Y37 Ilvermorny Quidditch Practice S1

With bludgers flying everywhere, Ragan was surprised that no one had been taken out yet. With a shake of his head, he went on with his search for the snitch.

OOCOut of Character:
Holy crap I am so sorry for the lateness!
Hope continued her search.
Hyun gave an annoyed huff when more shots missed, only becoming more determined to make one of his own as he scooped the quaffle up and headed back to the hoops.
Dominic was so focused on following Hyun to the hoops, he wasn’t watching for bludgers. He was caught off guard as one hit him in the side. He was out of breath for a moment but he shook it off and kept going.
Eli flew closer to the hoops in an attempt to hit a bludger. He hit one, and it soared right past Adam.
Dominic kept up with the chasers and wondered if he might be able to steal again, but decided to wait and give the others a chance first.
AJ watched a little envious as Eli managed to knock a bludger into Dominic. He'd been feeling a bit useless this back half of practice, especially with Zeke doing well, and tried to resolve himself to focusing more before things wound down.
Raising his arm back, Hyun launched the quaffle at the hoops once he got close enough. But, once again he failed the score. This was really getting infuriating now.
Hope flew along. Hoping she was the one to catch the snitch the first. Noticing Ragan now also.
Spotting a bludger, AJ shot ahead of it, trying to head it off and get a good front-on hit. He did manage to get in front of it, but it'd been moving faster than he'd thought. AJ barely had time to raise his bat so he didn't get hit, knocking it aside with a flail of his arms.
The way Adam moved in the air was the equivalent of strutting across the ground, flying in a show-offy way following his totally effortless blocks. The young chasers frustrations only fueled his own joy of the game.
Shaking out his arm to loosen it up, AJ looped around the field, making sure no bludgers were edging in on their seekers.
Dominic gave Hyun a thumbs up, not wanting him to get discouraged. They were doing well they just had to keep it up. He grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back into play and started to make his loop around the pitch.
Turning his broom, AJ couldn't help but smile when he spotted a bludger line up with a perfect shot, getting a clean shot with his bat and watching contentedly as it shot straight towards @Eli Carter. Hitting Eli was usually low on AJ's list of things he wanted to do, but he couldn't turn down such a clean hit.
Dominic made it the rest of the way to the hoops quickly, wanting another shot at getting the quaffle past Adam. He faked going to the left before aiming for the right hoop and cheered as it effortlessly went through the hoop. He shrugged at Adam, knowing he was bound to be annoyed.
After managing to hit Eli, AJ quickly busied himself looking for another bludger. It was hard to keep your head down as a beater, but the other personalities on their team certainly made it a bit easier.
Dominic was still proud of his shot and hung back to let one of the others have a try. Hopefully his luck would rub off on them.
Hope began to become irritated, she wanted to catch the snitch. She had to catch it and didn't knew how long she still had.

OOCOut of Character:
ok sorry i'm so bad
The brunette looked around taking an moment to catch her breath. That flying around made her tired, but she needed to find the snitch.
Seeing a bludger headed for the chasers, AJ swooped down, knocking it away and towards Zeke. It took a sudden sharp turn as it did though, knocking into @Ragan Romanes instead.
Hope saw AJ hitting Ragan and she felt sorry for him. But it didn’t seemed that he had any luck of the snitch yet. She thought she saw something and flew lower.
AJ hadn't meant to hit Ragan, but it felt good to feel like he was doing more than just hitting bludgers around into thin air. Angling up on the same bludger, AJ knocked it again, this time managing to hit @Zeke Carnahan as intended.
Zeke was about to smack a bludger when the other one came flying into his side. Zeke hissed, taking a moment to breath.
Seeing Dominic score, Lucas caught the quaffle as it was tossed in, looking to Einar to see if he wanted the ball as Lucas began to loop again.
Hopefully, he would be able to score soon and prove that he was good enough to be on the team. Hyun knew he was, he was just a little off right now. For now, he just flew close to Lucas, staying open in case he wanted to pass.

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