Well Dressed Friends

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Amber felt like third year was an important year at school. She was finally one of the 'older' students she had seen when she had been a first year. Choosing electives and dropping classes felt very grown-up to her. Though, she hadn't actually dropped any classes yet. It was too stressful! What if she dropped the wrong one? She didn't know what she wanted to do later yet, like as a career. That seemed so far way, it made her a bit nervous to even consider it.

But today she was going to have a fun day. She had met Noemie last year and she already knew Evelyn, and all girls had one thing in common: a love for fashion. So last year they had decided to all meet up and have fun reading fashion magazines. Amber had been very excited for it and was a bit early in the student lounge. She quickly spread her stuff over a table so nobody else would sit there. She felt a little rude, but she wanted this to be perfect. Taking a seat and opening one of the magazines, she waited eagerly for either of the girls to join her. Evelyn she liked to talk with a lot, they had been friends since their first year. Noemie was in her year but she hadn't talked to her much. The memory of meeting the girl the year before gave her a little weird flutter in her stomach, she had noticed how beautiful she was last year. She wondered if she was feeling jealous of her, or if she just admired it. She didn't really want to examine the feelings too closely.
Evelyn was pretty busy with her school work, she was glad she could drop some of the classes she didn't liked or hated like Herbology. The girl was never really doing something at Herbology mostly just looking gross at the dirt and plants. Let's say it wasn't really something for the blonde. But there were a lot of classes she did liked and Muggle studies was now one of them. As a thirteen year old girl now, she felt even more confident and wanted to show she was already pretty grown up. And with a bunch full of friends at her side she was a pretty happy girl at Hogwarts. She had meet Noemie again last year together with Amber and they shared all a passion for fashionmagazines. And Evelyn already saw it happening a club for fashion lovers. She wanted to show everyone how cool fashion was and she was a living example of fashion. The blonde was satisfied with her looks and did experimented sometimes with the latest trends. She wasn't like everybody else, she dare to take risks or match things and the outcoming was always nice.

They would all meet in the student lounge and Evelyn was excited to see the two girls again. Amber she knew a little more longer and saw as a good friend and Noemie was perhaps gonna become one of those too. The three girls were all in a different house and so Evelyn liked the variation of the three houses together. Now only a snake to make the group complete. Perhaps that wasn't even a really bad idea. As she entered the room she searched for one of the girls and spotted Amber sitting with a magazine. Evelyn had brought a bag too with a few of the latest magazines and the rather special ones. Some of the muggle fashion was also included, because Evelyn had a interest to that. The blonde walked with a bright smile to her friend. '' Hi Amber!'' the blonde said happy. She took place in comfertable chair and looked at her friend from Hufflepuff. '' Oooh.. I'm so excited. We are like a fashion group together.'' she said a little bit too happy with a big smile as she grabbed her fashion magazines and put a few on the table in front of them.
The agreement to meet up after the holidays to discuss fashion had been an excited part of the new term, she smiled with ease at the prospect of that now being a thing they would do. She had managed to get into contact with Evelyn and Amber to set it up. She was getting ready for it, she had spent the earlier part of the day practicing quidditch, with the upcoming game she had to be at the top of her game. She was finding it quite fun, but this was different, she wanted to do this. She couldn't wait to meet up with them. The part-veela was in her dorm, cleaning herself up and then grabbing the magazines that she had gotten her mother to get for her so that she could have with her friends. Noemie's mother had been more than happen about this, given that it meant that Noemie was making friends. The girl pulled her hair out of the plait and ruffled her hair a little as she gathered the few other bits and bobs before heading down to the lounge room where she could find them.

The girl grinned to herself as she grabbed her jumper on the way out and headed down to where she would find the other two girls. It was pretty exciting to the point that she was almost skipping down in the steps. Eventually the girl reached the room and opened up the door. Noemie spotted them within the room and waved at them as she walked over to them, "Hey," she greeted them before taking a seat and placing the magazines down in front, "I'm so excited for this," she told them both, "I'm sorry I'm a little late, quidditch ran long," Noemie apologised after realising she was a few moments late. It was difficult to be on time for these kinds of things, but she was so excited for it. She couldn't wait to get just get started, "I got some french ones, but I found some english ones," Noemie told her with a bright smile. This was going to be great fun.
Amber barely had time to ponder her weird feelings about seeing Noemie, because Evelyn arrived. The two had been friends since their first year, and Amber was very happy to see her. Evelyn had always seemed so grown up to Amber, but for the first time she felt a little bit more grown up herself too. It felt more like the two were equals now, and seeing her made Amber smile happily. "Hey Evelyn, I saved us a table." She said, gesturing to the magazines spread around on it. "Please come join, I hope Noemie joins us soon too." She looked at Evelyn as she added her own magazines to the pile on the table and took her seat, taking in her friend. "How have your holidays been?" She asked pleasantly as she looked curiously at the magazines Evelyn had brought.

It wasn't long before they were joined by the third girl in their little group. Noemie looked cheerful and Amber's stomach did a little flip as she sat near her. She pushed the feeling down at once and then smiled at Noemie in her normal, pleasant way. "It's alright, I'm glad you could join us." She said to the girl. "Was practice fun?" She couldn't imagine being on a quidditch team herself, but if a friend liked it she would show an interest. "Oh, I love that you have French ones!" She said happily, reaching for one to look at the cover.
As the blonde was settled down she smiled at her friend from Hufflepuff. She had found a pretty good spot and was happy with it. Here they could spend some time with their fashion magazines and Evelyn was pretty curious about Noemie and Amber their interests of clothes and styles. As Amber asked her about her holiday the blonde got a bright smile on her face. She was always proud to tell about Denmark and her other experiances in the holiday. She wasn't really glad with Espen not being really on his place at Hogwarts but was sure it was gonna be better. The positive things were always nicer to talk about, but Evelyn wasn't gonna left out details about Lucas for example. '' I had a great holiday! Went to my family in Denmark together with my dad and after that to Spain with the rest of the family.'' Evelyn felt that she could tell anything to Amber and she was gonna discuss the stuff with Lucas with her for sure. She didn't really had the feeling Amber had the best advice in boys, but a other perspect of things was always good to hear. And perhaps she would tell Evelyn just to relax and didn't have to worry about their friendship. The blonde Lion nodded as she hoped Noemie would join soon. '' And what have you been up to in the break?'' Evelyn knew Amber her parents had a clothes shop and she couldn't wait to visit it one time. The blonde was always curious about clothes and different kinds.

When Noemie joined them Evelyn smiled at the girl. She was glad to have Noemie on her side since she was a very pretty girl. The last thing bothered Evelyn sometimes a bit, but she was confident about herself and got enough attention from boys. But still it was something new and to deal with. '' Hey Noemie, how are you?'' Noemie told them about Quidditch, did she played in the team of Ravenclaw? She was but the blonde didn't knew. Evelyn had no interest of playing, she was afraid of getting hurt or dirty and rather cheered for the team. The blue eyes of Evelyn got bigger as she heard of French magazines. Evelyn had many magazines but French fashion was interesting she liked to see something from around the world. '' Omgosh that is amazing, love French Fashion. I've brought a few from Denmark too and lots of more.'' Evelyn picked up one French magazine and looked inside of it. As she looked to the girls she hoped she would get to know Noemie more here. Evelyn was curious about her life and where she grew up.
Noemie smiled at Amber and Evelyn as she took her seat with them and nodded slightly, "It was great fun, a good but different sort of work out," the girl told them with a little smile on her face, "I'm not sure I'm game ready yet, but I'll have to be," she admitted, there was a part of Noemie that was worried about letting the team down once it got to that point but she assumed that she would get better and eventually she'd play with far more ease. But right now, that wasn't the focus of them, that wasn't what they were doing, "How are you guys?" she asked politely as she settled herself more in the chair and had placed on the table the magazines she had brought with her to school to enjoy with her friends. The teen had not looked through them yet though there had been a temptation to.

"Ones from Denmark! Are you from Denmark? Or just visited and grabbed some?" she couldn't help but also be amazed, reaching out to the one in the language she didn't understand, it was so interesting to the ravenclaw, perhaps because she was a naturally curious person, seeing other languages and that of the sort was really interesting to her. She couldn't help but like the wide variety that they had all brought, that they could share with one another, Noemie flicked open one of the ones from Denmark and began to look at some of the outfits, "They don't look too different from the french ones, least the outfits aren't, just the celebrities and some of the places they feature," Noemie commented out loud to the other two, wondering what they thought at a first glance at the magazines, Noemie glanced between the two with a little smile, it was nice to have friend with whom she could spend time and do something they all liked

OOCOut of Character:
I'm sorry this took so long, life had me like x_x
Amber was glad both girls had now joined her at the table, and she really felt like they formed a nice little club. It was clear to her, however, that both Evelyn and Noemie were a bit more worldly than Amber was. She wondered if she should have brought a foreign magazine, maybe she could have asked her mother for a Japanese one? It was too late for that now, but maybe it could be done next time.

She listened to Evelyn recounting her holidays with some jealousy, her family rarely traveled because they kept the store open during all seasons and didn't have much time off. Going to Denmark and Spain sounded foreign to her, but she smiled at her blond friend. "That sounds amazing! I hope you had fun." She shrugged a little when Evelyn asked her what she had done during the holiday. "Not much, honestly. I spent most of my time at home. My parents had to work." It was good to be back at school, it felt a lot less limited than being at home all day.

Noemie being on the Quidditch team made her a lot cooler in Amber's eyes, even if she didn't know a lot about Quidditch herself. She knew the players were well respected, and she liked that one of them was her friend. She answered Noemie's question quickly. "I'm doing well, thank you."

She could vaguely recall that Evelyn was from Denmark, but she would let the girl answer for herself. While the other two chatted and Noemie compared Danish and French fashion, Amber flipped through the magazines a little. It was nice to have female friends, and she felt like this year there was a real chance one of them would get a boyfriend soon. She was sure boys were very interested in both of her friends, because they were both very pretty. She didn't know how to bring up the topic of conversation on her mind, so instead she asked about something close to it. "What sort of dresses are you going to wear to the yule ball this year?" She asked curiously, wondering if one of the girls would mention going with someone.
Evelyn was feeling very happy to be around these girls. It was amazing to have friends that shared the same passion. She heard Noemie was in the Quidditch Team and Evelyn never really thought about trying out. She was too afraid of getting dirty of mud of falling from her broom. It was nothing for her she thought, she prefered cheering the team. And she hoped Gryffindor would win this year. Noemie and Amber were both from another house so they would be enemies, but Evelyn wasn't that competetive with the sport. She smiled when Noemie asked how the two were. The blonde hoped they would become good friends just as Amber and she turned out and the girl was pretty so good to be seen next. The old Evelyn before Hogwarts and in her first year would hate to have pretty girls around her and wanted to attention for herself, but today she didn't mind. She was confident about her own looks and thought of herself as very beautiful. Her father always said those things to her and he made her feel comfertable, her mother was another story. '' I'm fine, but pretty busy with classes.'' the girl stated and it was true. She took a lot of time into her homework to get high grades for the classes she liked. The excitement from Noemie was lovely and Evelyn liked talking about Denmark. '' Yes! I was born there but moved when I was four to New Zealand. '' Evelyn always loved to visit her birthcountry and her father always spoke proud of it. Noemie had brought some French magazines and the girl was wondering if the girl came from there.
'' Are you from French or?''
the girl returned the question to Noemie.

And than she returned her attention to Amber for a moment. '' I sure had fun! But my brother didn't that much.. he was so grumpy.'' Evelyn remembered Espen and Amber had met and was wondering how the girl thought or had seen her brother after that time. And after a while the topic of Yule Ball dresses came up and Evelyn was already thinking about it ofcourse. Amber couldn't make her happier than bringing this subject up. '' I have a idea, but so many dresses I can choose of so don't know the one yet, you?'' The blonde was going for a long dress since she liked it the most, but which one was still open. She knew with who she would go and was curious if the girls would bring dates. '' And what about dates?'' the blonde said with a bright smile to both of the girls.
Noemie nodded at them both, glad that they were both doing well, though she sympathised with Evelyn and the amount of classes that they currently had, it kept them all fairly busy, and though on the one hand she could be pretty happy about it, now that she had more to think about, with her sports and the fact she was writing for the monthly meant that she had to balance her time better, "Tell me about it, classes are keeping me so busy this semester, and there's so much else to juggle with it, I can't imagine what OWLs year will be like" The part-veela ran her hand through her hair, just thinking of the stress that it would bring her. Maybe she would have to drop one of the other things she was doing to be able to ensure that she had the time for it. Noemie didn't particularly want to do it, she didn't want to stretch herself thin either. She could only be thankful that they still had a little bit of time before that actually happened. Noemie would have time to figure it out, or maybe as she got used to the work load it would be easier. Hopefully!

Noemie was genuinely interested in where Evelyn was from and so she was glad that she asked, the fact she was from Denmark was really cool, though the girl had mostly been raised in this country, it was still really interesting to her, "So you speak danish fluently too?" she asked with a little smile, and at the return of the country, Noemie gave a little shrug, "I was born in France, but my dad was Spanish, so I'm both Spanish and French, I moved to New Zealand when I was about nine or ten when my mum took a job at a university here lecturing on classic French literature," Noemie explained with a warm smile, meeting the gaze of the two girls, Amber seemed less interested in this conversation but given that Noemie was sure the girl had been raised in the one country it made a little sense to her. Noemie hadn't known that Evelyn had a brother, but she thought that interesting, "I have a brother too, he's a few years younger than me though," Noemie told them both with a little shrug, she didn't spend much time thinking of her brother, happier just thinking of literally anything else. It wasn't that they didn't get along, but they were just different.

The talk of the Yuleball was much better, she took the time to pull a magazine towards her, and listened to what Evelyn was saying, before nodding, "I have an idea of what I might wear, I have two options this short white dress, or a short red dress," Noemie said, "But I think I might where the red one, just because last yuleball this boy spilled his drink all over my dress and it was light in colour, it ruined the dress, so red might be better. What about you Amber?" The part-veela still got annoyed thinking about what the boy had done, which she was sure had been intentional, "And no date, no one would ask me," Noemie didn't think anyone would, she didn't know many of the guys in their year, and she didn't think any of them seemed interested in her, and more to the point she wasn't too interested in dating at all, "What about you?" She returned, glancing between the two girls, listen to their own answers to it.
It was honestly a relief to Amber to hear that Evelyn and Noemie were both busy with school too. She had been starting to worry that it was just her that was starting to feel the strain. She listened politely to Evelyn explain that she was from Denmark, though she had known this. Noemie being both French and Spanish was new to her, though. It seemed like their little club was pretty varied in nationalities. She herself was Japanese, though she had only ever lived in New Zealand.

She listened to Evelyn talk about her brother. She herself had met Espen last year, though they hadn't really talked since. Noemie said she had a brother too that was a few years younger, and Amber felt like she had to mention Sophie. "I have a sister, she got sorted just this year and she's in Ravenclaw now. Like you." She smiled at Noemie. "You might've noticed her, she's very grumpy though." She almost warned her friend against approaching her but then felt bad about the impulse.

She was relieved to see that the two girls latched onto her topic of the yule ball, Evelyn even bringing up dates. "My dress is blue and long." She said with a shrug, it sounded a little more childish than Noemie's dress options but she liked it. "That's rude of that boy, though I assume it wasn't on purpose. Who was it?" She was curious if she knew him. "I don't have a date either. I don't think anyone would ask me." She found it hard to believe no one would ask Noemie, honestly. The girl was so beautiful. "What about you, Evelyn?"
Evelyn was glad to have met Noemie. It seemed like they could become great friends and she seemed very smart and it was nice to surround your with such people. Beautiful and brains it seemed, and all that thanks to Amber. Evelyn was glad that Noemie felt the same way about this semester and was curious of the girls had dropped some lessons. '' I agree with you Noemie, but the fact we could drop some lessons was gladly there. I'm so glad I could drop Herbology. Have you girls dropped some of the lessons?'' The blonde asked to the two girls. Evelyn couldn't understand how people could follow all those classes, she was glad to have dropped some of the classes she didn't liked. When Noemie asked her if she could speak Danish pretty good, the blonde smiled at the girl and nodded. '' I can speak pretty good Danish indeed. But not as good as my parents.'' Evelyn her parents were both born in Denmark and so at home they spoke it a lot but not always. The blonde listend to Noemie as she spoke further Spanish and French both seemed pretty cool. It must be hard to learn three languages and perhaps that was why Noemie seemed so clever. In lessons the girl seemed to work very hard for good grades too and Evelyn admired that. She didn't knew yet Noemie had a brother and she was curious about him but it seemed he wasn't at Hogwarts yet. Evelyn came a bit closer to Noemie as she wanted to show something in the magazine and the dress she would wear at the Yule Ball. Evelyn took a moment to take a close look at Noemie and than thought of the colour red. '' The red one would be amazing with you! And what annoying I would be so mad!'' THe blonde thought at Desislav who thought it was funny to threw a bucket full of paint at her. Since than she hated the boy, the fact that she could clean it wasn't so easily forgiven. The fact he dared to do this and actually think it is funny bothered her. People couldn't just threw dirty stuff at her. Than Evelyn looked at Noemie again. '' Omg, why would you say such a stupid thing! I am sure enough boys would want to ask you. Are there some boys you like?'' Evelyn asked friendly to Noemie.

As Evelyn waited for Amber to answer she heard her saying something about a sister. Evelyn thought about it and she thought she heard Amber saying it one time before. But she sounded less fun than Amber, but still Evelyn was curious at the sister of her friend. Also the blonde was curious at her friends dress. Evelyn didn't become mad at the girls for saying nobody would ask them but she wanted to give them more confidence. '' Well, at first it is so old fashioned that boys should ask girls, so if you guys like somebody just ask! I'm sure people would want to join both of you. I mean nobody would ask Zenia for example, but you guys ofcourse! And If I can help with anything I will do it with love.'' The blonde would think of herself as a love maker if she would help the girls at a date. There were so many boys and not much people where dating already so everthing was possible right? '' Well, I will go with Noah Kingsley from Slytherin. I've told Amber before but I think I like him, more than just a friend.'' While the blonde told this she was wondering if Noah felt the same way, she didn't spoke with him yet about it but was sure gonna do that pretty soon.
Noemie hadn't dropped any classes yet, just limited the amount she'd picked up, so she shook her head at the question, she hadn't dropped anything, nor did she really intend to, "I want to get OWLs in all the core classes," the teen told them with a shy smile. The girl didn't want them to think that all Noemie did was work for classes, or that she was too studious, though she liked both girls they were still new friends and she didn't want to ruin it. The mention of Amber having a sister, made Noemie think trying to remember if she'd perhaps seen or spoken to the girl given that they were both in the same house, but from her memory she didn't know. Noemie didn't spend much time with younger students so it was unlikely that she would know her, but as she thought harder, "She wouldn't happen to be on the Hogwarts Monthly team?" Noemie asked Amber, she was sure that there was a ravenclaw girl, with the surname Wilson on the Hogwarts Monthly team, but she couldn't say for certain.

As the conversation moved on to the yuleball, Noemie found as she flicked through the magazine in front of her not really looking at it, that she liked talking about it. Though Noemie was sure that the boy had done it on purpose she didn't bother bringing it up, incase either of them knew who it was and disagreed. The part-veela was curious about who the girl's would be taking, it seemed that Amber wasn't going with anyone like she wasn't, though Evelyn made a good point, they didn't have to be invited. Perhaps it was more that while others in the year had begun liking and crushing on others, Noemie hadn't really yet gotten to that point, she thought some of the boys were cute but she hadn't had any crushes yet. So, to the question she shook her head, "Not any yet," Noemie told her. She looked at Amber and smiled a little, "If neither of us have dates by the ball, we could go together as friends?" she offered to Amber, just so that she wouldn't be alone at the ball again, and because Amber was a sweet person she'd be happy to spend the evening with. Noemie didn't know Noah Kingsley, but the name was fairly familiar, "Is he not the head of Gryffindor's son?" Noemie asked, she couldn't imagine dating someone who had a direct line to one of the professors in the school.
Amber was enjoying herself talking to her friends, though she definitely felt a little insecure next to them both. She answered Evelyn's question about dropping classes. "I haven't dropped any." She told the other girl. "I've chosen Ancient Runes this first semester, I'm not sure about the next yet. I don't know what I should drop if anything because I worry it might be important later on." She wondered if she was the only one with this worry, it sort of seemed like she was. Evelyn seemed confident in her decision to drop Herbology, at least.

Listening to Evelyn talk about the yule ball made Amber smile. She made it sound so easy. She didn't want to ask someone, though, that was too scary. Noemie offering to go with her as friends made her heart flutter wildly and she blushed. "Oh! Maybe we can!" She felt oddly nervous at the thought. "But maybe a boy will ask you first. Or me." The last part was an afterthought. She enjoyed the conversation about dates and balls, feeling like it was a bit more mature than her usual conversations with her friends.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry this is so late :erm:

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