Y29 Slytherin Quidditch Practice

Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
After their defeats, Charlotte was more than eager to get the Slytherin Quidditch Team back on track again. She was quite disappointed with their last game and so decided she would make a practice session for them all before the next match. The girl made sure to post notices everywhere in hopes that all of her team would see it. As she made her way to the Quidditch Pitch she tied her hair up into a pony tail and placed the box of Quidditch equipment in front of her. As everyone started to arrive one by one she instructed them to start doing laps around the pitch, hoping this practice session was going to be worth it.
The Quidditch season wasn't going well for the Slytherins, so when Charlotte placed notes about a practice Odette privately agreed with her. They needed to start working together better. She headed to the pitch, a slight frown on her face. She hoped the others would take this seriously as well. When the captain instructed them to start flying laps, Odette hopped onto her broom and started. Though she hoped they would get to really play for a bit soon. She needed to practice with bludgers.
Losing the first match of the semester had deflated Sara's mood, she knew not every game could be won but that had been a rather short one. She sighed as she walked down to the pitch, broom in hand, to meet the rest of the team for a practice session. Hopefully this would help them to be more prepared for next time. Sara greeted Charlotte and noticed she was the third one there, so after being instructed to do laps, she mounted her broom and kicked off the ground, circling the pitch. Sara didn't have much experience participating in a game and she wondered if she would actually get to play this year.​
Asaiah did as asked and flew laps around the Quidditch Pitch after mounting his broomstick, though his mind was not thinking about doing well during this practice session at all.
Liam had a Quidditch Practice today and he wanted to show the others he was worthy and could play a real game. As Liam entered the pitch he walked confident towards where he saw the others standing or already flying. Slytherin didn't do well, so he wanted to change that. Perhaps by giving the younger people also a change they could see they could actually win. The blonde snake was not insecure at all, he had faith in what he could do. Liam noticed that the team was kind of cranky about losing to Ravenclaw and he could understand. But they needed to think positive again he thought so he greeted the time with a charming smile, but went for Charlotte and the other girls the most. '' Hi Charlotte.'' he said friendly with a smile and listened as she told them to do some laps around the pitch. Because of that he was a first year he couldn't have his own broom yet so he brought along the one from the school and hopped on it. And started with some laps around the pitch.
Rory arrived at the quidditch pitch, he was rather disappointed by his lack of scoring in the last game, so he hoped that this practice would serve him to do better. He looked at the captain and nodded a little to himself before getting on the broom and shooting up into the air. Doing some laps before getting into it was the best way to go about it. He needed to be warmed up and so he took pleasure in going around the pitch as others arrived. They would get started soon enough. He knew that practice was key and eventually he would get better and better at this sport, but until then he just had to try harder.
Jasmine Wolfe was excited to get down to the Quidditch Pitch to begin some training with the rest of her team. They hadn't performed that well recently so she was eager to improve upon her skills. She picked up her broom and started to do laps around the pitch trying to beat her best time after each lap.
Once everyone had arrived, Charlotte gathered everyone back down to the ground and opened up the box in front of her. "I hope you've all warmed up because we're going to start playing now. The game will end when the Chasers have scored three goals or the Beaters hit two people, or the seeker catches the snitch." When Charlotte was sure everyone understood, she released the snitch and instructed everyone to mount their broom so the game could begin.
Odette was happy to get started after warming up, and grabbed her bat eagerly. She nodded at Charlotte. Two people? She should be able to do that, right? She mounted her broom and flew up, immediately looking for bludgers. So far she didn't see any, but she would stay on the lookout.
He listened to Charlotte and nodded his head to indicate that he understood what needed to be done in order to end the practice. Asaiah mounted his broomstick once again and kicked himself off the ground, tightening the grip on his beater's bat. Hopefully, he would have more luck today than he had during the match against Ravenclaw.
Hayden was disappointed that they had lost their last Quidditch game but he had been happy with his own performance between the hoops. He hoped that practice would be fruitful and they would go on to win their last game of the season. Once small talk was out of the way Hayden climbed onto his broom and made his way up towards the hoops where he sat in wait for the practice game to begin. Once everyone was done flying around and warming up the quaffle was released and Hayden focused.
Sara nodded once at Charlotte when she talked to them what was going to happen after they warmed up and once again mounted her broom and kicked off the ground, heading to the other side of the pitch to guard the hoops since the actual keeper was guarding the ones on the opposite side. Sara wanted to do her best, she wanted to do well in her first match and that could be soon.​
Determined to show what she could do during this practice, Odette flew directly at the nearest bludger she saw with her bat raised. She would prove herself now. With all her strength, she swung at it. But to her horror she missed completely and had to duck to dodge its blow. She cursed loudly, hoping nobody had seen her fail so badly.
Liam was ready to show what he got. He listened as Charlotte gave the instruction and when it was their turn he mounted his broom again and flew into to air. With his beater's bat inside of his hand he continued and looked around for bludgers, it was the thing he should be foccusing on. It was weird of trying to hit them towards your own team, but they had to practice. He noticed a close bludger and swung at it, but he missed it and frowned directly. This wasn't a good start, he had to do better.
A grin appeared on his face as a bludger came soaring towards him. Without hesitating, the beater sped up, stretched out his right arm and swung his bat at it. He saw it speeding toward the alternate beater, and without looking to see if it had made contact with the guy, turned his broomstick around to chase another bludger.
Hayden liked watching the game from his position though didn't think much of the chasers so far. It was taking all his efforts not to watch Odette though he could see the blonde out the corner of his eye. He saw her miss a bludger she went to hit, he knew she was embarrassed so he made sure not to look her way, it was best she didn't know he'd seen.
After a few laps, Lestat was ready to get back into the game. Though this was only a practice, Lestat still wanted to treat this like a game. He soared high in the air, and looked around for the snitch while watching the chasers. He wondered who would end up ending the practice first. Him, the beaters, or the chasers.
Stella knew the last match had been a blow to their team morale but she knew overall they had the better players in the school, they just needed more practice. She was glad when their captain called a practice and Stella made sure to show up even if she was only an alternate. She took a few laps just as she was instructed to, and when the mock-match started, she flew around searching for bludgers to hit, but when she spotted one her swing was wide and she missed. She didn't let that discourage her as she kept flying in search of more, while keeping an eye out for the chasers to make sure they wouldn't get hit by any of the other beaters on the team since they had a disproportionate amount.
After Odette failed so spectacularly to hit a bludger, she hoped no one on the team was paying to close attention to her. She didn't let it show that it bothered her, though, and she calmly scanned around for more bludgers. With the alternates playing, there were more beaters than ever in the air, and Odette didn't want to do worse than some first or second year.
Lestat wondered if they would be able to have a good practice, and his search continued. For now, he hoped to not get hit by bludgers as well. That was definitely not something he wanted to relive the pain of.
After hitting that new boy, Liam, with a bludger, Asaiah felt confident enough that he would soon hit another one towards one of his teammates.

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