Y30 Slytherin Quidditch Try-Outs

Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
It was Charlotte's last year of quidditch at Hogwarts and the Slytherin was determined for her team to do well that year. Last year hadn't gone that well and this year Charlotte wanted them to win it all so she could leave the school proud of her house. The girl tied her hair into a ponytail and promptly made her way down to the quidditch pitch, waiting for everyone to arrive to the tryouts. She would have to keep her eye out that year for someone who could take her place and the thought of that was quite upsetting. After all, she had played quidditch for almost her whole time at Hogwarts and to let go of that was definitely going to hurt. Nonetheless, she beamed as she saw the familiar faces of her team and waved at them. When she was sure everyone arrived she got everyone's attention and began. "Hey guys!" she exclaimed, looking around at some of the new faces. "My name is Charlotte and I am the Slytherin Quidditch captain. For those of you trying out, please give me your name and the position you wish to try out for. If you want to try out for more than one, don't be afraid to do that. Current members will be able to help you or get some practice in themselves." Charlotte smiled at them all, hoping they all felt welcome and would do their best. "So, let's get started!" The Slytherin watched as people began lining up, eager to see some new people in the skies.

Charlotte OwensChaser (Captain)
Rory FergussonChaser
Jasmine WolfeChaser
Asaiah MurphyBeater
Odette HarperBeater
Hayden LavishKeeper
Lestat StyxSeeker
[th colspan="2"] Current Slytherin Quidditch Team[/th] [th]

OOCOut of Character:
Players from the previous year are guaranteed their spot without needing to try out again - as long as attendance is posted before try-outs are over. Alternates, however, will need to try out again.

First years are required to PM me for approval before attempting to try out.
Sara was determined to try out again for the team this year. Last year she had only been an alternate and despite that, she'd managed to play a real match so even if she was an alternate again this year Sara had higher hopes that she could get to play again. She loved Quidditch, she wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to try out and gain more experience than she had already - which in her eyes, wasn't all that much. She arrived to the pitch with her broom in her hand and smiled as she greeted the captain, excited for how today was going to turn out. When everyone else was here Sara listened to Charlotte and once she was done speaking, they had to try out. "Sara Benivieni, trying out for Keeper or Beater." With those words the brunette mounted her broom and kicked off the ground, and flew to the hoop to guard whoever would try to shoot the quaffle in. The Italian was concentrated, and she easily deflected the first ball thrown at her. She missed the next two, but was successful with blocking the next three attempts.

After a while she let someone else try out, if there was anyone who wanted to try out for keeper while Sara would move on to beater. She flew to the ground and once she had a beater's bat she flew back in the air before going in search of any bludgers she could hit, hopefully none that would injure anyone here since people were trying out and it wasn't an actual game against another house. Sara's fast reflexes meant that as soon as she saw a bludger she swung the bat and hit the ball as hard as she could and she watched as it went flying in the opposite direction. She lost the grip on her bat the second time but she hit the bludgers that came afterwards, though not as hard as the first one. She grew tired before long, however, so she was glad when the captain told them time was up. With a smile on her face, Sara flew back down to the ground and thanked the older girl before she left the pitch, feeling quite confident about her skills shown.​
Odette had joined the quidditch team in her second year, which made her feel like she was an important part of the team. Even if she had only been an alternate in that first year on the team, she had been allowed to play. Tryouts frustrated her, as she didn't feel like they needed that much more. Last year it had seemed like everyone had been out to get her spot on the team, as so many Slytherins had tried out for beater. She knew she was good at what she did, though, and didn't worry too much about being replaced. She watched the people that came to try out, rolling her eyes at most of their attempts even if they were good. She just wanted to get this over with so they could start playing and win the cup.
He smiled at Charlotte and mounted his broomstick when the try-outs started. He hadn't had the chance to play much whilst staying at his friend's place so couldn't wait to feel the wind going through his hair again. He didn't worry about being replaced anymore as he had shown multiple times now that he was an excellent Beater so just did his thing without worrying about the position too much. Once it was time to wrap the try-outs up the sixth year smiled at his teammates and left the pitch to take a long shower.
Although Stella's excitement at making the team as an alternate last year had been short lived when she realized everyone who tried out made it, she still wanted to prove that in due time she deserved a spot on the team permanently over all the other alternates. The blonde showed up to tryouts knowing that the roster was pretty full, especially for the position she coveted, but she wanted to make sure her dedication towards the team didn't waver. In the mean time she had no problem watching the two Beaters and learning from them. When it was her turn to try out, Stella announced, "Stella Finch, trying out for Beater," and took to the skies with her broom.

She tried to recall everything she'd learned during her practices last year and listened for the sound of a bludger coming while keeping her eyes peeled forward. As she flew in the air she could hear the whistling of air as a bludger changed course to target her and she turned around to hit it away. Her aim was still a little off so only the tip of her bat collided with the ball and didn't send it as far away as she'd like but still, she'd hit the ball. The new ball managed to hit her instead, but Stella played through the pain and smacked the third ball far across the field and soon after her try out was over. Still sore from the hit against her shoulder, Stella flew back down and hoped she somewhat stood out against all the other alternates this year so she could continue learning from the current Beaters, even if one was her brother's best friend.
Rory arrived at the pitch and glanced about, he'd been happy that their captain was also now head girl, it was a good thing. He focused on what little she said before he shot up into the air upon being allowed to do so. He was ready to just back into the school semester to win at this quidditch cup and just be the best that he could be. Quidditch was the one aspect of this school that wasn't overly bad. It had a good vibe to it that Rory enjoyed. Plus, all of his family was good at quidditch, he needed to be as good too.
After taking a break from the Quidditch team, Kimmyeon had come to realise that she missed it more than she first expected she could. For a few years it had been a hobby, and a chance for the Slytherin to make friends; something that didn't come to her easily, but during her sixth year she'd missed having the opportunity to escape the stress of studying. Realising that it was the sport that was giving her the most satisfaction, she'd tried to practise out on the fields in her spare time, and Kimmy was seriously considering a career in the Professional industry once she graduated.

Heading down to the Quidditch pitch she quickly found her old teammates. She didn't expect to get on the team, she'd abandoned it after all and there were many other students more deserving of the position, but she wanted to put herself forward for her old role, just in case she could help them rise to victory once again. "Hi. Wondered if I could try out for Chaser again?" She smiled at Charlotte, and mounted her broom before taking off into the air. It felt so natural for her to be out here, flying through the skies and although she'd never really found her place at the school, she felt like Quidditch was something that she could put her energy into. She scored a few goals, successfully managing to confuse the Keeper on a couple of occasions. On her last goal she raised herself tall as she perched on her broom, and threw the Quaffle hard over her head to watch it soar through the hoop. She was going to try and make the most of her final years, and even if she was shy she knew she wanted to finally come out of her shell. Eventually she landed on the ground softly, hoping that those she already knew weren't judging her too strongly for disappearing in the first place.
Liam was ready for the try outs. He felt kinda stupid for trying out again, but he really wanted to play a game and succeed. It was really important for him, because he knew the girls would be all over him if he helped the team to win. Liam thought about different positions but beater seemed like his thing and what he would like. The blonde made his way to the field and smiled as he arrived. '' Hi there again. Liam trying out for beater.'' Liam showed his white teeth to Charlotte and mounted his broom confident. Liam had send Charlotte a rose and he really thought she was a good captain, but she needed to let him on the team now again and play a game. It was all he wanted and what he went for. Liam kicked off and flew into the air. He hold his bat into his hand and waved it to let his body get used to the movement again. The blonde flew to the middle and looked out for bludgers. He heard the noice coming in his way and was ready to take a swing. The blonde hit it and was glad he got it. Liam smiled confident and was a bit distracted by the girls flewing around him but saw a bludger coming in his way and hit it again. It went great and now he really hit someone too. The blonde went further and missed a few bludgers but later on he found his strength again and hit most of the bludgers with his bat. Liam made his way to the ground and when he stepped of his broom he made a bow. '' Thank you very much ladies... and gentleman.'' the blonde added.
The year was going okay for Lestat, even though it was the start of it. He heard about the try outs and knew that he had to be there to see the new meat. Lestat got dressed and headed out to see the commotion, soon enough arriving to the pitch and seeing the rather pretty, newly appointed head girl. He gave her a slight nod of acknowledgement before sitting on the benches. He watched from the sidelines as the others practiced. Lestat did a lot of practicing on his own, and felt confident enough to perform well enough for the matches ahead.
Hayden liked Quidditch because it provided a good distraction from all the pressure he had been putting himself under to do well in his lessons and that pressure was only going to get worse now that he was in his OWL year. So as he made his way onto the Quidditch pitch he cleared his head and went to stand with his teammates.
Antonio was eager to get back on the Quidditch team and was still pretty sure that beater was his best position. The Slytherin made his way down to the Quidditch pitch with broom and club in hand and headed over to the captain to introduce himself. "Antonio Rey-Martinez trying out for beater," He announced before climbing onto his broom and taking off into the air.

Antonio flew around the pitch a couple of times before he caught sight of a bludger hurtling its way to a kid trying out for seeker. Antonio leaned forward and swung his club to smash the bludger away from the seeker. As soon as he felt his club collide with the bludger, and the adrenaline coursing through his veins, he knew he had made the right choice. Antonio continued to fly around the pitch, smashing bludgers, mostly stopping them from hitting the younger chasers. He knew he wouldn't make the team as a starter but was determined to be at least an alternate.
Charlotte OwensChaser (Captain)
Rory FergussonChaser
Kimmyeon Kendall-WuChaser
Asaiah MurphyBeater
Odette HarperBeater
Hayden LavishKeeper
Lestat StyxSeeker
Stella FinchAlternate Beater
Liam WaldgraveAlternate Beater
Antonio Rey-MartinezAlternate Beater
Sara BenivieniAlternate Keeper
[th colspan="2"] Slytherin Quidditch Team Y30[/th] [th]

OOCOut of Character:
Thanks for trying out!

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