What Do You mean; Pretty?

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Loreli Salenger

Well-Known Member
So, Loreli needs some people; though it's hard to be friends with such a small, and shy girl. She is very, very shy; and her parents are protective, so she only goes out every once and a while. So i think she needs someone to flirt with her; because she's never been flirted with before; ever. She wont understand it, and will be completely clueless, which is actually quiet funny. So who's up for it??

I can offer you Oscar Fossil/Lucas Appleton. He's a year younger. He could be like a flirt, but also a crush, like he has a crush on Loreli.

He's quiet, distant and removed, for someone so young. He doesn't trust people, very often. He really enjoys playing sports. And plays lots of them. He's pretty much nocturnal. And has a strange fear of sleep. He is quite nice, and is because he's going to hogwarts try to be nicer to people.
Ooh, yay replies!

Thanks that would work out splendidly; would you like to start please?

This is still open for flirts and friends!!
Oh that would be wonderful Kiera, would you like to start. Or if i do, where would it be?

Thanks so much Lilly... Oscar... PERSON!

Oh, just tried the link, and it brings me back here... that was weird.

woops, sorry about that.

Here is the correct Link
Hehe, it's fine; thank you!
That would be nice; but remember she's shy. SO it might take a little bit to become friends. :D
Awesome, can you start it the next time you get a weekend out of HNZ?
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