. Lily flew down to the ground hopped off her broom and looked at the snitch in admiration
Try-outs are now closed. Team will be announced soon.
OOCOut of Character:
Thanks for trying out!

Positon Player
SeekerMinnie Calida Co- Captain
KeeperLars Van Houten Co -Captain
BeaterChloe Chan
BeaterJuniper Zumwalt
ChaserThalia Pourroulis
ChaserTeodora Pourroulis
ChaserHattie Thorne
AlternatesAjaccio Skey (Chaser), Sawyer Carnahan (Keeper), Lily Harbour (Seeker)

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