Y35 Dueling Match #13

Kalif Styx

retired † patriarch
OOC First Name
Professor Styx leads the two contestants to the stage, appointing them into the north or south part of the stage. He reveals the rules as well as the point system. He walks off the stage and orders the duel to begin, as he keeps a watchful eye.

OOCOut of Character:
The duel begins now. You have 24 hours to post, or face disqualification. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!
As an added note: Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels.

You will need to use the code below:

[b]Current Points:[/b]
[hr][/hr]RP content[hr][/hr][b]Action(s) Taken:[/b]
[b]Point Changes:[/b]
[b]Points Remaining:[/b]
@Katy Miller vs @Willow Cullen
Current Points: 150

Katy didn't consider herself an amazing duelist by any means, but she could think well on her feet and was ready for a challenge, so she figured that would be enough for this. She bowed to Willow as they stepped on the stage, grinning at her temporary roommate as they readied their wands. Win or lose, it would definitely be interesting to take on one of the leaders of the SDA, and Katy didn't want to go down without a fight. Hoping to start things off with a bang, Katy launched a canary transfiguration hex at Willow.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: - 5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

Willow was ready for the duelling torniment. she had been busy trying to organise the fixtures. there was more to it than she thought. making sure that people werent playing family members, and trying not to make people play people from their own house. of course this wasnt always possible. as was her duel. she was against katy a exchange student who had spent the year so far in her house but who she hadnt really spoken to. She stepped on the stage and bowed to professor Styx and to the girl readying her wand. the girl was fast sending a spell her way. "Protago" she said blocking the hex. before waving her own wand "Langlock she said hoping to stop the girl from being able to cast spells.

Action(s) Taken: blocked spell, cast spell
Point Changes: -5, -5
Points Remaining: 140
Current Points: 145

Katy knew she shouldn't have been surprised when Willow was easily able to block her spell, but she was disappointed. It certainly would have been a good time to have one of the SDA leaders turn into a canary in their first deal. Katy was still lamenting her failed spell when Willow fired off her own curse. Not having enough time for a shield, Katy ducked, feeling the spell just miss her before firing off an avis charm and directing the birds at her opponent, hoping the flock of birds might keep Willow busy.
Action(s) Taken: Dodged spell, cast spell
Point Changes: -10, -5
Points Remaining: 130
Elliot wasn't really a fan of watching duels, even more so when it was his own family involved. Even if it was all sporting and proctored by a professor, it still made him nervous to watch anyone try to jinx or hurt each other. Still, it made Elliot more nervous to not be nearby when he'd heard Katy had a match coming up. He hovered nervously, watching the dueling stage as the duelists got started. Of course Katy would be up against Willow Cullen, and of course she would seem to not be at all worried that the one of the SDA leaders would be a challenge. Elliot chewed on his lip, nervously watching but too concerned that cheering or encouraging Katy would just distract her and get her hurt.
Current Points: 140

Willow watched as the girl dodged out of the way of her spell. she had expected her to be quicker and just block it. maybe this was going to be easier than she thought. or maybe the other girl was feigning being slow or inattentive. as birds appeared and came flying towards her. she had been swooped by birds before there were a few magpie nests in their property at home that get very territorial around September she ducked instinctively "You really seem to like birds Katy..." she said an almost canine smile spreading across her lips. as she waved her wand and cast the fur growing spell. "it is a shame i am more of a dog person" she said

Action(s) Taken: ducked, cast spell
Point Changes: -10 -5
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 130

Katy laughed at Willow's joke, readying her wand to block the spell she shot at her, but her shield charm wasn't fast enough, and Katy let out another startled laugh as fur began to sprout along her body. "Oh wow, okay aha, this is fine," She said, scrubbing at her arms for moment. "Oh it's itchy! This sucks, actually," She decided, whirling a hair-lengthening charm at Willow to give her own spin on the jinx back at her opponent.
Action(s) Taken: Hit by spell, Cast spell
Point Changes: -5, +15
Points Remaining: 140
Current Points:125

willow couldn't help but smile when her spell hit Katy. it wasn't a hit that would win her the duel but it was one that was amusing. "last year I was hit by the scalping hex protago" she said blocking her opponents spell. "and spent a couple of Silencio months bald before I got around to growing my hair back" she said. slipping in the charm in the middle of her sentence. she knew talking too much was her weakness when it came to duelling but it was more fun when there was some banter around.

Action(s) Taken: spell hit, shield, cast
Point Changes: -20-5-5
Points Remaining: 95
Noelle could not resist. He had to see Willow duel. At least from afar. He could not help but be worried for her. Despite the worry, seeing her hold herself up, made the Puff proud of her. He had always been proud of her. If she did not see him, Noelle would stick until the end. He leaned against the far end wall to avoid being seen.
Current Points: 140

The fur was starting to get distracting and Katy hoped it would be easy to get rid of once this was done. It was itchy and she wasn't sure if a simple finite would be enough to clear it all off. "Oh but your hair's so cute!" Katy said, barely managing to bring up a shield charm in time to block Willow's next spell. She was going to have to pay attention if Willow was going to keep slipping her spells in like that. "I feel like you could pull off the bald look though," She added before tossing out a babbling curse, since Willow seemed extra chatty.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 130
Current Points: 95

willow smiled as katycomplimented her hair. she wasnt the kind of girl who tried to make herself look pretty or cute or whatever she just did what she felt like and well her bright hair colours was usually her signature but she had made the most of the bald head and actually quite enjoyed it. she flicked her hair only noticing that there was a spell coming towards her at the last minute. "Protago" she said getting the sheild upjust in time. she had enough verbal diarrhoea while duelling that she didnt need the additional help of a spell. "Obscuro" she said before waiting a couple of seconds and taking a jump to the left

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -5 -5
Points Remaining: 85
((and i now have the time warp in my head))
Current Points: 130

Katy grinned as her spell seemed to catch Willow off-guard, cursing when Willow managed to return fire. She tried stepping to the right to avoid Willow's spell, but the angle was wrong and Katy felt her vision go dark. "Ah, crap-" She managed, feeling her shoe teeter near the edge of the stage, blindly launching off an Incarcerous spell in the vague area she remembered Willow being in the hopes of buying her sometime to get her vision back.
Action(s) Taken: Hit by spell, Cast spell (with questionable aim)
Point Changes: +15, -5
Points Remaining: 140
Current Points: 85

Willow smiled as she saw her spell hit home. and took a deep breath. that hit wasnt going to win her the duel but it was going to make it harder for her to be hit. she watched as Katy stumbled at the edge of the stage. she didn't want her roommate to end up hurt. she already looked like she needed help covered in fur and now blind. she just wanted to end it quickly. she watched as the girl cast a spell towards her. It went wide well over her shoulder. "Pretificus totalus" she said loud enough for the girl to hear her. she wasnt going to fight too dirty and be fully quiet just to be sure she followed her spell with an almost silent step to the right. so that the sound of her voice wouldn't be from

Action(s) Taken: cast spell (do i need to say dodged if the last spell was poorly aimed?)
Point Changes: -5 (-10?)
Points Remaining: 80 (70?)
Current Points: 140

Katy was having less and less fun with this as it went on. The fur was uncomfortable and now that she was worried about falling from the stage she'd completely lost track of Willow. The sound of Willow's next spell was the only warning Katy had and she gamely tried to bring up a shield to block it. Her shieldmust have been off though, as the spell hit her in the side and Katy felt her body begin to lock up. Katy managed to eek out one final "Dangit," before her body froze completely, dropping to the stage with a thud.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell, Lost
Point Changes: -∞
Points Remaining: 💥
When Willow threw the last spell, and Katy went to the ground, it was clear who the winner was. "Willow Cullen wins this round," Professor Styx announced coolly, as he took out his wand. He waved it slightly to revive Katy, and end all spells' effects on her.
Noelle could not help the grin when Willow won although Katy was awesome as well. He figured he would wait for Katy should she ever need assistance going out.
Willow watched as her spell made the target. and katy fell off the stage. She looked at professor styx and waited her to be declared the winner before she walked across the stage and over to Katy pocketing her wand. she would have undone the spells but the professor had already done that. "Good duel. Are you okay?" she said offering her hand to the girl to help her up.
It was a relief when Professor Styx reversed the spell effects on her, and Katy spent a moment just enjoying being able to wiggle her now thankfully fur-free fingers again. She'd closed her eyes and some point and squinted one open when she heard Willow, giving her a tired smile as she grabbed the other girl's hand to get to her feet. "Oof, thanks," She said gratefully, brushing herself off. "I'll live, I think that was even fun for a bit," She said, starting to feel a bit more like herself now the lingering stiffness from the last spell was wearing off. "You gotta win the tournament now I hope you realize. My pride depends on it,"
Noelle waved at Katy, hoping he caught her attention. He tried but his heart was pounding seeing Willow was with the girl too. When everybody cleared out for the next match, he slowly approached them. "Katy,hi!! Great match!!", he stilled his heart and looked at his ex. "Willow, congrats!" He managed to say it and after a moment, he held his hand out for a handshake. It had been a long time since he stood close to her.
Willow smiled as katy said she would live and that it was fun, "Good i am glad i didn't cause any lasting damage, or fur" she said "hey, If you ever fancy a practice let me know, it is good fun even if not for a competition" she said. thinking it would be good practice for her. and seinf as she hadnt got to know her roommate so far this year maybe it would help with that.
the sound of footsteps alerted her to the approach of someone else she looked around and her heart sped up. she hadnt spoken to Noelle since she had broken up with him. she was surprised with how he looked. only a couple months seemed to have changed him from someone so familiar to her to someone else. she smiled at him then glanced away still feeling guilty for what she had done but as he spoke to katy first she felt a glimmer of hope that maybe he was making new friends and maybe he would find someone else. "Hey noelle. I didnt see you over there" she said truthfully though sh hadn't been looking at the stands her focus was more targeted towards the stage. "thanks noe-elle. I had a great opponent" she said. taking his hand to shake her han lingering a second longer on his than necessary enjoying the touch.
Noelle's breath hitched at the feeling of Willow's hand clasped in his. Even the hesitation of her saying his name did not go by unnoticed. He did not want to let go because he did not know when he could do this again but it seemed she did not mind at all. "You'd have lost if you notice me here.", he replied, proud of himself to carry a decent conversation with his ex. Katy being there also helped.

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