Open Welcome Back Rugby Game: Part Two!

Daintree Vaskevold

loves attention; hates muggles deceptive; layabout
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2036 (25)
Daintree had organised a rugby match at the beginning of the last term, and after seeing Noel organise something - albeit only for fourth years and some random third year girl, he knew he couldn’t let that slide. So, he’d gone out of his way to get a new rugby ball and then had posted about it around the school - rugby game all welcome, all skill and knowledge levels - he didn’t want to exclude anyone, that would certainly not look particularly good for him if he did. But others would come, it would be a way to just let loose at the beginning of the semester. Much like the time before he had two coloured shirts this time they were white and grey - they only two colours where he’d been able to get more than enough of them. He was just ready to get started.

Open to anyone who wants to have a little game of rugby, regardless of year/talent.
Indicate in your post which team you are joining and once we have a few we can get started:
Grey shirt team

White shirt team
He had seen the post about a rugby game someone was organizing and Flynn was not the sort of boy to miss out on rolling around in the grass and getting the chance to full-on tackle people to the ground. While he would never say that rugby was as good or as interesting as Quidditch could be, the boy was never against a little bit of fun. So, at the allotted time of this game, Flynn wandered out onto the great lawn to look for the boy who was supposedly organizing this whole thing. And it wasn't hard to spot him with a rugby ball and a bunch of white and grey shirts. "You the guy organizing the rugby game?" He questioned as he wandered over with a grin, hands shoved in his pockets, "I'm Flynn and I wanna play."

Grey shirt team

White shirt team
Lois walked out onto the lawn after hearing about a rugby game that was open to all students. She was all in, since she always enjoyed the chance to get exercise. She wasn't used to playing rugby but had gone over the rules a few times and seen a couple of games and felt like she could be good at playing it if she tried. She was honestly just glad it was another sport being played besides Quidditch and that it would be played on the ground so the first years weren't left at a disadvantage. "Hey! I'm Lois and I guess I'll join the white shirts" Lois said confidently as she stood next to another boy she remembered from the sorting since he too had been put in Gryffindor.

Grey shirt team

White shirt team
Emmy heard about a rugby game happening, and there was no way she was going to miss it. She had bought two different colored shirts just in case, but it was an easy decision once she got there. There weren't that many people there yet and Emmy was hoping more would join, it would be a lot more fun with a full team, but she supposed not all magical kids knew what rugby was. Getting into the competitive spirit, Emmy threw her white shirt on the ground and put her grey one on on top of her other top. "Go team grey!" She shouted, running over to the boy before introducing herself.

Grey shirt team

White shirt team
As Eric saw that Daintree was organizing another rugby game, he knew he had to be part of it despite disliking the boy. He sighed as he saw the amount of younger students hanging around, a little frustrated with it. But he grabbed a white shirt, giving Daintree a smirk. "Are we team leaders again?" He asked him, putting on the white shirt. "Or are you afraid my team will beat yours?" So far, the white team just consisted of two firsties, which wasn't very impressive, but Eric still knew he could win this.

@Daintree Vaskevold

Grey shirt team

White shirt team
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Daintree was pleased that people started arriving, and they were seemingly naturally splitting into teams, with two in each until Eric showed up. He of course grabbed a shirt of the opposing team and declared that he would be the team leader it was phrased like a question but Dain doubted it was. But he wasn't that bothered by that fact, he wouldn't have wanted the other team to be made up of only first years. "Yeah, Eric's captain of the white shirts, only because he's older," Daintree looked at the other two students who'd grabbed white shirts he was ignoring the little taunt, it was pointless, "We'll wait for a few more to turn up and then we'll get started,"
Lysander had enjoyed the last rugby game and didn't want to pass up an opportunity to play another. There was a novelty to the muggle sports, they were a fun change from all of the Quidditch he was used to playing. Sander rocked up and threw on a grey shirt to join Daintree, mostly since there were less greys, but also in part because being on Eric's team just didn't sound like a good idea. "Ready to win?" He asked his team leader with a confident grin.​
Grey Shirt Team

White Shirt Team
Terrell was keen to join in with a game of rugby, he had gone to a Muggle school and knew how to play. He ran over to the gathering teams "Hey guys, can I play?" He asked eagerly. "I normally play defence but I'll take whatever!" The sides were even so he took the grey shirt team.

Grey Shirt Team

White Shirt Team
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Daintree smiled as a few more students turned up, but frustratingly that meant the teams were uneven. He got the feeling that Eric would have a problem if his team was less big than his, they could get another player then they would be able to get started, "Alright, I have the ball, but for the sake of fairness, Eric's team can start," He said, "We'll wait till hopefully one more person arrives and then we can get started," Daintree said to them. He really hoped they could get started soon.
More and more students showed up, but now that just meant that the team he was currently on had fewer players. And Flynn refused to start if the teams were uneven, that just wasn't fair in the slightest. "What do we do if no one else shows up?" He did have to wonder, turning his eyes to one of the other white shirt members. "We can't play if one team has more players than the other," not in a game where that could give you an incredibly unfair advantage.
Terrell's heart sank, him joining had squewed the numbers and now no one could play. Terrell took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry guys, I'll ref instead."

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