What a whirlwind!

Sloane Halliwell

Owner of L.U.M.O.S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Rigid Birch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Hey guys,

So most of you would have seen how I suddenly dropped off of the face of the earth. Some of you still had contact with me, others didn't. I left months ago saying I was like be back in a well and that week stretched out. I've been mostly MIA since about September. I did try to come back for a bit in March, but that didn't happen. So I disappeared again and went on with my life outside of HNZ. It was crazy, so much was happening that I grew tired of my online presence and tried everything I could think of to get back, but even social media couldn't entice me.

I've had two jobs since September, one didn't work out because of financing, the other was a contract and time constraints meant I have to leave, so now I'm working on finding another job. Whilst I was working, my hours were insane, I was leaving my house at 4:30 am and not getting back home until 7-8 at night, which left me barely any time to do anything other than eat and sleep. In the time I did have free, I was using it to spend time with friends and family, because I didn't see a lot of them during my work week. Not to mention my home life has always been hectic, but something was always going on.

Because of my crazy hours and lack of self care, I ended up in hospital for a bit, had to take time off of work to get better a couple of times too. It was all entirely my fault and this is not me trying to call out my work at all, simply my explanation for why I was away for so long. As you would all be aware, I came to the decision to give up my position as Head of House and though I wish I could have continued, I knew I wasn't doing it justice, nor dedicating the kind of time required to properly attain the role. I'm super excited to see how Abby works in my stead.

Anyway, I think that's enough of a ramble for now, I'm currently on a train so I'm surprised this has been able to be so long, but just know I miss the heck out of you guys and I look forward to returning and role playing with most of you!

Take care Teigan. I hope life gets back on track soon :hug:
I'll tell you again, it'll be good to see you back on. I hope self care is back on track because it's the best care even if it sometimes feels like the most difficult to make time for. :p

Welcome back!
Yasss Teigs! Welcome back! Hope to rp with you soon! Take care of yourself and I'll see you around :wub:
Yay :party: :party: This is great news. So glad you're coming back Teigs. Once you settle back on we can rp again :p :wub:
Welcome back! :hug:
Welcome back :D
Aww yay Teigs! Hope you get some much needed time off to yourself and I can't wait to see you around the board again! :hug:
This is just a general update, taking up from where I left off previously.

I have found a new job and I am very happy here and so officially as of this post I am officially back in action! Feel free to send me PMs and the likes again as I will actually see them now! I can't wait to get back to it and rp with you all again. Missed you guys!

Congrats on the new job and welcome back!

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