what now?!

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That we can sort out on her own, with Briar you can do whatever.





So that sounds like a plan, with the whole omg twin lol what thing.
/late but we should roleplay them soon. I don't think that Avrille would be able to stand another human being for very long so it would be a short term plot.
That's fine Alexis ^_^ either way it will be fun =] PM me under Madlyn xD. when you feel like starting up.
sorry for crashing your topic Madz, :shifty:
but anna do you want to start one wherever with leigh, and then I will reply when i can.
I'll start that asap okay Mia?

I think I'll make it in Brightstone because then if we don't have it finished by the time the school year starts again we can just continue it during the Brightstone weekends, yeah?

I'll send you the link via pm when I'm finished.

Oh and Madz I'll do the same with the Madlyn/Aiden topic in the Netherlands too!

Yeah, sorry for spamming this topic...
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